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Innovation has become the main competitive advantage of countries,organizations and other core elements of competitiveness in the knowledge economyand society. Institutions of higher education are not only important main bodies ofresearch and development, but also the personnel training base. Universities has animportant position and role in the national innovation system. Colleges anduniversities is typical knowledge-based orgnization, resources of university teachers isone of the college's most important knowledge assets. Incentive system of teachers isone of the core content of the modern university system. How to train and mobilizethe innovative capacity of the university teachers is an important issue for themanagement of higher education.
     First of all, based on the knowledge of the university teachers and its incentivepath analysis.①Knowledge-based perspective to redefine the concept of universityteachers, and to analyse its characteristics. It includes that teachers have a high levelof education as well as knowledge degree of specialization; study is the symbolicdominant element of the university teachers; with the distinctive university teaching,the relationship between teacher and student performs as guidance, communityserving, creativity and freedom.②Analysing the incentive of university teachers in aeffective way,from the analysis of the process of the psychological contract betweenthe university and college teachers, university teachers salary system which based onknowledge and knowledge-based university teachers, career planning multiple anglesrespectively.③To summarize the status of the Teacher Incentive as well as to discussthe existing problems in the Teacher Incentive.
     Second, the Teacher Incentive management empirical analysis and its modelconstruct.①Design scientific scale problems, to survey Beijing college teachers withquestionaires, and the empirical analysis of mathematical statistics. Comprehensivedescribe statistical analysis of sample data, to study university teachers’ careerattractive factors, incentives influencing factors, occupational characteristicsindicators, knowledge work output analysis. Then regarding the university’ s differentgrade, annual income, job title for group as objects, analysis of variance of the sampledata. The results show that the occupational characteristics and the motivating factorsensitivity of college teachers are significantly vary from grades, titles, and annual income. Finally, with the university teachers' knowledge work output as the dependentvariable, conducting the sample data of the professional characteristics in factoranalysis.②Create a knowledge-based system model of university teachers, this paperputting forward the model of organizational structure and the model of the operationmechanism of the system analysis.
     Third, establish a university teachers’ performance management system as well asincentive system.①Benchmarking management thoughts will be applied to themanagement field where difficult to measure the university teachers performance.Analysing leverage performance-based management’ overviews, implementationsteps and the advantages, constructs a university teachers performance managementsystem which based on the leverage.②Design knowledge-based Teacher Incentivesystem, and pointing out that the university teachers incentive system design purposeas well as principle are based on the benchmarking and knowledge. This paperdiscusses the knowledge which based on the university teachers' incentive systemprocess and method.③In A university case, the knowledge-based university, not onlydemonstrate the feasibility as well as the value of the program, but also make a modelfor knowledge-based university teachers’ incentive management method to popularizeand apply.
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