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In 2003, massive violence took place and worse up in Darfur. Since independence, the long-lasting civil war between The North and The South has been ongong. Religion difference becomes one important angle to explain this war by the outer-side world. But if we use the same angle to analyze the Darfur Crisis, it doesn’t work, because whether the Black or the Arab are the believers of Islam.
     Regarding the reasons of violence and large-scale violence, many scholars gave their different explanations. In The Politics of Collective violence, Charles Tilly provides us a new angle of view about large-scale violence. Through social interaction, he explains the process of collective violence.In a society, every people has his different indentities. One person in different occasions, may be a worker or a member of a party or a member of a religious sect. Among these different indentities, the political entrepreneurs will activate two opposite identities to separate“us”from“them”, which is a process of boundary activation, as well as a process of violence. Using this theory to explain Darfur Crisis will give us a new angle to illustrate the causes and process of it.
     Half century has passed since the independence of Sudan, almost forty years in conflicts. Millitary and civil governments in succession are involved in massive violences. Against the background of the whole Sudan, boundaries have existed before the Darfur Crisis. One is the boundary between the independent Darfur and the independent Nile Valley, another boundary exsits between the center and the fringe, the third is the hostility between the Black and The Arab which brings about by the war between the North and the South. In addition to the frequent regime change and unstability after independence also damage the whole Sudan society’s cohesion.
     Standing on the area of Darfur, there are many facters to lead this crisis. The first is the influence of The Umma party. The Umma Party was divided into two separated orgnazitions for in the late of sixtes, for their own benefits, Sadiq and Imam Hadi indoctrinated the idea of race politics to the Arabian and the Black in Darfur, policalized their identity through ideological construction. The second reason is Chadian civil war’s overflow. With the war enlargement in 60th, libya and Sudan aslo involved in for its own benefit.As the crossboundary, Darfur became another main battlefield. Different roles embark on a political venture, which made the identity of Arab and the Black more clear. Contesting resource and pasture under the degeneration of enviorments was the third reason .The heavy drought worsen the Darfur weak environment, sustaining drought, increasing population and decreasing resources led to the conflicts among the Arab and African living different life-styles .The four reason is the ethnic concept and the scarity of national indentity, all these led to the crises。
     In order to resolve the crisis peacefully, the international community, including the United Nations and Africa Union do their best to prompt talks.In the process, China play a constructive role. Though, China also got the pressures and doubts from the western medias, political and government circles. The Darfur Crisis brings about great threat to China’s foreign policy, and also gives us a chance to rejust our foreign policy.
     Through analysis, Darfur Crisis is resulted in many factors, which is not simple clash of civilizations or ethnic conflicts,but the result which bring about by the social and regional contradictions.To alleviate this crisis, international society should try their best. Darfur needs a "double-track" strategy of paying equal attention to operations aiming at peace and stability and a political course aiming at national reconciliation, which is accepted by the international society. It needs the Sudan government’s coopernation to deploy AU-UN joint peacekeeping force. Only with the help of AU-UN joint peacekeeping force, security conditions as well as regional reconstruction can be achieved, which serve as an important precondition to lasting peace in the region. All these needs the cooperation from the Sudan Government, that is President Omer al-Bashir’s government, the international society shoud also recognize this fact.
1 Etienne G. Krug and Linda L. Dahlberg and James A. Mercy and Anthony B. Zwi and Rafael Lozano. 2002.《世纪暴力与卫生报告》(唐晓昱主译),北京:人民卫生出版社,世界卫生组织,第15-16页。
    1 [美]查尔斯·蒂利:《集体暴力的政治》(谢岳译),上海世纪出版集团,2006年版。
    2 P. M.Holt, A Modern History of the Sudan: From the Funj Sultanate to the Present Day (London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1961).
    3 J.F.Morton,“Land Resources in Darfur Region, Sudan: Prisoners’Dilemma or Coase Outcome”Journal of Development Studies, Oct 1996, Vol. 33 Issue 1.pp.63-80.
