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Evaluation of the effect of social expenditure has become a hot topic and anumber of related results have been published in the field of public economicsresearch in recent years. However, most of the existing research considers the effectsof fiscal expenditure to national income and private sector from the prospect of thegross, and which ignores the structural impact of fiscal expenditure. Expenditure is acombination of a variety of expenditure. The different components of expenditurehave the different targets and areas so that they respectively have the differentexpending effects. Therefore, it is necessary to make analysis and evaluation for theindividual components of financial expenditure.
     As an important part of the fiscal expenditure, social expenditure is an essentialcondition of improving the social welfare and People's livelihood. China'sgovernment realizes the importance of strengthening social expenditure, to constantlyoptimize the structure of fiscal expenditure, to increase investment in social security,health care, education of science and technology, and other field of socialundertakings, and to attempt to change the current situation where public serviceprovision is insufficient. However, there is currently no research about the effects ofpresent social expenditure, whether to implement the government's fiscal functions,whether to promote positive interaction between economic growth and social equity.So far no scholars have conducted a comprehensive system of evaluation, and amature framework to evaluate social spending has not yet formed. Based on these, inthis paper, we take the social fiscal expenditure as research object, to evaluate theeffectiveness of government social expenditure in China, in order to identify reformdirection of social expenditure, forming more reasonable financial expenditurestructure, furthermore, promoting increased economic efficiency in China and topromote the construction of socialist harmonious society.
     To evaluate the effect of social spending, the first thing is to establish anevaluation frame work system. In this paper, we initially found the theory of socialexpenditure and its effect evaluation criteria, and define the related concepts.According to the government functions of the financial expenditure, in this paper,"efficiency" and "equity" are taken as the standards and guidelines for evaluation ofsocial expenditure. Further, a multi-level and multi-angle evaluation framework of system has been built. In the aspect of efficiency, whether social expenditure isefficient, depends on the basis of whether it can promote growth of social wealth andraise the level of economic growth. In the aspect of justice, this paper is unlike theprevious researches which just simply regard the income gap as a measure of justiceand only evaluate the social expenditure in result justice. In the light of the incomedistribution aspects, the fair criterions of social expenditure is divided into two partsas beginning justice and result justice, and in the first time make an evaluation ofbeginningjustice. Additionally, for the seriousness of the income’s inequitabledistribution, we take social expenditure adjustment of income distribution effects asan example, to whether the social expenditure contributes to the achievement of socialequity. The criterion of social expenditure beginningjustice is defined as differencebetween the basic public services in urban and that in rural, formed by socialexpenditure. If the gap between urban and rural basic public service shows thetendency of convergence, it indicates that social expenditure has a good effect on thebeginningjustice of the urban-rural income distribution. The criterion of the socialexpenditure result justice is defined as whether it helped to improve the excessiveincome gap between urban and rural areas. If social expenditure narrows the incomegap between urban and rural residents, then social expenditure has a great help to therealization of the urban and rural result justice income distributions.
     In the evaluation of social expenditure to the beginningjustice in this paper, tobegin with the logical starting point as “social financial funds inputs→formed basicpublic service→residents income distribution beginning fair”, we use outputs classindicators to build indicators system which reflects urban and rural basic publicservice level, and synthesis the corresponding index. Based on this, we take the β andδ convergence test on the urban and rural basic public service respectively. We noticethat in our country, the gap between the urban and rural basic public service levelexists the δ convergence and absolute β convergence. There also exists relative βconvergence after controlling regional effect. From large to small, the convergencerates are followed by Eastern, Central and Western. The social expenditure has aremarkable effect, playing a role for the urban and rural residents’ income distributionbeginningjustice.
     In the evaluation of social expenditure to the result justice in this paper, forsolving the problem of endogenous variable, we use system GMM method to estimatetwo situations as follows: considering beginningjustice and not consideringbeginningjustice respectively, the overall scale of the social expenditure and the influence of structure on the income gap between the urban and rural areas. The resultindicates that, the overall scale of the social expenditure has remarkable effect on theurban and rural income distribution results justice and effectively reduces theexpansion of the income gap between the urban and rural areas. From expenditurestructure, purchase expenditure of social expenditure is able to improve the urban andrural income distribution pattern, which has a great help to the outcome of theurban-rural income distribution result justice. However transfer spending has failed tonarrow the income gap between the urban and rural areas, and may have the adverseeffect, furthermore to deteriorate the urban-rural income gap.
     In the evaluation of social expenditure to the efficiency, there is a linear relationbetween social expenditure and economic growth in the previous studies. However,a nonlinear relationship may exist between them. In this paper, based on the relevantbasic theory, we use panel smooth transition to study the efficiency of socialexpenditure within the framework of the nonlinear model, and estimate the optimalmodel of social expenditure. Result indicates that social expenditure has the doublethreshold feature impact on economic growth when social expenditure accounts for aproportion from5%to17%of the GDP optimal scales. When the expenditure scales isless than5%or greater than17%, the increase in social expenditure will result in thedecrease of the economic growth level and the social expenditure is not efficient.When the social expenditure scales is between5%and17%, social expenditure has asignificant role in promoting economic growth, generally efficient. Currently, withinthe context of social expenditure in China is within the optimal scales and socialexpenditure works efficiently.
     Additionally, previous studies have neglected the context of the interactionbetween efficiency and equity and the endogenous variable. In order to make theevaluation more comprehensive, a unified analysis framework included the socialexpenditure, economic efficiency and social equity has been built. In the context ofthe interaction between efficiency and equity, we comprehensively evaluate theeffectiveness of social expenditure. Because results justice is considered as the mostdirect and most concentrated reflection of whether income distribution is fair, wedefined the justice as result justice of the income distribution. The results justice isprimarily represented by the urban-rural income gap. Through the establishment ofsimultaneous equations model, we draw a conclusion after estimating the parametersby using2SLS estimation method. In light of the fact that the interaction betweenefficiency and fairness is considered, the trajectory of the fact that overall scales of social expenditure stimulate the economic growth is u-shaped. The overall scales ofsocial expenditure significantly reduce the urban-rural income gap, and the socialexpenditure works well, achieving the dual objectives of efficiency and fairness. Fromthe expenditure structure, the impact that the purchase expenditure has on economicgrowth is significantly non-linear and u-shaped. Based on the significantly negativeimpact on the urban-rural income gap, the purchase expenditure from the integratedexpenditure has a good effect. For the transfer expenditure, there is no significantimpact on economic growth. Because the transfer expenditure has no influence to theurban-rural income gap but has been positive correlated with it, transfer expenditurefail to achieve its financial function.
     Finally, combined with the empirical analysis, we draw the basic conclusion: inthis paper, in order to provide a basis for the optimization of fiscal policy on societyin China, we propose the suggestion and related policies in the following four aspects:increasing share of social expenditure, achieving equalization of basic public services,expanding the scale of purchase expenditure, adjusting the input direction of transferspending.
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