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In this research, we study the instructional design of Chinese character under the framework of evolution-type prototyp systematically in the field of International Chinese Language Education. We try to put the idea and the practice of these ideas of evolution-type prototype came from the field of Instruciotnal Design into the study of International Chinese Language Educaton. And we take Chinese characters as the study target to do research on the instructional design and its effect. The framework of this paper originates from the basic ramwork of evolution-type prototype.The typical framework of evolution-type prototype is constituted of four main parts:analysis, construction, operation and evaluation. Based on this framework, this research proposes the evolution-type prototype of instructional design of Chinese character which contains four modules, they are module for the front-end analysis of the instructional design of Chinese character, module for operational design of Chinese characters instructional design, module for experimental running of Chinese characters instructional design, and the analysis and improvement of Chinese characters instructional design. Through the study of the four modules, we can form the first prototype instructional design of Chinese characters, and put forward the instructional design framework for subsequent iterations of Chinese characters instructional design.
     The first chapter begins with the description of the background and framework of this paper. And then review the researches of learning theories, the classical model of instructional design, rapid prototyping instructional design, and the Chinese characters instructional design. In the summary of the first chapter, we use the Hype curve to depict current situation and future trend of instructional design of Chinese characters in International Chinese Language Education.
     Chapter Ⅱ focuses on the most important basic theory of instructional design which is composed of two parts. The first part is about the continuous spectrum of learning theory research, and continuous spectral theory of Chinese characters in instructional design, while the second one is the multimedia design theoretical research. How to ensure that various media elements play a role is the focus of the multimedia theory research. Instructional design is concered about three kinds of cognitive load:intrinsic cognitive load, extraneous cognitive load, and cognitive load caused by media of instructional design. In order to keep effective study, the sum of these three kinds of cognitive load should lower than the total capacity working-memory. And when representation system and semantiv system processing can be evoked in the long-term-memory, the learner can connect speech characterization and visual representation to improve learning efficiency. In this chapter, we also put forward six main points of the instructional design of Chinese characters.
     Chapter III is the study of the features of shape, sound and meaning of Chinese characters. The theory of instructional design is not specific to the field of Chinese characters instructional design. So this chapter focuses on the Chinese characters under the perspective of instructional design, and gets ready for evolution-type prototype front-end analysis. After analyzing the shaped characteristics of Chinese characters, the pronunciation characteristics and features of the meaning of Chinese characters, we try to put forward the processing model of Chinese characters as second language writing system basised on cognitive psychology research.
     The above study is the basic theory research of Chinese characters instructional design. After the basic research; we can take Chinese characters instructional design into account under the framework of evolution-type prototype of Chinese characters instructional design.
     Chapter IV is the analysis of Chinese characters instructional design. In this part, we analyze the demands for Chinese characters instructional design. Based on the needs analysis, we analyze the course content and the features of learners. And in the framework of instructional design, learners can start from the "legitimate peripheral participation", then gradually entering the core of the community of practice.
     The fourth chapter is the first module of the evolutionary prototype.
     Chapter V is the study of pre-design of Chinese characters instructional design. After the study of main instructional design process, this chapter studies the choice of teaching resources, the development of related materials, the design of non-teaching materials, and the use of instructional design tools. This chapter is also the study of instructional design model of Chinese characters, and constructs main buildings at all levels of Chinese characters instructional design. Chapters V constitutes the second module of Chinese characters instructional design.
     Chapter VI is the generated analysis of the instructional design of Chinese characters. According to the actual situation, we conduct the generated design at all five levels. This chapter also designs the experiments of evolution-type prototype of instructional design of Chinese characters. This research runs the experiment using non-equivalent control group and quasi-experimental time series quasi-experimental group, and combined with the method of action research. There are three main types of action research, and this paper maialy on the basis of scientific statistics wihle with the combination of observation and analysis. Chapter VI is the third module of the evolution-type prototype of Chinese characters instructional design.
     Chapter VII analyzes the experimental results of practical generated design. And the evidence show clearly that the instructional design of Chinese characters can indeed achieve better learning results. But the practice of instructional design is generated under the interactions of the learners, teachers, software and hardware.While the impact of these facts is so great that this study used quasi-experimenl to consider these factors into account. And it is necessary to conduct instructional design in a real environment. Experimental analysis can be summed up and come to the conclusion that it is clear that instructional design of Chinese characters is effective. But with the interaction of different factors, the effect of the implementation of instructional design is so fluctuations that should be further analyzed. After further study, we can draw the conclusion that the effectiveness of instructional design is significant positive correlation to the quality of instructional design. Due to the instability of the quality of instructional design, the effect of instructional design is a result with fluctuations. In order to make sure that the validity of instructional design at different level and situation is stable, the prototype needs to be improved. And here comes the issue that how to ensure the stability of quality of instructional design is the key point of how to improve the prototype of Chinese characters instructional design.
     The issue which is raised by chapter VII can be solved in chapter VI through the introduction of the instructional design of learning objects. Reusability is one of the most important natures of the learning object. The instability of the qulity of instructional design can be solved through the construction of reusability. So the effectiveness and practicality of the instructional design of Chinese characters can be combined at the same time. Chapter Ⅶ and Ⅷ are in the composition of the fourth module. After the research of this module, our study forms the first whole completed prototype of Chinese characters instructional design under the framework of evolution type prototype.
     The last chapter summarizes the main pints with contrubtuion and innovation in this paper as well as the limitations and unsoloved problems in our research, and proposes the directions for future research.
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