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     第一章 关于媒介的几个基本概念。主要就“媒介”、“艺术媒介”和“媒介与后现代艺术”三个问题进行了阐释。作为媒介定义的第一个层次是传播信息的工具包括纸张、光、电、声波等等众多符号载体;同时由于大众传播的迅猛发展,促成了传播机构的产生,传播机构就成为媒介定义的第二个层次:媒介定义的第三层面是从形而上入手进行的阐释,媒介是使事物之间形成关系的介质,并成为形成人类关系以及决定关系方式的重要因素。现代意义的艺术媒介主要包含三个层面的意义,首先是艺术作品的物质材料,其次是作品的组织与表现形式,第三层是艺术品传播。“媒介与后现代艺术”这一部分中主要介绍了后现代艺术的时间及逻辑划分,并初步分析了后现代艺术媒介性存在的原因。
     第二章 媒介与后现代艺术作品体制。如果要探讨后现代艺术的媒介性存在,即通过媒介实现的反艺术存在方式,就必须首先探讨艺术性的存在。艺术作品的存在涉及到两个问题:一是艺术作品的存在方式,一是存在体制。艺术作品的存在方式作为一种形而上的关系形式,现实的连接着物理性的艺术作品与观念性的艺术作品存在,这种关系就是我们对艺术作品存在进行理解的媒介。由于内容与
Media studying is not only a basic question of Aesthetics, but also an important view of post-modern society. This thesis mainly discusses a further understanding through media studying. Because media is a common phenomenon in the different period of art process, this thesis focuses on the special character of media in post-modern. At the same time, with the shock effect, media not only becomes self-named but also technology construction of post-modern art、 with broadcasting、 consuming and network ,post-modern art becomes medial existence.This article is divided into seven divisions.The first part is preface, which introduces the meaning、 aim that why choose this topic. Western society entered post-modern period after middle of 20*, media studying became a basic question when we talking about post-modern society. At the same time, with the development of mass-broadcasting, art shows some post-modern character in our country. So how to understand the condition of our art development becomes an important question. Thus media studying is very useful to research and to art practice. Our media studying has two characters: one is specialization, the other is cultural criticized of media studying.The first chapter mainly discusses three questions: "media" 、 "art media" and"post-modern art media". The first meaning of media's concept is the instrumental character , at that point, media includes paper、 light、 electricity、 sound, and so on, which carries kinds of information. At the same time, with the rapid development of mass media, broadcasting institutions appear, these institutions are second part of media's concept. The third part is an abstract part, media means "between" things and put them together, at that point, it decides the relationship of human being and the form of it. Modern meaning of art media includes three parts: the material of art、 the organized、 display form and the broadcasting of artwork. The "post-modern art media" part introduces time、 logical division and expands why post-modern art exists in media.The second chapter analyzes media and post-modern art system. If we want to prove post-modern art exists in media, that means through media post-modern art becomes anti-existence, we should talk about artistic existence first. Artistic existence includes two parts: the form of artistic existence and the system. As a psychical concept
    connects physical art existence with ideal form, media becomes the way through which we could understand artistic existence. We have four forms of artistic existence: content and forms form and structure, acceptance and explanation phenomenon and excess. From content and form, together with media's subjection, system is defined as that artwork is created by author and it is special; from form and structure, with the form in media, artwork is a finished and organic structure; from media's acceptance and explanation, artwork is mutual acting with reader and a historic existence; from phenomenon and excess shows the artistic system. These artistic form and system show themselves through media-meaning, that means media is not only the material of artwork, but also an artistic idea system, through which artistic system is realized. In post-modern artwork, with the disjoint between media and meaning, the system indication is hampered, thus through the negation towards old artistic system, media becomes the core of post-modern art system. Although post-modern art has no obvious system, the conclusion of negation put media as the core of concept.The third chapter expounds post-modern art's author and reader, mainly discusses their status. Media brings much change not only the art system, but also the statuses of author and reader. Although modem art system builds on the strict definition of author and reader, as a kind of status, they have something common in nature. Because of the difference between write and read, author and reader become two different statuses, at the same time the common shows the same theory of knowledge system they build on and owes the same subjective status. As the write subject, author becomes subject; as the read subject, reader becomes subject, and they owe the same subjective status system: thinks senses aim; self-controls controls subject; entirety> center, intelligentsia. Post-modern art tries to deny concept of author and reader, but it just disintegrates their modem status system, that means their subject status is disintegrated. Author / reader has not been the contrast logical concept, but been non-contrasts non-generate status, parallelings exchangeable division, they are non-subjects non-objects non-definition; anti-entiretys anti-center s anti- intelligentsia; not self> not individuals not sharing. The convince and accept process become not convinces not creates not display and not feels not accept and not understand process in post-modem art.The forth chapter discusses media and post-modem art world. Through media, world shows itself to us and we could know world. The media between us has three orders: ideas operation and art, these three orders connect with three parts of media: idea connects
    with the ideal part of media; operation connects with the instrumental part and art connects with media itself. With the different definition by media, we have different knowledge about world. Through the instrumental part of media, two concepts: natural and cultural are defined; through the ideal part of media, other two concepts: true and false are defined. Art world includes three orders: the material that carries artwork > the process that artwork comes into being and the ideal part. What makes art to be special is media. If we take media as a strategy to fight against old system, and bring us so many shock artworks, media is also a core concept of post-modem world. Media is an widely used technology form, builds up the social background of post-modem art, and participate in post-modern art construction actively, exists as mass^ consume > broadcasting and commodity, does it work through sight-systerru consume landscape and virtual world.Appendix one mainly describes post-modern art in china. As a western concept, post-modern art came into being at middle of 1980', and expanded rapidly in twenty years after 1990'. The academic circles have two different points towards post-modem art : some of them think china has post-modern art, others deny it. In all kinds of discussion, both of them acknowledge the sameness between china and western post-modem art, at the same time, they argue about the difference between them. Because post-modem art is generated from western culture, what confuse us is how to name those phenomenon with some character in common, based on western culture or eastern. Although the debate between two ideas would never stop, all of us could not deny the great changes that post-modem art bring to our national culture. As a theory, post-modem art begins an unreplaced view, puts the vanguard spirit to the supreme, it shows human being's courage to suspect and create, and becomes an example of self-reflection deeply puts us to the extremity, that self-display becomes the only nature. Appendix two are some pictures mentioned in this thesis.
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