    1 J.F.Morton, pp.63-64.
    2 G..Hardin,‘The Tragedy of the Commons’, Science, 1968,Vol. 162, pp.1243-8.
    3 J.F.Morton, p.70.
    4 Gerard Prunier, Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide,(New York: Cornell University Press,2005).
    2 Douglas H. Johnson. The Root Causes of Sudan’s Civil Wars( Blomington: Indiana University Press,2003)
    3 Ibid, p.139.
    4 Durfur Rising: Sudan’s New Crisis. http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf.
    5 Ibid, p.4.
    6 Stephan.Faris“The Real Roots of Darfur”. Atlantic Monthly(1072-7825),Apr2007,Vol.299 Issue 3,p.67-69.
    1 Usman Tar,“counter-Insurgentsor Ethnic Vanguards?Civil Militia and Stare Violence in Darfur Region, Western Sudan,”Civil Militia: Africa’s Itractable Security Menace? Ed. David J.Francis (Hampshire: Shagate Publishing limited,2005)
    2 Ban ki moon,A climate Culprit in Darfur, Saturday,June 16, 2007, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/15/ar2007061501857.html
    3 Amir H. Idris, Conflict and Politics of Identity in Sudan (New York:Palgrave Macmillan, 2005)
    4 Sudan’s Other Wars, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A401020_25062003.pdf
    1 Allen D. Hertzke,“The Shame of Darfur”, Religion & Public Life, October 2005, pp.16-23. 2Roberta Cohen and William G.O’Neill,“Last stand in Sudan?”, Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists, March/April 2006.
    3 Usman Tar,“counter-Insurgentsor Ethnic Vanguards?Civil Militia and Stare Violence in Darfur Region, Western Sudan,”Civil Militia: Africa’s Itractable Security Menace? Ed. David J.Francis (Hampshire: Shagate Publishing limited,2005)
    4 Gerard Prunier, p.57.
    5 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993)(Colorado: Westview Press,1999).
    1 Gerard Prunier, p.45
    2 Douglas H. Johnson, p.139-140.
    3 Human Rights Watch(1990b), The Forgotten War in Darfur Flares Again, A Human Rights Watch Reports Volume 2 No
    11(A), April, Human Rights Watch, Africa, Washington D.C.p.3.
    4 Alex J.Bellamy,“Responsibility to Protect or Trojan Horse? The Crisis in Darfur and Humanitarian Intervention after Iraq”Ethics & International Affairs, 2005, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p31-53.
    5 Kofi Annan, speech given to the Nobel Foundation, Oslo, Norway, December 10, 2001; available at www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/2001/annanlecture.html.
    6 Gareth Evans and Mohamed Sahnoun, "Foreword," in International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, The Responsibility to Protect (Ottawa: IDRC,2ooi),p. viii.
    1 [法]保罗·利科:《历史与真理》(姜志辉译),上海译文出版社,2004年版,第224页。
    2 Cf.Webster’s Third New International Dictionary,( Springfield: G.&C.Merriam Company.1976).
    3 Hugh Davis Graham& Ted Robert Gurr, The History of Violence in America(New York: Signet Books, 1969),p.xxxii.
    3 [美]戴维·波普诺:《社会学》第十版(李强等译),中国人民大学出版社,1999版,第19页。
    1 J.W. Green, Cultural Awareness in the Human Services: Amulti-Ethnic Approach (Boston: Allyn&Bacon. 1995).
    2 [美]戴维·波普诺:《社会学》第十版,第291页。
    2 [苏丹]迈基·希贝卡:《独立的苏丹》(上),上海新闻出版系统“五·七”干校翻译组译根据原文1959年版译,上海人民出版社,1973年版,前言,第10页
    1 R.S.O’Fahey and J.L.Spauding. Kingdoms of the Sudan(London: Methuen ; New York : distributed by Harper & Row, Barnes & Noble Import Division, 1974),p.15.
    3 R.S.O’Fahey and J.L.Spauding, Kingdoms of the Sudan ,pp.55-56.
    1 R.S.O’Fahey and J.L.Spauding, Kingdoms of the Sudan ,pp.82-83.
    2 J.Bruce, Travels to Discover the source of the Nile in the Years 1768-1773(Edinburgh, 2nd ed., 5 vols,1805).转引自R.S.O’Fahey and Spauding, p.84.
    3 R.S.O’Fahey and J.L.Spauding, Kingdoms of the Sudan, p.88.
    1 Gerard Prunier, p.8.
    2 R.S.O’Fahey and J.L.Spauding, Kingdoms of the Sudan, p.1.
    4 Gerard.Prunier, pp.8-9.
    1 Ibid., p.9.
    2 R.S.O’Fahey: State and Society in Darfur, op.cit., p.76.转引自Gerard Prunier, p.9.
    3 Gerard.Prunier, pp.8-10.
    1 Gerard.Prunier, p.13-14.
    1 Gerard.Prunier, p.15.
    2 Gerard Prunier, pp.16-17.
    1 Gerard.Prunier, p.17.
    1 [苏丹]迈基·希贝卡:《独立的苏丹》(下册),第581页。
    3 Gerard Prunier , p.18-19.
    4 Ibid., p.91-92.
    3 [苏丹]迈基·希贝卡:《独立的苏丹》(下册),第790页。
    2 [苏丹]迈基·希贝卡:《独立的苏丹》(下册),第775页。
    3 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day ,p.113.
