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To make chear the law of syndrome and character of the syndrome of stagnancy of blood and stasis of blood of endometrorrhagia which is caused by lUD-wearing, 1210 cases with endometrorrhagia which is caused by lUD-wearing were investigated and analysed on Anhui and Hunan by epidemiology method and statistical method of system cluster analysis. The results showed:
    l.The chief symptoms of stagnancy of liver and blood are the smarting, distending pain in the gastric and hypochondriac regions , breast ,lumbosacra land and lower abdomen,a wiry and unsmooth pulse, morose mood ,grey-dull complexion.The chief symptoms of deficiency of Qi and stagnancy of blood are lassitude ,lack of strength,lack of strength to breathe and speak a weak pluse ,lightly red tongue with thin white coating,weakness of the low back amd knees,bright red or deep or gloomy and viscous menses in blood .The chief symptoms of deficiency of yin and stagnancy of blood are drynes in the mouth,bitter,viscous menses in blood like sputum and mixed with clots,gloomy blood like sauce mingle with mucus,a yellow tongue coating ,light red and thin discharge indicates blood deficiency or violet black,a thready and unsmooth pulse .The symptoms of head in blood and sputum are reddened,upset and thirsty,sticky coating on the tongue ,a smooth and rapid pulse,a suffocating feeling in the chest and abdomen ,
    fullness in the gastric region,nausea ,Obesity,a large amount of leucorrhea .The symptom of stagnancy of blood and stasis of blood is not transparent relating to the symptoms' concentration to the first Isoforms.
    2. Stagnancy of liver and blood , deficiency of Qi and stagnancy of blood , deficiency of yin and stagnancy of blood are cardinal syndromes of endometrorrhagia which is caused by IUD-wearing,and the main symptom is menostaxis and menorrhagia.
    3. Hematochrme and stagnancy of liver and blood .deficiency of Qi and stagnancy of blood , deficiency of yin and stagnancy of blood are closely related .The difference is significance ; Blood platelet is not correlated to the syndromes o
    4. The chief symptom of stagnancy of blood and stasis of blood is a dark red tongue with purplish spots or patches ,and the syndrome of stagnancy of blood and stasis of blood transfixes the disease as the committed role o The main reasons are stangnacy of Qi,deficiency of Qi , bleeding,cold,heat, the mechanism of onset of illness is the stasis because of blood stasis with constipation and blood of apomeridian .
    On the basis of the survey of epidemiology, 98-B, 98-C, 98-D ,which are series of complex prescription eliminating stasis to stop bleeding ,are set up to be directed against syndromes of stagnancy of liver and blood , deficiency of Qi and stagnancy of blood , deficiency of yin and stagnancy of blood.
    By means of the animal model of rabbit with IUD,the animal models influenced by the aforementioned series of complex prescription are investigated ,the results showed:
    1. Alteration of pathologic of the animal model of rabbit with IUD is consistent with character of cause of disease of stangnancy of blood ,which
    all manifestates the alteration of endometrium morpholo ,the biochemical marker and hemorrheologic abnormality.
    2. The mechanism of series of complex prescription eliminating stasis to stop bleeding is : Chinese medical science thinks that three prescription eliminating stasis to stop bleeding could preclud various kinds of pathologic factor actively ,assist the body to adaptate new physiological enviroment.Medical doctor thinks that the series of complex prescription eliminating stasis to stop bleeding could protect and repair the rabbit endometrium with IUD; adjust the biochemical marker of endometrium homogenate;affect the chief pathologic link of bleeding with IUD; improve the hemorheology.
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