甜樱桃(Prunus avium L.)果实发育期氮素代谢特性研究
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本实验以甜樱桃品种“红灯”(Prunus avium L. var. Hongdeng)为试材,于2009-2010年在山东农业大学园艺实验站进行,利用稳定性同位素~(15)N示踪技术,研究了在果实发育关键时期叶面施入~(15)N-尿素各器官对肥料的吸收、分配和利用特性;研究了在控释肥作用下,不同形态的氮素对甜樱桃生长发育的影响,旨在为生产上指导樱桃合理施用氮肥,实现樱桃的高产、优质提供理论与实践依据。研究结果如下:
     1.叶片最高吸收速率发生在涂抹~(15)N-尿素后6h,平均吸收速率为0.11503 mg/g·h,涂抹24h达吸收的最高峰,为0.9353mg/g,之后开始下降,下部叶和新梢中~(15)N含量在24h有所增长,24h达到最高峰,达到0.1205mg/g、0.1401mg/g,二者含量基本一致。梢顶嫩叶中~(15)N含量高于下部叶和新梢,含量相对稳定,未出现明显的吸收峰值。这说明甜樱桃叶片吸收、运转~(15)N-尿素可以同时进行,吸收主要发生在涂抹后24h之内。
     5.在果实膨大期,~(15)N主要积累在以多年生叶(包括两年生枝叶和多年生枝叶,下同)为主的营养器官上,占总吸收量的92%,果实次之,为0.0799%, ~(15)N主要是外运到叶片、新梢等新生器官中;在果实硬核期,~(15)N分配率最高的仍为多年生叶,为52.33%,其次是果实(23.06%);在果实着色期和完熟期,~(15)N的分配率依次为多年生叶﹥新生器官﹥果实﹥多年生枝。
     7. T1处理叶片可溶性糖和蛋白含量最高,与空白对照相比分别提高了187.55%、36.14%。CK2与CK1间可溶性糖及蛋白差异显著,分别提高了96.93%、12.84%;T3处理叶片硝态氮含量为对照的1.88倍。而T2处理也促进了植株体内硝态氮的积累,为对照的1.72倍。T1及T4处理极显著的抑制了叶片硝态氮的积累,与对照相比降低了37.65%、41.53%;各处理都促进了体内铵态氮的积累,以T1及T2最为显著,分别是对照的2.67倍、2.51倍。
     8. T1处理NR活性比CK1、CK2分别高50.41%、40.79%,各形态氮素间差异显著,氨基态及酰胺态氮素显著高于单一NO_3~--N、NH_4~+-N,四个形态氮素中,NH_4~+-N处理NR活性最低;NH_4~+-N处理的GS活性最高,比CK1和CK2分别高44.76%、39.08%,NH_4~+-N处理GS活性为NO_3~--N处理的1.3倍;T1、T4处理GOGAT活性最高,在硬核期分别比对照高20.88%、16.48%和19.11%、14.61%;果实发育前期,全铵处理(T4)、氨基酸液肥处理(T1)与其他处理GDH活性差异显著,在硬核期比对照增加了20.58%和18.19%、18.41%和15.96%;T1处理GOT、GPT活性最大,且持续高活性的时间最长,在完熟期,T1处理活性为CK1的1.41倍、1.48倍。
In order to provide a theoretical and practical basise that how to apply fertilizer in a rational way and achive high yield and high quality of sweet-cherry,“Hongdeng”(Prunus. aviumL. var.Hongdeng) was used in the experiment as research materials.The experiment was done in Shandong Agricultural University between 2009 and 2010.Using ~(15)N stable isotope tracer technique to study the critical period of development in the fruit of spraying into the various organs of ~(15)N -urea fertilizer absorption,distribution and utilization characteristics.Studing on the effect of growth and development of sweet cherry in the different forms of nitrogen with the controlle of release fertilizer.The main results were as follows:
     1. Most uptake of ~(15)N by leaves occurred during the first 6 hours following application of urea.The mean rate of absorption during these 6 hours was 0.11503 mg/g·h. ~(15)N content peaked 24 hours(0.9353mg/g) after urea application and then decreased。~(15)N content in Lower leaves and new shoot peaked 24 hours and the content of them were same.The ~(15)N content of younger leaves was higher than lower leaves and new shoot and the content was stable with none of obvious peak.This showed that:The absorption and running of ~(15)N-urea can occur at the same time, the absorption mainly occured within 24h after the application.
