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“Arbocel”were selected as main fiber sources in trail diet,multiparous sows were used to study on the effects of dietary fiber on prenatal behavior(after breeding 24d to before delivery 1w),digestive physiology and endocrine for pregnancy sows and reproductive performance for sows,Therefore, it’s theory reference to definitude the nutrition and physiology role and the effects of dietary fibre on reproductive performance in sows.
     The experiments were showed as follows:
     The first experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary fiber on prenatal behavior( after breeding 24d to before delivery 1w),digestive physiology and endocrine for pregnancy sows. 30 Large White multiparous sows were allotted randomly into three groups,each group had ten replicates. Control group was fed basal diet,in early pregnancy,experimental groups were fed with the basal diet supplemented with 2% and 4%“Arbocel”respectively .Crude fibre content was 4.14%、5.27% and 6.06%;in late pregnancy,experimental groups were fed with the basal diet supplemented with 1% and 3%“Arbocel”respectively .Crude fibre content was 2.62%、3.45% and 5.22%. Determination of indicators: serum indicators, fecal water content, pH, microbial flora, nutrient digestibility.
     The second experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary fibre on reproductive performance based on the first experiment, group numbers of sows were not different, each group had nine replicates.Diet composition and crude fibre content were same as late pregnancy. Determination of indicators: lactation feed intake, reproductive performance and milk-like indicators.
     The results were showed as follows:
     (1)Dietary fibre affected level of serum urea nitrogen,serum,triglycerides and total cholesterol in pregnancy sows. T-AOC(P<0.05),CAT activity(P<0.05)and PRL level(P< 0.05 ) were decreased in late pregnancy.(2)“Arbocel”were selected as main fiber sources,Crude fibre content was 5.27% in early pregnancy;crude fibre content was3.45% in late pregnancy,organics digestibility was increased and fecal moisture content was decreased in early pregnancy.Fecal scherichia pH and bacterium were increased(P<0.05),escherichia was decreased(P<0.05).(3)Dietary fibre decreased the abnormal behavior,positive correlation between the roles and dietary fibre content was found.There was no role in improving fecal score.(4)Crude fibre content was 5.27% in early pregnancy;crude fibre content was3.45% in late pregnancy,there were a tendency in improving feed intake,average litter size,average alive litter size and average weaned litter size,return to estrus rate was decreased. Lactose was increased(P<0.05).
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