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Discourse markers have been one of the research interests in pragmatics in recent years. Domestic studies on discourse markers mainly focused on ontological studies and teaching studies. The former elaborated the coherence function of discourse markers, or laid emphasis on features of certain subcategory of discourse markers, or described the pragmatic functions and the grammaticalization process of one discourse marker without considering the overall perceptions of them. Teaching studies mainly focused on the contrast of the acquisition of discourse markers between Chinese students who learn English and English native speakers, or testified the effect on the improvement of language skills by learning discourse markers, regarding the acquisition of discourse markers as a way to enrich language expression. These studies didn't explain why the acquisition of discourse makers can promote the development of language skills. The importance of learning discourse markers by foreign students hasn't been realized in the field of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, and relative studies are still at an early stage.
     This dissertation studied discourse markers in developing the meta-discourse competence of foreign students in China, trying to cater ontological studies for practice. We firstly contended that the interactive capability of metacognition was exactly meta-discourse competence, based on the interaction of metacognition in communication between the speaker and the listener. We held the view that interaction of meatcognition was the cognitive mechanism of metadiscourse, and metadiscourse can turn into discourse markers through grammaticalization. Then the study defined the scope, definition, features of discourse markers based on the ideas that discourse markers are metadisourse with procedural functions and discourse markers are aregrammaticalized metadiscourse. We distinguished other similar terms and discourse markers, and divided discourse markers into explicit and tacit ones according to the degree of their grammaticalization. The dissertation also studied the differences between discourse markers in numbers, directions, semantic orientations of their scope, explored the relationship between discourse markers, turn-takings and topics, and tried to find out different degree of compactness between discourse markers and the sentences in which their scopes existed. We demonstrated how a listener helped himself understanding the discourse with discourse markers by finding out the scopes and analyzing the semantic relationship between scopes with the example of "hua shuo hui lai". At last, the dissertation gave some suggestions on teaching discourse markers in future based on the inspection of current teaching situation of discourse markers.
     The major achievements of our research include:
     1. Answering the question How Are Discourse Markers Produced from the perspective of cognitive psychology. We hold the point that the speakers' metacogintion will organize, monitor and adjust his discourse in communication and the interaction of metacognition happens when the speaker wants the listener to know the result of his metacogniton's activities. Metadiscourses with procedural functions are one of the linguistic performances of metacognition activities, they can become discourse markers through grammaticalization.
     2. Re-defining the scope, definition and features of discourse markers based on the view that discourse markers are grammaticalized metadiscourse with procedural functions. Dividing discourse markers into two categories:explicit and tacit ones by the degree of their grammaticalization. The classification is useful for teaching and learning.
     3. Studying discourse markers from multiple dimensions through their scopes. The procedural function of discourse markers is realized by finding out the scopes and analyzing their relationships. Studying discourse markers through their scopes can help the listeners to generalize discourse markers'discourse structures and pragmatic functions, so that they can understand discourse with discourse markers.
     4. Suggesting putting emphasis on teaching tacit discourse markers by implicit-approach in class, and designing teaching procedure for it in order to improve students' acquisition of discourse markers out of classroom.
     The dissertation consists of six chapters.
     Chapter one comes straight to the point that we consider the using and understanding of discourse markers are the manifestation of meta-discourse competence, and it is very important to train foreign students'meat-discourse competence at the middle and senior stages. Based on the summary of studies on discourse markers home and abroad, we pointed out the shortage of internal studies and research directions in the future. The research focus, the methodology and the source of corpus are introduced as well.
     Chapter two switches from cognition to metacognition and to meta-discourse competence and believes that meta-discourse competence can be performed by using and understanding metadiscourse or discourse markers, contending that interactive capability of metacognition is exactly meta-discourse competence. We studied how metadiscourse reflects metacognition and how metadiscourses turn into discourse markers. This chapter answered the question How Discourse Markers Are Produced?
