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Studying in a high school from the city to the town started to happen in the early90'of the last century. But till now the research on this problem hasn't been formed. However, the researcher found the universality of this phenomena in some provinces even out of imagination. The students from the city occupied more than half of the total students. Under the specific background of the education, The lack of study on such phenomena from one year to another is a pity for the researcher of educational sociology. From the perspective of rational choice and resource conversion analysis, with the help of qualitative method, the study investigated the cause, the process, the mechanism and the result of the phenomena of studying in a high school from the city to the town in the more complicated and more decisive system of education. And the paper focused on this problem.
     In this paper, the H high school at H town, S province was selected as a study case. It illustrated that the urban families made the choice between'the embarrassed' urban education and controversial education in the town in order to help their children accept the qualified educational resource by the relative advantage of the resource, under the situation of the relative lack of the qualified educational resource in the city. The researcher will enter the school, the interaction and the behavioral strategies in the process to be inspected, describing in detail the impact of the resource conversion among the local government, the urban families and the school on the mechanism of studying in the town. This choice resulted in children's succeeding in talent and adulating, and the extrusion of the education in the countryside.
     From study of the process of the studying from the city to the town, to-and-fro education included three distinct meanings. They are to-and-fro space from the city to the town, to-and-fro opportunities of upward mobility that urban families help their children get and to-and-fro case between the quality education and the examination-oriented education.
     The paper took the acquisition of the educational opportunities neither as the quantizing statistical indicators simply, nor as the arranged and received result. The phenomenon of studying in the town were restored by the micro decision, the process and the result of the urban families, expanding the study field, which has tangible and theoretical value for the current study on the educational inequality.
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