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With the development of microprocessor and intranet technology,computers play a more and more important role in many aspects of industry process. At the same time ,the development of more large hydro projects makes it urgent to be equipped with more advanced and reliable control system to drive more complicated automatic facilities. Thus the modern Supervisory Control System of hydro plant generates.
    This paper firstly deals with the general automation development of hydro plants. In our country, then analyses the technology of automation as well as the chance & challenge of the automation of hydro plant.
    Secondly, It analyses various formats of SCS.There are three kinds of SCS from the view of how computer functions: CASC(Computer Assisted Supervisory Control ),CBSC(Computer Based Supervisorr Control )and CCSC(Computer Conventional Supervisory Control);there are four kinds from control method xoncentrative control system,function-scattered control system, equipment-distributed control system and completely open and distributed control system.. At the same time, the article discusses the suitable control methods combining the control method with practical process.
    Thirdly the article introduces situation of LongDong hydro plant and its program
    design, then introduces the most featured hardware--Programmable Logic
    Controller(PLC),which satisfied the users with its high reliability and flexibility.
    Turbine LCU is the base of core of SCS. The paper discusses the function and structure of the turbine LCU in Long Dong hydro plant, main equipments and instructions, idea of software design, frequency measuring technique, mutitranferring technique, data collecting & processing technique, anti-intererring technique and so on.
    Lastiy the article introduces the basic demands of the connections between machine and man. Usually ,we apply software in the design of platform between machine and operator, the article introduces the functions of the computer control software, taking the
    general industry process control software--KingView6.0 for example, then introduces
    the application of Computer Supervisory Control System in LongDong hydro plant.
    This paper presents entirely to combine the theory with application.
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