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     (2)采用SCLT(sustained-content language teaching)模式促进双语教学与大学英语教学的结合,以提高学生对本专业语言的熟悉程度,提高学生双语课堂知识的吸收效果:
This thesis applied theories of bilingual education and second language acquisition to conduct an empirical study on bilingual teaching in Hunan University.
     It aims at studying the status quo of bilingual teaching in university, and it aims at studying the effects of bilingual teaching in university physics course on the students' performances in their English proficiency and subject content knowledge as well.
     This thesis employed questionnaire, classroom observation and interviews to investigate the status quo of bilingual teaching in Hunan University, and it also employed the Independent Sample T-test and Paired Sample T-test to analysis the data to study the effects of bilingual teaching on the students' performances in their English proficiency and subject content knowledge. According to the data analysis, we found that the teacher and most of the students accepted bilingual teaching, and they thought it was necessary to conduct bilingual teaching; Bilingual teaching improved students' English proficiency, especially their listening and reading comprehension; Bilingual teaching did not impede the students' performances in their subject content knowledge. There was no significant difference between the bilingual class and non-bilingual class in students' subject knowledge; there were some problems in the bilingual teaching program, such as lacking of interaction in bilingual class, lacking of enough qualified bilingual teachers, lacking of suitable textbooks.
     Based on the above conclusion, this study aims at bringing some thoughts and constructive suggestions from the aspect of English learning and teaching for bilingual teaching in universities:
     (1)To create a meaningful interaction with the cooperation of the teachers and the students and to create favorable environments for students to practice their English effectively and to improve their communicative competence then enhance the interaction in bilingual class;
     (2)To adopt SCLT to sever as a bridge over the gap between general English learning and bilingual teaching.
     (3)To design teacher training programs to promote teachers' command of content-oriented language;
     (4)To select suitable textbooks.
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