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Periodontitis is the most common and ancient diseases of humanity. It is one of main reasons of adult's tooth loss. Chinese Name no periodontal disease, according to clinical manifestations, Chinese medicine can be attributed to the "teeth propaganda", "moving teeth" of the disease. According to statistics, people over the age of 40 extracted teeth due to a 75% because of periodontal disease caused by. Common symptoms of periodontal disease is the consciousness of red gums, swelling, pain, bleeding and loose teeth, etc..
     Modern medicine that periodontal disease is the main cause of poor oral stimulate local resistance and decreased body, causing Streptococcus organizations such as microbial infection caused by dental disease. Commonly used in the treatment of periodontal disease with antibiotic drugs is a chemical anti-inflammatory analgesics, although anti-inflammatory analgesics and antibiotics can alleviate acute inflammation of the periodontal some symptoms, but their effectiveness due to the drug-resistant bacteria and differences and the long-term use of oral antibiotics may change the normal bacteria growth, anti-inflammatory analgesics hidden by bacterial resistance and adverse side-effects of the phenomenon should not be overlooked is a major concern. Therefore antibiotics and anti-inflammatory analgesic agents used in the treatment of periodontal disease or have restrictions. In recent years as people gradually return to nature advocating the idea, so these many years to the natural plant product formulations are also widely accepted by the public. In China, in the medical treatment of periodontal disease has a wealth of experience and good clinical effect. Doctors not only for the previous dental diseases, such as dental carbuncle, dental, and so declared a relatively clear understanding, but also invented a lot of dental diseases such as smoked dental equipment, etc., there are surgical therapy. Chinese awareness of the causes of periodontal disease is not simply that External pathogens and local factors, but the periodontal disease as a partial response to systemic disease, from External pathogens and the inherent physical factors, both local and systemic aspects of the overall understanding of unique advantages, the treatment method has a good clinical effect, many treatment methods for the unique Chinese medicine. Therefore, in-depth study of Chinese medicine treatment of periodontal disease theory and clinical practice experience and seek better treatment of periodontal disease drugs to a certain extent and urgency of the need.
     Oral type of traditional Chinese medicine to the treatment of diseases have a long history and rich experience. As early as the Tang Dynasty in medicine, that is, with eyes and ears ,Oral Polyclinic. Song Branch and the Oral into eyes and ears and throat Branch, and later differentiate into ear, Oral Branch, Division throat. Chinese medicine theory ear, throat, Oral are associated with the body organ, its anatomy, physiology has been found on the basic "Classic", but many of Medical Books in the past, contained the relevant treatment. Chinese medicine theory is that upright deficiency feel External pathogens is periodontal disease pathogenesis, liver and kidney deficiency, upright periodontal disease is the main reason for inadequate. Upright on behalf of human diseases rehabilitation External pathogens invasion capacity and the ability to resist. Chinese think that the main renal bone, tooth for bone while kidney deficiency fine pulp less money, Kidney qi not reach, tooth loss support, and the weakness cause osteoporosis. This deficiency has been Kidney qi elderly, or not because of sexually section, or other viscera disease (diabetes or other blood diseases) involved in the kidney, leading to more easily fine pulp losses fewer teeth missing from custody and periodontal disease. Of course Tooth disease and renal not closely related, as the hand-foot-Yangming channels entered teeth, teeth with certain intestinal diseases, stomach disorders related to the physiological function. The spleen and stomach is acquired, the source of blood biochemistry. Wasting the spleen and stomach, the lack of biological sources, inadequate blood, thread emptiness, and not on micro-loser in gingival, gingival lost support, and easy to catch External pathogens, teeth rot and the retreat of elimination in periodontal disease. Spleen-yang deficiency damaged or inadequate, and transport of liquid water dysfunction, leading to stagnation of water in the stomach, and gingival for Yangming passages through the trip, while a gum swelling.
     Chinese Medicine and more dental disease called Tooth disease, oral diseases is one of the common diseases. Chinese medicine practitioners in the etiology of the disease, not only on kidney qi deficiency, the lack of blood, lost periodontal support, and that Exogenous introduced this year. These partial damage occurred and also lead to periodontal one of the reasons why. Recognizing that not only can the virtual to periodontal disease, but also pay attention to the very real understanding of evil. In fact, the cause of evil, many also discussed, but that is mainly because of the wind, the fire caused. In short, the occurrence of periodontal disease is more upright deficiency, Kidney qi depletion, virtual fire on the basis of the pathological inflammation, but also feeling cold fiery evil, stasis declared in the local and not casual, thermal Obstructing blood-formed local Injury . Periodontal disease in the medical machines more from the fire, stasis, virtual three awareness. Three can not only stand alone, and in many cases can co-exist, periodontal disease pathogenesis of common diseases for the fiery intrinsic, meat rot lost blood, blood stasis, and liver-kidney yin deficiency stasis blood, blood two losses. The fire also known as the "heat" refers to excessiveYang, or Yin deficiency and yang excess blood and the fiery disturbance in the function of the extreme pathological state. The strength of a fire at its main plane of the Super-fire, the fire of evil stasis, a fire of mental depression. Lead the attack with fire periodontal disease can be divided into multiple excess fire and deficient fire two categories. It is more a result of the fire gastrointestinal plot fever, caused by feelings External pathogens. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that toothache fire and heat-related gastrointestinal stasis, stasis gastrointestinal more in the heat and stomach of the fire, the fire on the inflammation and maxillofacial it toothache. In short, regardless of the fire or External pathogens stasis, are to follow through on the teeth local inflammation, leading to blood lost meat rot, and in periodontal disease, caused by the fiery intrinsic periodontal clinical manifestations, toothache more drama , gums, swelling, bleeding, bad breath, thirsty, cold-hi, they stem, urine red tongue red, yellow thick moss, pulse Waterloo few symptoms.
