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     1) 根据地形特征选定张家港西南片区域作为研究对象,建立以新安江蓄满产流模型为核心的太湖流域产流模型,计算研究区域每种土地利用的径流系数及张家港1998~2002年年平均径流系数,为PLOAD模型、SWAT模型非点源产污计算打下基础。
     2) 将太湖产流模型与美国EPA开发、基于GIS系统的PLOAD模型结合使用,推算PLOAD模型输入值P_J,根据DEM和数字河网将研究区域划分子流域,计算研究区域1998~2002年非点源年负荷,以2002为例,列出每个子流域COD_(Cr)、氨氮、总氮、总磷的非点源负荷,分析COD_(Cr)、总氮、总磷等非点源负荷的空间分布特征,并将2002年研究区域企业排放的点源(COD_(Cr)、氨氮)与非点源叠加进行分析。
     3) 采用美国农业部研制的大型非点源污染负荷模型SWAT进行非点源负荷计算研究。论述SWAT模型的产流、产污原理,详细论述氮、磷等污染物质的各种形态在地表径流、壤中流、地下水以及土壤侵蚀过程中的迁移转化机理和计算方程。根据不同的土地利用类型选取典型子流域,采用太湖模型计算的地表径流、地下径流率定SWAT模型中的参数,PLOAD模型计算的结果率定产污参数,在此基础上,讨论SWAT模型在研究区域应用的可行性,指出模型在流域非点源产流、产污计算中存在的优点、缺点及需改进的地方。
     4) 在流域非点源产污机理研究及模型计算的基础上,根据研究区域的特点,探讨流域非点源污染的治理措施,采用SWAT模型计算池塘和湿地对流域各种非点源污染物质的去除效率,并进行比较分析,在此基础上,提出合理的流域非点源控制措施和建议。
In recent years, with the developing of economic and the increasing of requirement to environmental quality in home, non point source pollution become more grave than before. Now, more and more environmental experts pay attention to it. Non point source drive from different area and its extension is wide. Now, it has been the main polluted source in watershed of Tai lake. Estimate its produce load is very difficult. In the article, based on the developed research of non point source at home and abroad, select three model: Taihu runoff model, SWAT model, and PLOAD model and apply them to Zhangjiagang area, then conclude the availability of this model .The details as follows:
    1) Select the sourthwestern region in Zhangjiagang county and apply Taihu runoff model to calculate runoff coefficient of every landuse type and runoff in from 1998 to 2002.
    2) According DEM partition the watershed into a number of subwatersheds or subbasins. Merging the Taihu model and referring the measure data in similar region, use the PLOAD model to statistic the annual pollutant load in Zhangjiagang watershed from 1998 to 2002. Compare the no point source and total pollutant in the region in 2002. The parameter PJ is deduced according to the runoff balance in the watershed.
    3) Introduce theory of the SWAT model. SWAT allows a number of different physical processes to be simulated in a watershed including climate; hydrologic response units or HRUs; ponds/wetlands; groundwater. Apply SWAT model to the watershed. The subbasin area is same to PLOAD model. And every subbasin is dominated by land uses or soils dissimilar enough in properties to impact hydrology. According to different land use select respective subbasins and simulate the surface runoff and non point source pollution. Use the calculating result by Taihu runoff model to calibrate runoff and ground water of SWAT model. Non point source pollution in rural and urban is calibrated by PLOAD result. Discuss SWAT model availability in plain watershed.
    4) Based on the foregoing study, select respective subbasin and use SWAT model calculate the decreasing non point pollutants by wetlands or ponds. Study the best management practices applied Zhangjiagang watershed.
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