    4 A·阿杜·博亨/主编:《非洲通史》(第七卷),中国对外翻译出版公司出版,联合国教科文组织出版办公室,第476页。
    5 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day, (New York: Longman, 2000)p.113.
    1 Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed, Sudan(London:Routledge, 2005 ), p.29.
    3 Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed, p.30.
    4 Election Commission’s Report 1958, Government Press, Khartoum,转引自Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed,p.30.
    1 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day , p.148.
    1 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day , p.154.
    2 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day , p.156.
    2 Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed, p.31.
    2 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day , p.162.
    3 Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed, p.32.
    1 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day , p.166..
    2 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day , p.182.
    3 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day ,p.185.
    1 J.Millard Burr and Robert O.Collins, Revolutionary Sudan: Hasan al-Turabi and the Islamist State, 1989-2000, p.47.
    2 God,Oil and Country: Changing the Logic of War in Sudan , http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A400534_28012002.pdf, p.22
    2 Garbriel Warburg, Islam, Sectarianism and Politics in Sudan since the Mahdiyya( London: Hurst&Company,2003),p.16.
    2 Gerard. Prunier, p29.
    3 Ibid.,p.29.
    4 Ibid., p.25-26.
    5 Francis Deng and Martin Daly, Bonds of Silk: the Human Factor in the British Administration of the Sudan ( East Lansing: University of Michigan Press, 1989)
    1 Francis Deng and Martin Daly, Bonds of Silk: the Human Factor in the British Administration of the Sudan, p.30.
    2‘Note by the Director of Education on the Government Plan to for educational development’,16 February 1946. SAD 658/6. AR1939 to 1946. Quoted in Martin Daly, op.cit.,vol.2,p.108,转引自Gerard. Prunier ,p.30.
    3 Gerard. Prunier, p29-30.
    1 C.H.Harvie and J.G.Cleve, The National Income of Sudan(Khartoum: Department of Statistics, 1959).
    1 Gerard Prunier, p.78.
    2 God,Oil and Country: Changing the logic of War in Sudan http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A400534_28012002.pdf,第6页
    1 Shadrack Wanjala Nasong’o & Godwin Rapando Murunga,“lack of Consensus on Constitutive Fundamentals: Root of the Sudanese Civil War and Prospects for Settlement”, African and Asian Studies.,Volume 4,No1-2(2005), p.60-61.
    2 Ibid., p.64.
    3 A.M Lesch,“External Involvement in the Sudanese Civil War,”Making War and Waging Peace: Foreign Intervention in Africa, ed. David R. Smock(ed.)(Washington,DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1993),p.81.
    1 Shadrack Wanjala Nasong’o & Godwin Rapando Murunga, p.65.
    1 Shadrack Wanjala Nasong’o & Godwin Rapando Murunga, p.66.
    2 Kuol.D.A.“Notes on the Peace Process in the Sudan,”SPLM/SPLA, January 14,1999..p.1
    3 Shadrack Wanjala Nasong’o & Godwin Rapando Murunga, p.67.
    1 Ibid., p.57.
    2 Voll. J.O.&Voll. S.P, The Sudan: Unity and Diversity in a Multicultural State(Boulder, CO.: Westview Press, 1985),p.54.
    2 Francis. M. Deng,“Sudan: Civil War and Genocide”, Middle East Quarterly, 2001 Winter, Vol.8.Issue 1, p.13.
    1 Gerard Prunier, p.58-59.
    1 Gerard Prunier,, p.72.
    2 Gerard Prunier, p.71-72.
    3 Ibid.,p.72.
    1 Sudan’s Other Wars, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A401020_25062003.pdf,p.1.
    1 Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed, p.10.
    1 Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed, p.10.
    2 A.P.M.Holt, The Mahdist State in the Sudan 1881-1898 (London:Oxford University Press, 1970),pp.22-31.转引自《非洲民族主义研究》,第113页.
    3 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day , p.78.
    1 Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed, p.15.
    2 Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed, p.15.
    1 Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan ,& Syyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi, A Study of Neo-Mahdism in the Sudan,1899-1956(Leidon: Brill, 2004),p.6.
    2 Ibid., p.14.
    3 Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed, p.20.
    4 Gerard Prunier, pp.27-28.
    1 Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan &Syyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi, p.69.