     Blood stasis is stagnation of blood in the body, including blood from the blood supply or poor, block the channels and viscera. Congestion at the same time the existence of a blood can be further impeded and stasis of a toothache and swollen subgingival symptoms. stasis qi and blood, blood stasis in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease can be casual, interaction. In short, the medical fire, stasis, dificiency are the main periodontal disease pathogenesis, in clinical detail to identify the primary and secondary with three and folders, Differential Treatment. Periodontal disease in the body is a reflection of local, we should pay attention to treatment of periodontal disease state of the body, but also the treatment of local lesions, first tackling the symptoms and to properly handle the relationship between the Chinese medicine for the treatment that should be finding diseases the root causes and address root causes of treatment. When the disease has very superscript, if not resolved in a timely manner will be life-threatening when "radical, treat the symptoms" such as illness or chronic or acute ease recovery, "the government ease its own" When specimens were not urgent or specimen urgent, "once."
     In the treatment of periodontal disease we should also properly handle the telation between replenishing root and purging Pathogens, periodontal disease common blood injury, liver and kidney deficiency, invasion of External pathogens. If upright injury and External pathogens are lighter, it may have to reinstate Eliminating Pathogens with the use or Eliminating Pathogens at the same time and to reinstate. Cuza the strength of the card can be combined.
     Wipe out External pathogens, assisting upright is the primary treatment of periodontal disease due to periodontal disease caused wind is the main reason for the problem in the wind and the length of all evil in the wind pathogen for more than the violation of human pilot, so. Wipe out wind important is the treatment of periodontal disease, clinical evil influences due to the different feelings, Wipe out wind cold-dispelling commonly used painkillers, wipe out hot wind, detoxification, kidney yin,purging stomach heat, promoting blood circulating to remove blood stasis , smoothing the liver to regulate the flow of qi and nourish liver and kidney. Adequately supported by external treatment is to improve the effect of the basis of Chinese medicine since ancient times many treated teeth declared the therapy, Oral decoction, pills, powders, paste spreads, mouthwash, losers teeth, brush such as tooth. As can be avoided, Oral drug therapy may cause drug resistance and dysbacteriosis and toxicity, in the treatment of dental declared it plays an important role. In addition to fully understand the characteristics, with the permit is modified live periodontal therapy, dental vent to Yaru (GCF) shrink root declared open, floating and pain, bleeding or recurrent seepage septic its characteristics. En blood to the teeth or gums Yafeng exudative symptoms. Dental root leakage to recurrent swelling suppuration, overflow Fuyu characterized. Carbuncle teeth to gum pain, swelling, excess pus features for the performance of the gums and bulging hard Zhongqi,is very swollen cheek, and so even the gills. Bitterness of tooth is that tooth contact caused bitterness sour feeling. The clinical features of different etiology and pathogenesis of the corresponding also have some differences, should be fully aware of each other's differences, Differential Treatment, can be achieved good effect.
     Clinical study were randomly selected to conduct experiments on 60 patients tested, 26 were males (43.3%), 34 were women (56.7%), and the average age was 47.03 years old (31 to 40 years old, 11 were 41 to 50 years old were 28 , 51 to 60 years of age 21). Through random sampling will be divided into two patient groups, the experimental group were 13 males and 17 females, with an average age of 45.47 years (31~40 years of age 8, 41 to 50 years old, 15, 51 -60 years of age 7) the control group 13 were males and 17 females, with an average age of 48.6 years (31-40 years of age 3 ,41-50-year-old, 13 ,51-60-14). Fixed by the experimental group under TCM practitioners and Differential Treatment debate on the Treatment of the principle of combining to give each patient to fire Bushen-based Chinese medicine treatment and control group against Chinese medicine, to the general therapy. Detection of probing depth (PD), teeth shaken degrees (MO), plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), a few indicators. The results showed that the intervention of Chinese medicine for probing depth (PD), teeth shaken degrees (MO), plaque index (PI) of the statistical significance of the statistics show that, irrespective of whether the Chinese intervention patients after treatment The index both reduce the trend, but the Chinese intervention in the treatment of periodontitis patients with inflammatory situation after the application of traditional Chinese medicine constituencies measured values than not significantly improve the application of traditional Chinese medicine group, a statistically significant difference was, Statistics on the significance of the sixth week after the marginal benefits may be reduced, making the effectiveness of Chinese medicine interventional treatment had no significant effect.
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