     Chapter three defines the scope, definiton and features of discourse marker from their essential attribute and distinguishes the term "discourse markers" from other similar terms. We divide discourse markers into explicit and tacit ones according to their degree of grammaticalization. This chapter answered the question What Are Discourse Markers and How to Judge a Discourse Marker.
     Chapter four analyzes the number and directions of discourse markers' scopes, the semantic orientations of scopes, the relationship between scopes, turn-takings and topics, and the different compactness between discourse markers and sentences in which their scopes exists. We also illustrate how a listener use discourse markers to help himself understanding discourse by finding out scopes and analyzing their relationships. This chapter answered the question How Discourse Markers' Procedural Functions Work.
     Chapter five combines ontological studies with the teaching practice in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. We inspect the present situation of discourse markers in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language first, then suggest training foreign students'ability of using the procedural functions of discourse markers especially in listening classes and applying implicit-approach to teaching tacit discourse markers.
     Chapter six summarizes the major achievements of our research, reveals the innovations and limitations of the dissertation, and sheds light on the orientation for further studies.
1 本文中凡是话语标记都加粗并加下划线标示,凡是元话语都加下划线标示。
    ① 本文关于国外话语标记研究成果的分类框架受到了李慧敏(2012b)《国外话语标记研究及其对汉语研究的启示》一文的启示。
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    1 张奕、乔琳.话语标记语研究现状与展望[J].深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版),2010年,第1期,126-131.
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    ② 关于“明示型话语标记”和“默会型话语标记”,详见第三章。
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    ① 董奇.论元认知[J].北京师范大学学报,1989年,第1期,68-74.
    ① 我们所说的“元话语能力”是“元//话语能力”而不是“元话语//能力”。
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    ① 李佐文.元话语:元认知的言语体现[J].外语研究,2003年,第1期,27-30+26.
    ② 此例来自庞继贤,陈明瑶.电视访谈中介入标记语的人际功能[J].浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2006年,第6期,168-175.
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    ① 此例来自杨斌.话题链语篇构建机制的多角度研究[博士学位论文].上海:复旦大学,2009:第79页.
    5 Hyland和Tse(2004)指出,对元话语的理解有狭义和广义之分。狭义的观点强调元话语对篇章的组成功能;广义的观点认为,元话语不但是组织话语的方法,而且体现了作者在篇章中所表现出来的运用语言和修辞的方法。本文采用的是对元话语广义的理解。
    ① 席建国.英汉语用标记语意义和功能认知研究[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社,2009:第24页.
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    ① 例(49)、(50)两例句自胡范铸.言语行为的合意性、合意原则与合意化[J].外语学刊,2009年,第4期,65-68.
    ② 马国彦.元话语标记与文本自互文——互文视角中的篇章结构[J].当代修辞学,2010年,第5期,21-31.
    ① 李心释、姜永琢.对话语标记的重新认识[J].汉语学习,2008年,第6期,21-29.
    ② 张奕、乔琳.话语标记语研究现状与展望[J].深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版),2010年,第1期,126-131.
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    ③ 冉永平.语用学与社会语言学之间的交叉研究——兼评《语用标记语和社会语言学变异》[J].外语教学与研究,2003年,第1期,74-77.
    ④ 吴福祥.汉语语法化研究的当前课题[J].语言科学,2005年,第2期,20-32.
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    ② 周家春.国外语用标记语研究概观[J].安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版),2010年,第2期,112-114.
    ③ 李勇忠.信息短路下的话语标记[J].外语学刊,2003年,第3期,21-25.
    ④ 殷树林.现代汉语话语标记研究[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,2012:第9页.
    ① 潘琪.中国英语学习者英语口语语用标记语使用特征研究——基于SECOPETS语料库的实证研究[J].外语与外语教学,2011年,第3期,35-39.
    ② 周树江、王洪强.论话语标记语的语法化机制[J].外语教学,2012年,第5期,41-44+48.
