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In this research, the polymorphisms of cattle Interleukin-8 receptorβ(IL-8Rβ,orCXCR.2) gene and the relationship between the polymorphisms of cattle CXCR2 gene and cattle mastitis in 160 tattles including Chinese Holstain cattle, Chinese simmental cattle and Tongjiang huangniu were detected by PCR-SSCP test with six different pairs of primers. Based on the detection of polymophisms, the effects of different genotypes on milk qulitaty were analyzed.
     There were 3 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism(SNP) loeis, SNP+684, SNP+777, SNP+861. There were three alleles in SNP+684 and SNP+777: A, B, and C. The allele A was the dominant allele in different breeds, its frequency was significantly higher than that of B and C. And the different genotype composed by the three alleles were significantly different; The quality of milk of genotype AA and AB were great significantly or significantly better than that of another genotype.
     In SNP+861, there were two alleles: E and F. The allele E was the dominantallele in different breeds, its frequency was significantly higher than that of F, while the different genotype composed by the three alleles have no significantly difference.
     The results by GLM (least square means) analysis and significant test showed that the cattle milk traits of AA genotype and AB genotype were significant prior to those of other genotypes(P<0.05). The eattle milk traits of the BC genotype and CC genotype were significant inferior to those of other genotypes(P<0.05), the cattle milk traits of EE genotype was significant prior to that of FF genotype(P<0.05). While the content of milk total proteid had no significant difference between any genotype(P>0.05).
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