    2 Ibid., p.69.
    3 A·阿杜·博亨/主编:《非洲通史》(第七卷),第480页
    4 Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed, p.20.
    5 Ibid., p.20.
    6 Gabriel Warburg, Islam, Sectarianism and Politics in Sudan since the Mahdiyya, pp.82-83.
    1 Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan &Syyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi, p.80.
    2 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day ,p.114.
    3 Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan &Syyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi, p.50.
    4 Ibid., p.56.
    1 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day , p.114.
    2 Ibid.,p.118.
    3 Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alair Sidahmed, p.20.
    4 Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan &Syyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi, p.126.
    2 G..Warburg, Islam, Nationalism and Communism in a Traditional Society:The Case of Sudan, (London:Frank Cass&Co.Ltd, 1978). p.32.
    4 Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan &Syyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi, p.139.
    5 M.W.Daly, British Administration and the Northern Sudan, 1917-1924, Te Istanbul, 1980.
    1 Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan &Syyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi,p.157.
    2 Ibid.,p.141.
    3 A.S. Cudsi, The Rise of Political Parties in the Sudan: 1936-1946(Ph.d.,S.O.A.S., University of London, n.d.) pp154-178
    4 F.O.371/70371,SMIS, for June,1939,转引自Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan &Syyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi, p.161。
    5 Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan &Syyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi, p.161。
    2“民族党党章”,由阿卜杜拉·卡利尔递交以获批准,1945年2月20日。外交部档案/371/45984。引自G..Warburg, Islam, Nationalism and Communism in a Traditional Society: The Case of Sudan, London,1978.
    4 Mahjub Muhammed Salih,: Al-Sahafah al-Sudaniyyah fi Nisf Qarn, Vol.1,1903-1953,(Khartoum, 1971). pp.72-86.
    5 Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan &Syyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi,p.171.
    1 F.O.371/113612.转引自Ahmed Ibrahim Hassan &Syyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi, p.212.
    1 Gerard Prunier, p.36.
    2 Ibid., p.37.
    1 Gabriel Warburg, Islam, Sectarianism and Politics in Sudan since the Mahdiyya, p.171.
    2 Gerard Prunier, p.38.
    3 Gerard Prunier, p.41.
    1 Gerard Prunier, p42.
    2 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of The Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day, p.167-168.
    1 Gerard Prunier, p.52.
    1 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993), p.10.
    2 Douglas H. Johnson, p.140.
    3 God,Oil and Country: Changing the Logic of War in Sudan , http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A400534_28012002.pdf, p.51
    3 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993), p.3.
    4 Ibid.,p.12.
    1 Sadiq al-Mahdi, The Concept of the State: The Challenge of Islam(London: Islamic Council of Europe, 1978), p.2.
    2 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),p.32.
    2 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993), p.82.
    1 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),p.11.
    3 Unifying Darfur’s Rebels: an Prerequisite for Peace, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/b032_unifying_darfur_s_rebels_a_prerequisite_for_peace.pdf,p.15.
    3 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993), p.110.
    4 Gerard Prunier, p46.
    1 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),p.95.
    3 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),p.233.
    1 Gerard Prunier, p.69.
    1 Robert Buijtenhuijs, Le FROLINAT et les guerres civiles du Tchad(1977-1984),(Paris:Karthala, 1987), p.108.
    2 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993), p.205.
    3 Gerard Prunier, p.61.
    1 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),p.118.
    2 Gerard Prunier,p55-56.
    3 Alex De Waal,“The Wars of Sudan”, Nation, 3/19/2007,Vol.284 Issue 11,p.16-20.
    4 Gerard Prunier, p.57.
    1 Usman Tar , p139.
    2 Gerard Prunier, p60.
    3 Unifying Darfur’s Rebels:an Prerequisite for Peace, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/b032_unifying_darfur_s_rebels_a_prerequisite_for_peace.pdf,p.15.
    4 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993), p.146.
    1 Usman Tar , p139.
    3 Douglas H. Johnson , p.140.
    4 Human Rights Watch, The Forgotten War in Darfur Flares Again, A Human Rights Watch Reports , Volume 2 No 11(A), April(1990b), Africa, Washington D.C.p.3.
    5 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),p.147.
    6 Ibid., p.238.
    1 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),p.147.
    2 Ibid.,p.238.
    3 Gerard Prunier, p.69.
    4 Ibid., p.46.
    5 Alex De Wall, Famine that Kills: Darfur 1985-1985(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989) ,p.50.
    1 Gerard Prunier, p.47.
    2 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),,p.148.