    ① 到2014年3月,在中国知网数据库中检索到的以“话语标记”为题的期刊论文有588篇,而以“语用标记”为题的论文只有59篇。虽然对“话语标记”的理解可有广义和狭义两种,但这个检索结果还是从一定程度上证明了殷树林先生的判断。
    ① 此例来自王正元.话语标记语意义的语用分析[J].外语学刊,2006年,第2期,38-44.
    ② 搜索得到包含“,我看。”的句子两个,但其中一个缺乏上下文语境,无法判断是否为话语标记。
    ① 孟晓亮、侯敏.话语标记的语体特征研究及应用[J].中文信息报,2009年,第4期,34-39.
    ② 李心释、姜永琢.对话语标记的重新认识[J].汉语学习,2008年,第6期,21-29.
    ① 杨一飞.语篇中的连接手段[博士学位论文].上海:复旦大学,2011:第83页.
    ① 关于话语标记是如何发挥其程序功能的,详见第四章。
    ① 此例来自黄伯荣、廖旭东.现代汉语下册(第三版)[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2002:第103页.
    ② 此例来自邱闯仙.现代汉语插入语研究[博士学位论文].天津:南开大学,2010:第10页.
    ① 此例来自邱闯仙.现代汉语插入语研究[博士学位论文].天津:南开大学,2010:第10页.
    ② 邱闯仙.现代汉语插入语研究[博士学位论文].天津:南开大学,2010:第12页.
    ① 杨斌.话题链语篇构建机制的多角度研究[博士学位论文].上海:复旦大学,2009:第22页。
    ② 同上.
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    ① 以上研究的具体分类结果,请见附录三。
    ② 席建国.英汉对比标记语意义研究[J].西安外国语学院学报,2006年,第4期,112-115.
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    ① jucker, Andreas H.& Ziv Yael. "Discourse Markers:Introduction". In Eds. Jucker, Andreas H.& Ziv Yael. Discourse Markers:Descriptions and Theory. Amsterdam & Philadelphia:John Benjamins,1998:1-12.
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    ② 所举例子的释义来自在线新华字典。
    ① 廖秋忠.篇章中的管界问题[A].廖秋忠《廖秋忠文集》[c].北京:北京语言学院出版社,1992:第92页.
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    ① 在本文中,话语标记以加粗加下划线的方式表示,其辖域用中括号[]标示。
    ① 此例来自李先菊.北京话话语标记“是不是”/“是吧”探析[J].语言教学与研究,2009年,第2期,83-89.
    ① 刘大为.自然语言中的链接结构及其修辞动因[A].复旦大学中文系等.首届望道修辞论坛论文集[c].上海:复旦大学出版社,2008:11-23.
    ① 方便起见,我们挑选三个辖域的话语标记作为双向多个辖域话语标记的代表。
    ① 此二例来自宗守云.话语标记“我是说”的语篇功能及其演变过程[J].语言研究集刊,2012年,第00期,132-142.
    ① 此例来自于宝娟.论话语标记语“这不”、“可不”[J].修辞学习,2009年,第4期,17-24.
    ① 姚双云、姚小鹏.自然口语中“就是”话语标记功能的浮现[J].世界汉语教学,2012年,第1期,77-84.
    ① 此例来自殷树林.现代汉语话语标记研究[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,2012:第235页.
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    ① 此例来自杨凤菊.汉语话轮转换中的人称代词类话语标记分析[硕士学位论文].长春:东北师范大学,2010,第13页。
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    ① 董秀芳.词汇化与话语标记的形成[J].世界汉语教学,2007年,第1期,50-61.
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    ② 盛继艳.也谈话语标记“你说”[J].汉语学习,2013年,第3期,31-36.
    ② 例(77)和(78)来自董秀芳.汉语书面语中的话语标记“只见”[J].南开语言学刊,2007年,第2期,
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    ② 问卷详细内容请见附录四。
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