     2. The peak of every organ Ndff% achieved in 24hours and then with a decrease the Ndff% made a stable at last.After applied ~(15)N-urea 168 hours,the Ndff% of organs was:new shoot﹥younger shoot﹥lower shoot.This shows that:Appling urea in early spring,the ~(15)N-urea that absorbed by sweet-chreey distribut to new shoot and younger leaves in priority and just little transport to lower organs.
     3. The absorption of ~(15)N-urea in leaves of different parts was different. The front+the back can absorbed the highest ~(15)N,the back followed and the front is the lowest.The different part of leaves absorbed quickly in 6 hours and with a peak in 48 hours then started to decrease.The ~(15)N content in the front stabled in a lower level and his peak happened in 48 hours(0.2081mg/g·DW).
     4. Applied ~(15)N -urea in the fruit development ,the ~(15)N priority assigned to the new organs (leaves, shoots, fruit) in the form of new organs for the plant construction. In the fruit enlargment stage,the Ndff% of leaves were the highest and new shoot followed(0.31%),the fruit is the third(0.22%);When the fruit came to the hardcore stage,the Ndff% of the fruit increased to 1.87% and just lower than the leaves of perennial branches and two years old branches(2.04%、2.03%);In the mature fruit color stage, the leaves of two years old branches was the highest(2.05%),and younger shoot(1.92%) and fruit(1.91%)followed.In fruit ripe stage,younger shoot was the highest(2.62%), new shoot(2.26%) and two years old branches(2.22%) followed.The fruit was the third(1.97%).
     5. In the fruit enlargement stage, ~(15)N mainly accumulated in the perennial leaves (including the biennial and perennial foliage leaves, the same below) based on vegetative organs, 92% of the total absorption, fruit, followed by the 0.0799%, ~(15)N mainly sinotrans to leaves, shoots and other organs in the newborn; In the Hardcore stage, ~(15)N distribution rate remains the highest perennial leaves, is 52.33%, followed by fruits (23.06%); In the Color stage and the ripe stage, ~(15)N distribution rate were perennial leaves> new organs> Fruit> perennial branches.
     6. Different forms and methods of fertilizer significantly increased leaf dry weight, fresh weight, leaf area, chlorophyll content and specific leaf weight. T1 treatment leaf fresh weight, dry weight was increased by 18.7%, 51.42%, leaf area increased by 46.44%; Ammonium handling all the chlorophylla content, and compared with the control CK1, increased 6.69%, compared with the full nitrate treatment increased 12.11%, but all the chlorophyll b content of ammonium treatment and control (CK1, CK2) significant difference, increased 28.99 %, 15.58%; From the beginning period ofⅡ, specific leaf weight of each treatment and control differences between the growth rate significantly, to the fastest growth rate of amino acid liquid fertilizer, to the period whenⅳ, T1 growth rate of 106.44 percent, as CK1, CK2 was 2.08, 1.70.
     7. T1 processing soluble sugar and protein was the highest compared with the control increased by 187.55%, 36.14%. T2 treatment also promoted the accumulation of nitrate plant body, 1.72 times the control. T1 and T4 treatment significantly inhibited the accumulation of nitrate in leaves compared with the control decreased 37.65%, 41.53%; each treatment have contributed to the accumulation of ammonium nitrogen in the body to the most significant T1 and T2, respectively, in control 2.67 times, 2.51 times.
     8. NR activity of T1 treatment higher than CK1, CK2, respectively, 50.41%、40.79%, the significant difference between nitrogen forms, state, and amide amino nitrogen were significantly higher than that of a single state of NO_3~-N,NH_4~+-N.The four forms of nitrogen in the , NH_4~+-N treatment were the lowest NR activity.Early fruit development, full-ammonium treatment (T4), amino acid fertilizer treatment (T1) deal with other significant difference between GDH activity in the hard core of an increase of 20.58% compared to the control and 18.19%, 18.41% and 15.96%.The GOT and GPT activity of T1 is the largest and the longest sustained high activity in the ripe stage.
     9. All treatments increased fruit quality, the treatment effect of T1 is the most significant .And compared with the control, fruit weight, soluble solids, sugar acid ratio, soluble sugar, VC increased by 12.97%, 14.93% and 77.97% 28.7%, 6.54%. Titratable acidity decreased 35.19%.
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