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Vocabulary is a fundamental component in a language,even its essence.As Wilkins said "without grammar very little can be conveyed,without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed." Therefore,vocabulary knowledge should be the top priority when it comes to learning a foreign language.
     When referring to the study of a second language,it is quite common that we use learning and acquisition interchangeably.According to the definition,these two words can be distinguished from the perspective of learners' intention.However,strictly speaking,only the process of learning first language can be defined as acquisition,for there are no barriers of culture and emotion.So in this thesis,acquisition and learning will be used interchangeably.
     Linguists classify vocabulary acquisition into various approaches,such as incidental vocabulary acquisition and intentional vocabulary learning.The distinction between these two terms is the involvement of consciousness.Though there are disadvantages and disadvantages in each of them,they still greatly influence the effectiveness of learning a second language.Vocabulary acquisition does not happen automatically,based on my own understanding and experience,I generalize three strategies in my thesis.Besides the application of acquisition strategies,learners' individual differences also affect the learning result.
     As far as we know,teaching and learning are two parts that complement each other in the process of learning a second language.Learning is a process that needs the full dedication of one's own energy.Besides that,the teacher's assistance also significantly affects students' learning result.With a more scientific and effective method,students would definitely have a better achievement.
     Therefore in this thesis,I introduce vocabulary acquisition theory in the analysis of learning a second language.It also has been used to investigate what are the most useful and effective ways in vocabulary teaching and learning.
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