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     依据外语阅读教学理论的相关文献,作者进行了一个高中英语整体认知阅读教学的实验。这种阅读教学按照整体设计原则、因材施教原则、创造性原则等基本原则来进行的,强调的是整体、语篇、内容和意义,要求以教师为主导,以学生为主体,课堂教学重视文本内容,而不只是语言形式。按照这种阅读教学,我们以培养学生运用语言的技能、提高学生的阅读速度、阅读理解正确率以及提高学生的英语文化素养为终极目标。笔者在另一外语老师的配合下利用六个月的时间做了一个实验:在两个班分别使用不同的阅读教学方法,一个是传统的教学方法,另一个是新的整体认知阅读教学模式。实验包括前期准备和调查阶段,前测和后测,数据统计和分析。通过使用Micro SoftExcel 2003 for Windows数据统计软件进行统计的实验结果表明:高中英语整体认知阅读教学提高了学生的阅读能力。
Reading teaching has always been an important component of English as a foreign language teaching (EFL). Although English reading course has always been greatly emphasized in middle schools, and both teachers and students have made great efforts, the result is not satisfactory owing to many factors. And the teaching approach is a very important factor. The traditional EFL reading teaching seems to mainly concern sentences, for traditional reading teaching is often regarded as a course for teaching pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. As a result, teachers only concentrate on explaining new words, language points and sentence structures, while students try to memorize them mechanically. The traditional method teaches students language knowledge in an isolated situation, ignoring the need of developing students' skills in understanding the whole text, enriching their knowledge and cultivating their ability to solve problems. This "high input, low output" phenomenon has caused a lot of problems. Recognizing weakness of traditional reading teaching method, the author, from the angle of discourse and cognitive theory, tries to proves the necessity and feasibility of holistic & cognitive reading teaching (HCRT)by experimenting. In this essay, the author first reports the procedures and then the findings of the experiment.
     Based on some literature about teaching reading to EFL students, the author combines theory with practice in an experiment by holistic & cognitive reading teaching, which is carried out on such principles as holistic designing, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and developing students' creativity. This teaching method stresses integrity, discourse, content, and overall meaning. The fundamental features of it are that teaching is based on learner-centered instruction and teachers play a leading role in the classroom. With this reading teaching, it is not the form of the language but the content of texts that is emphasized. It attaches great importance to the cultivation of communicative competence, both oral and written expressiveness, with the purpose to help students raise reading speed, improve reading competence and acquire background knowledge of English-speaking countries. With the help of another English teacher, an experiment is done in her and my classes by using two different teaching methods in about six months, one is traditional, the other is new, that is, holistic & cognitive reading teaching. This experiment starts with an investigation and some preparation, then holds a pre-test, and a post-test six months later, finally the author does the data collection and data analyses through Micro Soft Excel 2003 for Windows. The result of this experiment shows that holistic & cognitive reading teaching can improve students' reading competence.
     Besides the introduction and the conclusion, this essay consists of four chapters. In the introduction, the background of this study; its theoretical framework; the statement of the problems in English reading teaching; definitions of terms; the research questions; methodology ,the significance of the study are introduced, and the structure of this essay. Chapter 1 contains a review of the related literature and research about English reading teaching in middle schools, including traditional teaching models on reading comprehension; discourse theory; cognitively based views; schemata theory on reading; and students and teachers' effect in developing reading comprehension. Chapter 2 is an introduction to English reading teaching models and reading teaching at home and abroad; Chapter 3 is about the holistic & cognitive reading teaching model, including the nature of holistic & cognitive reading teaching, the principles of it, and the procedures. Chapter 4 presents the methods and procedures of the experiment, such as the instruments, sampling, data collection and data analyses, even samples of the teaching model in the experimental class and in the controlled class. The conclusion is a summary and the implication of the study.
     Findings of this study demonstrate that 1) the holistic & cognitive reading teaching is effective in English reading teaching in senior middle schools 2)this reading teaching can help teachers to improve students' reading competence
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