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     (3)运用残差GM(1,1)模型法对2009-2020年重庆市各类建设用地进行了分类预测,到2015年建设用地规模将达637319.2hm2,2020年将达744897.3hm2,预计总共将增加158395hm2建设用地。而2009-2020年重庆市土地后备资源的开发,可实现增加耕地76792.62hm2,增加园、林地15766.08hm2,盘活农村存量建设用地98045.2hm2,总计190603.9 hm2。比较可见,土地资源在数量上是可以实现占补平衡的,但仅仅实现数量上的占补平衡不能完全协调区域经济建设、耕地保护以及生态安全间的矛盾。只有在严格耕地数量的基础上,提高耕地生产能力及耕地产品质量,最大限度地提高耕地利用效率及综合效益,且实现自然生态系统良性循环才能满足新形势下区域土地利用平衡的要求。因此,现阶段重庆市土地利用平衡的内涵应包括以下几层含义:保有耕地数量,提高耕地质量;高效集约利用土地;生态环境友好。
The food safety, economic development, and ecological protection should be harmonized due to land resource infinite quantity and its location, which indicated the land utilize should be balanced and ensured among industries. The arable acreage has being reduced during the quickly development of urbanization and industrialization, due to the requirement of location economical development and city's construction. It not only brought a great challenge to food safety, but also destroyed the ecological environment, that aggravated contradiction of land utilization among human and the ecological environment was getting worse and many problems rose up. How to balance the contradiction among food safety, economic development, and ecological protection, is the hot topic for scientists and government of China and over the world. Regional territorial regulation, land association, land reset, and joint development were carried out to harmonized land utilize relationship. In China, the land consolidation and land intensive/economize utilization was implemented to increasing arable acreage and improving land planning. As the economical developing and further potential seeking reserved land resource, the practices of balancing land unitization showed inappropriately. Chongqing city, as the economic center, the ecological barriers, and pilot area of balancing urban and rural development in upper Yangtze River region, with the basic characteristics of large country and large city, makes the human-land conflict outstanding in economic development process. So, based on the status and corresponding predicament of land utilization in urbanization of Chongqing, the connotation of land utilization balance was enriched and improved, and then the approach and guarantee mechanism of improving regional land utilization balance were studied to supplying theory and practice basis for construing the policies of harmonizing the land utilize among regional economical development, arable protection, and ecological safety.
     1. Scenario analysis of land use balance
     Analyzes the past 10 years of land use change in Chongqing City, And build on this basis the region's land use evaluation system. Use the optimal combination weighting method for quantitative evaluation land use. On this basis, use of GM(1,1)model predict the next 10 years land supply and demand situation in the region. And discuss the relativity of Land use change and social and economic development, Land use change effects on the ecological environment, Land use balance and the relationship between farmland protection. The results show that:
     (1) Between 1999-2008 Chongqing sharp decline in arable land, the area net decrease in 293679.7 hm2, significant increase of construction land, the area net increase 74334.1 hm2. Different from the change trend of arable land, the forest land and orchard obviously increased in the recent decade, with area of 320252.4 hm2 and 75341.3 hm2, respectively. As land development and reclamation of the strength and depth continues to expand, reclaimed area of unused land had increased year by year,61855.9 hm2 in total from 1999 to 2008.
     GDP, total fixed asset investment, industrial added value and the construction area was positively correlated, and cultivated land change was a negative correlation. Show that the economic and social development of Chongqing mainly depends on the development of land resources. In addition, returning land for farming to forestry, construction of the wetland ecosystem, making the Chongqing Municipality, although the value of ecosystem services is rising, but the overall value is still lower.
     (2)Evaluation of land use performance from 1999 to 2008 in Chongqing City, show that Land use performance value is not high in the overall level, but kept steady growing, with 0.1767 in 1999 to 0.2598 in 2008.that indicated the land use was moving on a reasonable, conservation, and intensive way under the Chinese national macro-control.
     (3)To better understand the next 10 years, Chongqing's economic development the demand for construction land, this chapter using residual GM (I,1) model law classified forecast various types of construction land from 2009 to 2020 in Chongqing.The scale of construction land by 2015 will reach 637319.2hm2,2020 will reach 744897.3hm2, forecasts generally reflect the socio-economic development the demand for land future trend. Can be seen forecast is expected to increase 158395hm2 construction land from 2009 to 2020. The reality of the potential land reserve resources predicted results from 2009 to 2020 in Chongqing City:to increase arable land 76792.62hm2, increase the park, forest land 15766.08hm2, reuse the stock construction land of rural 98045.2hm2, total 190603.9 hm2. Comparison shows that land resources can be achieved in the number of dynamic balance, and the key is to reuse the stock of land for construction in rural areas, but achieve the dynamic balance only, can not promote regional population, resources and environmental development, so must strict protection of cultivated land and achieve a virtuous cycle of natural ecosystems to meet the new situation the demands for balance of land use. Therefore, at this stage the balance of land use in Chongqing contents include:control of cultivated land quantity and improve land quality; intensive and efficient use of land; and eco-friendly land use.
     2. Difficulties identifying land use balance
     Problem-oriented, analysis dilemma in the process of achieving a balance of land use, and discuss impact of the stakeholders behavior of balance of land use. The results show that:
     (1)With the land development and land consolidation (reclamation) in recent years and the intensity gradually increased, it has become the first choice to increase arable land, is an important way to achieve a balance of land use within the region.
