东亚岛屿特有濒危植物舟山新木姜子(Neoltisea sericea)的亲缘地理学研究
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舟山新木姜子[Neolitsea sericea (Bl.) Koidz.]为樟科(Lauraceae)新木姜子属(Neolitsea)暖温带常绿阔叶乔木。该物种是一个东亚地区间断分布的残遗种,主要分布于我国的舟山群岛、台湾兰屿岛,日本的琉球、四国、九州、本州以及朝鲜半岛的沿海岛屿。因此,选择该东亚特有间断分布的舟山新木姜子作为研究对象进行亲缘地理学的研究,不仅可以检测舟山新木姜子的遗传多样性和群体遗传结构,而且可以揭示更新世时期气候与地质结构变化对该物种现有地理分布格局的影响,并最终阐明舟山新木姜子群体间断分布模式的成因、群体历史动态及其进化动力。
     研究结果表明,nSSR标记和cpDNA序列数据均显示舟山新木姜子群体分化为两个独特的遗传谱系(南部谱系和北部谱系)。两遗传谱系分别位于Tokara Gap的南北两侧,具有显著的地理分布格局。基于IM分析,两遗传谱系的分化时间约为0.07 Ma (90% HPD:0.02-0.38 Ma);并且两谱系分化后几乎没有基因交流。南北两遗传谱系的花粉流/种子流的比值(r)极低(接近于零),反映了舟山新木姜子群体的近期分化。
     舟山新木姜子两遗传谱系的分化时间支持Kimura的"Shallow-time sea-barrier"假说,也就是基于地质证据而提出的晚更新世冰期Tokara Gap地区存在陆桥连接;而与Ota提出的Tokara Gap自上新世形成以来不存在陆桥连接的"Ancient sea-barrier"假说不一致。舟山新木姜子遗传谱系的分化与维持还与环境因子的梯度变化以及该地区岛屿地理结构有一定的关系。
Neolitsea sericea (B1.) Koitz. (Lauraceae) is an element in the dioecious, warm-temperate evergreen forests, which is distributed from Taiwan (Orchid Island), through the Ryukyus to southern Japan, but also occurs disjunctively in off-shore islands of both East China (Zhoushan Archipelago) and South Korea (Jeju Island). A phylogeographic study of Neolitsea sericea was conducted:(i) to assess the population genetic structure and demographic divergence history of a bird-dispersed tree, Neolitsea sericea, endemic to East Asian land-bridge islands; and (2) to interpret the results in the light of controversies over the dating and configurations of land bridges through the Japanese Ryukyu Island Arc.
     We applied ten nuclear microsatellites (nSSRs) and one chloroplast (cp) DNA sequence marker (psbA-trnH intergenic spacer) to 31 populations from throughout the species'range to infer current patterns of genetic diversity and structure, and pollen-to-seed migration ratios (r). A coalescent-based isolation-with-migration (IM) model was fitted to the combined nSSR/cpDNA data set to estimate lineage divergence time and population demographic parameters.
     The geographic structure of nSSRs and the distribution of most cpDNA haplotypes revealed two distinct lineages located in areas north and south of the 'Tokara Gap', a narrow (c.37 km wide) but deep (> 1000 m) sea-strait between the northern and central Ryukyus. Based on the IM analyses, we (1) dated the divergence of these northern and southern lineages to c.0.07 Ma (90% highest posterior density interval:0.02-0.38 Ma); (2) estimated a slightly smaller effective population size for the northern compared to the southern lineage; and (3) recovered only trivial signals of post-divergence gene flow between them.
     The estimated divergence time for northern and southern lineages is consistent with geological evidence for the existence of land connections in the Tokara region during cold stages of the latest Pleistocene; it is thus incompatible with an'ancient sea-barrier hypothesis'for the Ryukyu Arc, where we would have expected much older divergences related to the initial formation of the Tokara and Kerama tectonic straits during the Pliocene. Multiple factors are likely to have had a role in the divergence of N. sericea, including not only land-bridge submergence, but also island configuration, and/ or constraints on adaptation along a latitudinal temperature gradient.
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