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Strategic emerging industry is a breakthrough of the country's technological revolution and the industrial development in the new round, and the improvement of the agglomeration and internal cultivation level in science and technology talents is not only the key to promote industrial development, but also the necessary way to upgrade industrial technology. This study, based on the characteristics of strategic emerging industries, analyzes the evaluation system of the agglomeration and internal cultivation effects in science and technology talents, then discovers the relationship between agglomeration and internal cultivation in science and technology talents through Regression Analysis, and finds out how the agglomeration and internal cultivation effects of science and technology talents influence the industry development through the establishment of the double helix coupling model. This article takes the new-energy automotive industry in Wuhan City for the empirical study to further verify the theoretical analysis results on the basis of the theoretical analysis, and finally puts forward strategies of the agglomeration and internal cultivation in science and technology talents for the new-energy automotive industry in Wuhan City, which has reference for the management of science and technology talents in the general strategic emerging industries.
     The main contents are as follows:Chapter Ⅰ, describes the main purpose and the significance of this paper as well as related domestic and international research review, contents and research methods; Chapter Ⅱ, gathers the basic principles of the agglomeration and the internal cultivation of science and technology talents in strategic emerging industries, analyzes the main mechanism of agglomeration and internal cultivation in science and technology talents in strategic emerging industries, illustrates the features of agglomeration and internal cultivation effects in science and technology talents as well as establishes evaluation index system for agglomeration and internal cultivation effects; Chapter Ⅲ, introduces the well bore storage model to analyze the role of agglomeration of science and technology talents in promoting internal cultivation of science and technology talents, establishes a model for internal cultivation of science and technology talents nurturing the agglomeration of science and technology talents, and proves a positive effect between the agglomeration of science and technology talents nurturing through the establishment of regression model and empirical analysis; Chapter Ⅳ, analyzes the relations between the agglomeration of technology talents and its internal cultivation and industry development as well as interactive correlation between the agglomeration of science and technology talents and its internal cultivation based on the log-linear models in order to establish double helix coupling model of the agglomeration and internal cultivation of science and technology talents; Chapter Ⅴ, explores the structure, operation mechanism and evaluation of double helix coupling system for the agglomeration of science and technology talents and its internal cultivation; Chapter VI, takes the new-energy automotive industry in Wuhan City for the empirical study, using the gray-linking analysis model to evaluate the agglomeration and internal cultivation effects of science and technology talents of the new-energy automotive industry in Wuhan City, predicts the trend of the employees of science and technology talents in the new-energy automotive industry in Wuhan City based on the gray system theory, and puts forward strategies of the agglomeration and internal cultivation of science and technology talents for the new energy automotive industry in Wuhan City; Chapter Ⅶ, the text summary and research prospects.
     This dissertation has made a lot of basic research work and some breakthroughs on this basis, however, it still lacks in-depth research because of personal theory foundations, research methods, personal involvement and article length. Some aspects in this study still need to be further explored and deepened in the next step, for example:the evaluation methods of the agglomeration and internal cultivation effects of science and technology talents, the representativeness of the sample empirical research and the Coupling Mechanism.
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