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    浙江大学博土学位论文 农村人力资本积累与农民收入分配机理研究
     (6)在对人力资本与农民收入分配之间关系分析的基础上,利用 DAD(Distributive
    An&lysiS/AnslySC DIStriblltiVC)V4刀软件,测量和分解了吉尼系数和广义嫡指数,研究
    与农村经济增长的关系。首先,采用 Romer ( 990)内生经济增长模型分析农村人力资
    物资资本投入;其次,采用 Kuznets“倒 U”假说,分析了农村收人分配对经济增长的
    收入对吉尼系数变化的弹性系数为 4.176。同时,农业增加值对吉尼系数变化的弹性,
The main source of economic growth is Human Capital. The main component of Human Capital is education. Investment to education is positively associated with economic developing in each country. Nowadays,the global is experiencing the "Knowledge Economy". Education will be the key factor of developing and increasing international competitiveness for each country.
    For rural,education is the basis of increasing farmer's income. It is also important for rural economic development. Combined data with logic,qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis,static analysis with dynamic analysis,the association of rural human capital,farmer's income inequality and economic growth in China was researched in the dissertation.
    Research process:through the systemic analysis of human capital theory,the model of human capital accumulation was introduced in the mechanism of human capital accumulation. It was used as measuring the human capital stock. The empirical analysis was done adopting the theories and models of human capital investment. The current situation of rural human capital,rational behavior of rural human capital investment and the effects of rural human capital accumulation upon inequality of farmer's income and economic growth in China were analyzed by dynamic and systemic ways.
    The main results given:
    (1) On the basis of systemic analysis of development of human capital theory,the measurement of human capital stock was introduced according to the concepts of human capital. It is a unified model that includes all the factors of affecting human capital investment. It also served as a unified standard of measuring and comparing the human capital.
    (2) According to the theory of human capital accumulation,the general factors of affecting rural human capital investment were discussed in systemic ways. The main impact factors of human capital accumulation include earning,age of labor,national economy development,national income distribution and income distribution between generations.
    (3) Reviewed the current situation of human capital in rural China,it is achieved that
    (1) The human capital stock in rural China is small and distributing unequally. (2) The human capital accumulation in rural China is slow and insufficient.
    (4) The rational behavior of human capital investment in rural China was explored and the private rate of return to education in rural China was measured. Estimating by adopting to earning function of Mincer and the tuition fee of primary and middle school by government,
    the ROR for investment to primary school is 7.6%,the ROR for investment to middle school is 8.0%,the ROR for investment to high school is 5.4%. Estimating by adopting real tuition fee of school in rural China,the ROR for investment to primary school is 2.3%,the ROR for investment to middle school is 2.1%,the ROR for investment to high school is 1.6%.
    Estimating by adopting Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the tuition fee of school by government,the IRR of investment to primary school is 22.6%,the IRR of investment to middle school is 24.7%,the IRR of investment to high school is 23.8%. Estimating by adopting real tuition fee of school in rural China,the IRR of investment to primary school is 11.4%,the IRR of investment to middle school is 13.7%,the IRR of investment to high school is 12.8%. The key impact factors of human capital investment in rural China are lower farmer's income and insufficient demand to education rather than the rate of return of investment.
    (5) The association between difference of years of schooling and ages of householder and farmer's income inequality was discussed. Farmer's income is increasing as increasing years of schooling of householder. The association between two is assumed as a curve,which is right-upwards and convex to horizontal axis (years of schooling of householder). The association between farmer's income and ages of householder with different education attainments can be assumed as parabola. As learning by doing for householder,the growth rate of income is higher for
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