    3 Afrique Defense, December 1897,转引自Gerard Prunier,p.61.
    4 Le Monde, 1 December 1987,转引自Gerard Prunier, p.61.
    1 K.M.Barbour,“The Wadi Azum”, The Geographical Journal, CXX(1954), pp.172-182.
    2 R.S.O’Fahey and J.L.Spauding , Kingdoms of the Sudan , p.6.
    2 G.W.Browne, Travels in Egypt, Syria and Africa(London,1799), p.172-182.转引自R.S.O’Fahey and J.L.Spauding, Kingdoms of the Sudan , p.8.
    2 http://www.fao.org/relief/sudan/suveg.htm
    3 (法)皮埃尔·古鲁:《非洲》(下册)(蔡宗夏等译),商务印书馆,1984年版,第257页。
    1Mohammed, Adam. The Rezaigat Camel Nomads of The Darfur Region of Western Sudan: From Co-operation to Confrontation, Nomadic Peoples, 2004, Vol.8 Issue 2, p.232
    2 Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf,P.4.
    3 Stephan Faris,“The Real Roots of Darfur”, Atlantic Monthly, 2007 April, Vol.299.Issue 3,p.68.
    4 J.F.Morton, p.65.
    2 Tothill, J.D.(ed),1948, Agriculture in the Sudan, Oxford University Press.引自Stephan Faris ,p.68.
    1 Ibid.,p.65.
    2 Ban Ki Moon,A Climate Culprit In Darfur .Saturday, June 16, 2007, Page A15 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/15/AR2007061501857.html
    3 UNEP Post Conflict Environmental Assessment in Sudan, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/events/docs/UNEP%20Post-Conflict%20Environmental%20Assessment%20in%20Sudan.pdf
    4 J.F.Morton, p.65.
    1 Ibid.,p.65.
    4 Usman Tar , p.139.
    5 Ali B. Ali - Dinar ,Between Naivasha &Abeche : The Systematic Destruction of Darfur. http://www.darfurinfo.org/abechnava.html
    6 Usman Tar , p.139.
    2 Stephan Faris, p.67-68
    3 Ban Ki Moon,A Climate Culprit In Darfur .Saturday, June 16, 2007, Page A15 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/15/AR2007061501857.html
    1 Gerard Prunier, pp.56-57.
    2 J.F. Morton, p.63.
    3 Ban Ki Moon,A Climate Culprit In Darfur .Saturday, June 16, 2007, Page A15 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/15/AR2007061501857.html
    4 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),p.5.
    5 Ibid., p.92.
    6 Gerard Prunier, p.45.
    1 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),p.190.
    2 Hiram Ruiz, When Refugees Won’t Go Home: The Dilemma of Chadians in Sudan( Washington, D.C., U.S. Committee on Refugees, June 1987.转引自J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993), p.192.
    1 Gerard Prunier, 50.
    2 Ibid., p.50-51.
    3 African Economic Digest, 23 November 1984.
    4 Gerard Prunier, p.56.
    2 Gerard Prunier, p.57.
    3 Ibid., p.58.
    1 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993), p.260.
    2 Gerard Prunier, p.6-7。
    1 Ibid.,p.7-8.
    3 Yousef Takana, "Effects of tribal strife in Darfur", in Arabic, in Adam Al-Zein Mohamed and Al-Tayeb Ibrahim Weddai, eds., Perspectives on tribal conflicts in Sudan, in Arabic (Institute of Afro-Asian Studies, University of Khartoum, 1998), pp. 195-225.
    1 Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf,p.5.
    2 Ibid.,p.5.
    3 Ibid.,p.6.
    4 Unifying Darfur’s Rebels:An Prerequisite for Peace, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/b032_unifying_darfur_s_rebels_a_prerequisite_for_peace.pdf,p.15.
    5 Hussein Adam al-Haj, "The Arab Gathering and the attempt to cancel the other in Darfur", in Arabic, 31 December 2003, at www.sudanile.com/sudanile13.html.
    1 Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf,p.9-10,转引自Cited in Hussein Adam al-Haj, "The Arab Gathering and the attempt to cancel the other in Darfur", in Arabic, 31 December 2003, at www.sudanile.com/sudanile13.html.
    2 Douglas H. Johnson,p.140.
    3 Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf,p.6.
    4 Stephan Faris, p.68.
    5 Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf,p.10.