     (2) With urbanization and industrialization progresses, in the context of the new economic environment, there have been many problems of land use:Urban expansion in serious waste of land, especially arable land, Between 2004-2007, new construction sites in Chongqing City, sources from an average of about 52% of the reduction of arable land, explanation farmland used for construction in serious condition; Rural construction land use is not standardized and serious waste, while the rural population declining, the per capita construction land has increased year by year; Inefficient land use and extensive management seriously; Poor coordination of land use and land layout is unreasonable; Potential land reserve resources increasing the difficulty and cost, new arable land rate increased from 62.64% in 2000 down to 18.57% in 2008, and the land reserve resources in tapping the potential costs are increasing; Increasingly serious ecological loss, with the depth and breadth of the land consolidation growing, more and more of the project area and the background area of the water environment, soil, vegetation and ecological processes and other environmental factors have a direct, indirect, beneficial or harmful effects.
     (3)Current land use in Chongqing's greatest challenge is to balance economic development, land protection, the contradiction between the ecological security. The results show that under a market economy macro conversion process and the rational and efficient use of land, Will be more flexible operation in the hands of the local government, therefore, the government must reform and improve the related policies and systems, the core is development of reserve resources and revitalize the stock of resources, not only can effectively solve the economic development and farmland protection dilemma, and can effectively protect the ecological environment and realize the land use of balance.
     3. Ways research of land use balance
     This study proposes two ways to balance land use, that the "homestead/house swap, contracted land/social security swap" land transfer model and composite land consolidation. The results show that:
     (1)By use the "homestead/house swap, contracted land/social security swap" land transfer model, scale operation can be implemented, not only bring stability to the farmers and the significant value-added benefits, but also to the local government has created a variety of benefits, this tangible and intangible benefits far greater than the cost of innovation. So, primary action group composed of farmers and secondary action group composed of local government are actively involved in land transfer system innovation. Through the "homestead/house swap, contracted land/social security swap" land transfer model, can get better overall performance, and promote intensive conservation management, complementary advantages of resources, achieve complementary advantages of resources, Alleviate the economic development of Chongqing's occupation of farmland for regional economic and social development to provide more space.
     (2) The "homestead/house swap, contracted land/social security swap" land transfer model, that did not break the existing rural land property rights, rural land use and management new attempt. The "homestead/house swap, contracted land/social security swap" land transfer model, reuse the stock of land for construction in rural areas, to overcome the constraints of land resources of regional economic and social development provided a good way, in line with land use balance development direction in Chongqing, this is good way to achieve land use balance. But it is also faced with strict constraints:local governments need to have strong financial strength, optimistic about the expected return of land, farmers have stable non-agricultural employment opportunities, three are indispensable.
     (3) Composite land consolidation as another way implement of land use balance in Chongqing. comparison evaluation of changes in cultivated land resources、intensive level use of arable land changes、intensive use of urban land changes and land use and environment-friendly conditions changes by before and after the comprehensive land improvement. Comprehensive quality arable land expected can be significantly improved after land consolidation; intensive level use of arable land and intensive use of urban land expected can be significantly improved after land consolidation; environmentally friendly land use will be in a high state of, and a trend to a better direction.
     (4) Composite land consolidation can also obtain better economic and social benefits as well as the total value of ecosystem services will increase. On this basis, optimizing the ecological structure of agricultural land, protect biodiversity and maintain ecological balance is the direction of future efforts. By explore ways of land use balance in Chongqing City, the "homestead/house swap, contracted land/social security swap" land transfer model and composite land consolidation, Land resources are conducive to the protection and sustainable development, Conducive to intensive use of land and Environmentally friendly land, that is important ways to balance land use.
     4. Protection mechanism of land use balance
     From incentive motivation, social security, technical support, supervision and management of the four aspects, to build a comprehensive, systematic and complete comprehensive protection mechanism of land use balance in Chongqing. The results show that:
     (I) Establish and improve the incentive mechanism needs to clarify the interests of rural land property rights and to change the current tax structure, establish a resource elements trading platform by government-led; Establish and perfect the social security mechanisms include:public participation in land management system is established, landless peasants in social security system is established and improve long-term Agricultural Insurance system and so on; Establish and improve the technical support mechanism includes:The full completion of the land use planning, planning revision, cadastral survey and land grading and evaluation, establish of Chongqing Land use dynamic monitoring system, land use planning and management system and GIS-based information system for urban land evaluation; Establish and improve the supervision and management mechanism, including improve the regulatory acts of local government, improve the Regulation transactions of land market and improve the regulatory enforcement of Land law. These mechanisms through the establishment and improvement, ultimate bring about land use balance.
     (2) Land-use balance protection mechanism established and improved, the government should increase capital investment, encourage private and non-governmental organizations to enter the land transfer and land consolidation, coordination between the principal balance of interests, improve operating environment in land transfer and land consolidation. At the same time, non-governmental organizations must to promote multi-group dialogue and maximize the use of social participation. Through the cooperation use of land resources in Chongqing between Government and non-governmental organizations, has not only safeguarded the interests of the participating subjects, increase their participation in the initiative, but more important to promote a land use balance.
     In conclusion, the connotation of land utilization balance was enriched and improved from the point of land reasonable and sustainable utilization, and the processes of land utilization balance was discussed based on the field of land circulation and consolidation, and then constructed and improved the guarantee mechanism of land utilization, including benefit incentive, social insurance, technological support, and supervision. But there are many other processes that can improve land utilization balance.'Homestead for housing, contracted land for social insurance'or 'Comprehensive regional territorial regulation'was one try on changing land use patterns and management under the background of balancing urban and rural development, but it was not change the relationship of land ownership in rural and the reformation was not thorough. Thus, the other processes of land utilization balance and its eurytopicity would be studied from many fields, particularly from reformation of land ownership, to provided new thinking for harmonizing development among economy, population, and resource.
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