    1 Gerard Prunier,p.79-80.
    2 Ibid., p.162.
    3 Ibid., p.77-78.
    1 Ibid., p.77-78.
    2 Ibid., p.163-164
    4 Gerard Prunier, p.47.
    1 Ibid., pp47-48.
    2 Roberta Cohen and William G.O’Neill, p.54.
    3 J.Millard Burr and Robert O.Collins, Revolutionary Sudan: Hasan al-Turabi and the Islamist State, 1989-2000, p.16-17.
    4 Gerard Prunier, p.59.
    5 Amir H. Idris, p.87-88.
    6 Douglas H. Johnson,p.140.
    1 Ibid., p.72-74.
    2 Sudan’s Other Wars, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A401020_25062003.pdf,p.11.
    3 Gerard Prunier, p.74-75.
    4 ICG interviews, December 2003.转引自Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf,p.7.
    1 Gerard Prunier, p.75.
    2 12 September 1999, www.towardfreedom.com.
    3 Usman Tar , p.140.
    1 Amir H. Idris, p.88.
    2 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),p.9.
    3 Ibid., p.9.
    1 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of The Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day,p.152.
    2 P.M. Holt & M.W. Daly, A History of the Sudan: From the coming of Islam to the present day ,p3-7.
    3 Sudan’s Other Wars, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A401020_25062003.pdf,p.11.
    4 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993),p.204.
    5 Sudan’s Other Wars, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A401020_25062003.pdf,p.11.
    1 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993), p.203.
    2 Gabriel Warburg, Islam, Sectarianism and Politics in Sudan since the Mahdiyya, p.207.
    3 Gerard Prunier, p.82.
    4 [美]劳伦斯·赖特著:《巨塔杀机:基地组织与9/11之路》(张鲲、蒋莉译),上海译文出版社,2009年版,第186页
    5 Gerard Prunier, p.82.
    1 Ibid.,p.83-84.
    2 IRIN dispatch, 11 May 2000.
    3 Gerard Prunier, p.84.
    1 Sudan’s Other Wars, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A401020_25062003.pdf,p.11-12.
    2 Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf,p.8.
    3 Gerard Prunier, p.84.
    4 Ibid.,p.86-87.
    1“Ceasefire reportedly breaks down in Darfur”, IRIN News, 20 March 2003; see also,“Darfur rebels adopt a charter”, Agence France-Presse, 14 March 2003.
    2 Sudan’s Other Wars, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A401020_25062003.pdf,p.13.
    3 Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf,p.9.
    4 Ibid., p.9.
    1 Sudan Energy Profile http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/country/country_time_series.cfm?fips=SU
    2 leben Nelson Moro,“Over a Barrel”, New Internationalist June 2007, p.18.
    3 J.Millard Burr and Robert O.Collins, Revolutionary Sudan: Hasan al-Turabi and the Islamist State, 1989-2000. p.231.
    4 Ibid.,p.231.
    1 J.Millard Burr and Robert O.Collins, Revolutionary Sudan: Hasan al-Turabi and the Islamist State, 1989-2000,p.232.
    2 Ibid., p.233-234.
    3 leben Nelson Moro, p.18.
    1“Why So Gloomy?”The Middle East, January 1993, p.37.
    2“Sudan,”Middle East Economic Digest, 15 October 1993,p.28.
    3 J.Millard Burr and Robert O.Collins, Revolutionary Sudan: Hasan al-Turabi and the Islamist State, 1989-2000, p.236.
    4 Ibid., p.235-237.
    5 Ibid., p.238.
    1 Ibid., p.239
    3 Sudan’s Best Chance for Peace:How Not to Lose It? http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A400778_17092002.pdf,p.23.
    3 God,Oil and Country:Changing the Logic of War in Sudan, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A400534_28012002.pdf, p.19.
    1 Secretary of State ,Madeleine K. Albright , Remarks on New Economic Sanctions Against Sudan , US Department of State ,Washing2ton , DC , 4 November ,1997..
    3 Gerard Prunier,p.88-89.
    2 The Answer to Darfur: How to Resolve the World’s Hottest War http://enoughproject.org/reports/pdf/answer_to_darfur.pdf
    3 God,Oil and Country:Changing the Logic of War in Sudan , http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A400534_28012002.pdf.p.xiii.
    1 Unifying Darfur’s Rebels:An Prerequisite for Peace, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/b032_unifying_darfur_s_rebels_a_prerequisite_for_peace.pdf,p.2.
    1 Ibid., p.2.
    2 Gerard Prunier,p.91-92.
    3 Ibid., p.125.
    1 Ibid., p.124.
    2 Ibid., p.124-129.
    3 On 13 November 2003 in a BBC media release.
    4 Gerard Prunier,p.89-91.
    5 In an assessement of the Wealth-Sharing Agreement he released on 27 January 2004.
    1 DPA press dispatch , Khartoum, 9 November 2003.
    2 Agence France Press dispatch, Khartoum, 10 November 2003.
    3 Amnesty International, The Looming Crisis in Darfur, London, July 2003.
    4 ICG Media Release, The Other War in Sudan, Brussels, June 2003 http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A401020_25062003.pdf
    5 IRIN dispatch, 22 March 2004.
    6 New York Times, Op Ed column, 31 March 2004.
    7 Gerard Prunier, p.127.
    1 Ibid., p.139-140.
    1 See, for example,“Sudan to Hold Conference in Bid to Quell Tribal Violence in Darfur”, News Article by Associated Press, 22 February 2003
    2 David Hoile, Darfur in Perspective (The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, 2005),p.33.
    3 Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf.p.12-13.
    4 Al-Khartoum, 4 March 2003.
    1 Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf.p.13.
    2 Gerard Prunier, p.94-95.
    3 Ibid., p.97-98.
    1 Alex J.Bellamy,“Responsibility to Protect or Trojan Horse? The Crisis in Darfur and Humanitarian Intervention after Iraq”,Ethics &International Affairs, 2005, Vol.19 Issue 2, p43.
    2 ICG interview, New York, 18 February 2004.选自Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf.p.24.
    1 "Humanitarian envoy shocked by worsening conditions in Darfur, Sudan", OCHA-New York, 8 December 2003. http://www.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/3a81e21068ec1871c125
    2 "Mass Rape Atrocity in West Sudan," BBG News World Edition, March 19, 2004; available at news.bbc.co.Uk/2/hi/africa/3549325.stm.
    3 "UN envoy in Chad over Sudanese refugee plight", AFP, 8 January 2004.Press Statement, 2 March 2004.
    4 "United Nations Special Envoy arrives in Sudan" OCHA, 12 February 2004.
    5 http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sdoc/04/sprst18.htm
    6 Gerard Prunier, p.120.
    3 http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/04/s1556.htm
    4 http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/04/s1564.htm
    2 http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/05/s1590.htm
    3 http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/05/s1591.htm
    4 http://www.un.org/chinese/aboutun/prinorgs/sc/sres/05/s1593.htm
    3 Gerard Prunier, p.143.
    4 Ibid., p.118.
    4 2007年2月23日,秘书长关于达尔富尔问题的每月报告,第8页http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N07/245/96/PDF/N0724596.pdf?OpenElement
    1 http://www.africa-union.org/root/au/AboutAu/Constitutive_Act_en.htm#Article4
    2 Gerard Prunier, p.144.
    3 The EU/AU Partnership in Darfur: Not Yet a Winning Combination, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/099_eu_au_partnership_in_darfur_not_yet_a_winning_combin.pdf.p.3.
    1 Darfur Deadline: A New International Action Plan, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/083_darfur_deadline_a_new_international_action_plan.pdf. p.6.
    2 The EU/AU Partnership in Darfur: Not Yet a Winning Combination, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/099_eu_au_partnership_in_darfur_not_yet_a_winning_combin.pdf.p.4.
    4 Darfur Deadline: A New International Action Plan, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/083_darfur_deadline_a_new_international_action_plan.pdf. p.10.
    5 The International Community. The Agreement Was Signed by A AU PSC Communiqe, PSC/PR/Comm. (XIII), 27 July 2004. www.africa-union.org.
    6 Darfur Deadline: A New International Action Plan, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/083_darfur_deadline_a_new_international_action_plan.pdf. p.7.
    1 Gerard Prunier, p.145.
    2 Darfur Deadline: A New International Action Plan, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/083_darfur_deadline_a_new_international_action_plan.pdf. p.14.
    4 Crisis Group interview, 13 September 2004.Darfur Deadline: A New International Action Plan,http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/083_darfur_deadline_a_new_international_action_plan.pdf. p.14.
    1 The EU/AU Partnership in Darfur: Not Yet a Winning Combination, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/099_eu_au_partnership_in_darfur_not_yet_a_winning_combin.pdf.p.3.
    2 2006年5月19日,秘书长关于达尔富尔的每月报告,第5-6页http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N06/354/46/PDF/N0635446.pdf?OpenElement
    3 U.S. Department of State, "Sudan: Situation in Darfur", Press Statement, 2 March 2004.
    1 President Condemns Atrocities in Sudan, http://www.state.gov/p/af/rls/rm/31206.htm.
    3 Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf.p.27.
    4 Ministerial level meetings of the EU Troika to foster peace in Sudan (18-19 Dec.)", EU Press Release, 18 December 2003.
    5 Gerard Prunier, p.140-141.
    1 Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the situation in Darfur", Press Release, Brussels.
    2 Tchad: arrivée du ministre fran?ais des Affaires EtrangèresàKhartoum" Agence France-Presse, 20 February 2004.
    4 Gerard Prunier, p.98-99.
    1 Darfur Rising :Sudan’s New Ccrisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf.p.21.
    2 Ibid., p.23.
    3 Gerard Prunier, p.107.
    4 United Nations internal memorandum, 18 December 2003.
    5 Gerard Prunier,p.108-109.
    2 See EIU, Sudan: Country Profile2005,2006.转引自贺文萍:《苏丹达尔富尔问题与中国的作用》,载《西亚非洲》2007年第1期,第9页。
    5“Darfur Issue Unfairly Played up: Envoy”,China Daily,27 July 2007.
    3 Eric Reeves,“Darfur: Shame and Responsibility”, Dissent, Fall2005, Vol. 52 Issue 4, p.5.
    1余建华:《民族主义———历史遗产与时代风云的变幻》,上海:学林出版社, 1999年版,第13页。
    2 Amir H. Idris, p.110.
    1 Roger Dean,“Rethinking the Civil War in Sudan”, Civil Wars, Spring 2000, Vol. 3 Issue 1, p.79.
    2 Gerard Prunier, p.76.
    5 Amir H. Idris, p.82-83.
    1 Ibid., pp.79-80.
    3 Amir H. Idris, p.110.
    4 Ibid., pp83-96.
    5 Ibid., p.107.
    1 Alex de Waal,“Darfur: The Inside Story”, New African, April 2007, p.33.
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    2 J. Millard Burr& Robert O. Collins, 1999. Africa’s Thirty Years War: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan(1963-1993), Colorado: Westview Press.p.5
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    4, sudan’s best chance for peace:how not to lose it? http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A400778_17092002.pdf
    5, ending starvation as a weapon of war in Sudan, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A400820_14112002.pdf
    6, power and wealth sharing:make or break time in Sudan’s peace process http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A400854_18122002.pdf
    7, Sudan’s oil fields burn again:brinkmanship endangers the peace process, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A400888_10022003.pdf
    8, Sudan’s other wars, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A401020_25062003.pdf
    10,sudan endgame, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/report_archive/A401038_07072003.pdf
    11,sudan:towards an incomplete peace, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/73_sudan_towards_an_incomplete_peace.pdf
    12,darfur rising :sudan’s new crisis, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/076_darfur_sudan_new_crisis.pdf
    13,sudan: now and never in darfur, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/080_sudan_now_or_never_in_darfur.pdf
    14,darfur deadline: a new international action plan, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/083_darfur_deadline_a_new_international_action_plan.pdf
    15,sudan’s double crises:refocusing on igad, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/041005_sudan_dual_crises_refocusing_on_igad.pdf
    16,darfur: the failure to protect, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/089_darfur_the_failure_to_protect.pdf
    17,a new sudan action plan, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/b024_a_new_sudan_action_plan.pdf
    18,do Americans care about darfur? An international crises group/Zogby international opinion survey http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/b026_do_americans_care_about_darfur.pdf
    19,the AU’s mission in darfur : bridging the gaps .http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/b028_the_au_s_mission_in_darfur___bridging_the_gaps.pdf
    20, the Khartoum-SPLA agreement : sudan uncertain peace ,http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/096_the_khartoum_splm_agreement_sudan_uncertain_peace.pdf
    21, galang’s death: implications for peace in sudan , http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/b030_garang_s_death_implications_for_peace_in_sudan.pdf
    22,unifying darfur’s rebels:an prerequisite for peace, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/b032_unifying_darfur_s_rebels_a_prerequisite_for_peace.pdf
    23, The EU/AU Partnership in Darfur: Not Yet a Winning Combination, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/099_eu_au_partnership_in_darfur_not_yet_a_winning_combin.pdf
    24, Sudan: Saving Peace in the East, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/102_sudan_saving_peace_in_the_east.pdf
    25,to save darfur, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/105_to_save_darfur.pdf
    26, Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement: The Long Road Ahead, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/106_sudan_comprehensive_peace_agreement_long_road_ahead.pdf
    27, Darfur’s Fragile Peace Agreement,http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/b039_darfur_s_fragile_peace_agreement.pdf
    28, Getting the UN into Darfur, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/b043_getting_the_un_into_darfur.pdf
    29, Darfur: Revitalising the Peace Process, http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/africa/horn_of_africa/125_darfur__revitalising_the_peace_process.pdf.

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