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Industrial cluster has become an important organizational form and carrier for economic development. Guiding and promoting the development of industrial clusters, are beneficial to changing the way of the economic development, beneficial to enhance industrial competitiveness, beneficial to accelerating the industrialization and urbanization, and have great significance for achieving the goal of building a well-off society and building a harmonious socialist society. Industrial clusters competitiveness based on industry clusters various production factors(human capital, enterprise, resources, infrastructure, technical conditions, institutional supply), between enterprises and the industrial cluster to run a dynamic integration approach, in order to bring the overall performance of the substantive effect of the strong competitive advantage. Human capital integration refers to dynamic competitive advantage in a dynamic complex environment, depend on optimizing the human capital structure and creating new resource structure. This paper think that human capital integration can upgrade industrial clusters competitiveness. discussing industrial clusters competitiveness from the perspective of the integration of human capital, analyzing canonical correlation between in human capital level and industrial clusters competitiveness, constructing evaluation index system. Competitive industry cluster is a national long-term source of economic growth and prosperity, its level determining a country or region's competitive advantage.
     The structure arrangement of this dissertation are as follow:
     Chapter one:introduction.The chapter is to discuss the purposes, methods and structure of this paper. This chapter discusses industrial clusters are playing an increasingly important role in the economic and social development, researching industrial clusters competitiveness is Economics and Chinese Economic and social development, this paper adhere to standardized methods and empirical analysis, historical analysis and logic analysis, model analysis, comparative analysis and system analysis. As well as the paper structure is logical structure of progressive layers, this section of the paper will general introduce main content.
     Chapter two:the statue quo of the research and basic theory of human capital integration and industrial clusters competitiveness. This chapter first general introduce their relationship about human capital and human capital integration, industry clusters and industrial cluster competitiveness, human capital and industrial cluster competitiveness. Second, analyzing the basic theory about human capital and industrial clusters competitiveness, the main answer interaction mechanism in human capital and industrial clusters.It is a foundation analyzing human capital integration and industrial clusters competitiveness.
     Chapter three:correlation analysis about human capital integration and industrial clusters competitiveness. This chapter defines human capita integration, industrial clusters and industrial clusters competitiveness, to explain the meaning nature and causes of the industrial clusters competitiveness, discusses premise and key of human capital of integration to compose industrial cluster competitiveness, Canonical Correlation Analysis between Level of human capital and the industrial clusters competitiveness. It builds a basis in order to analyze industrial clusters competitiveness from the perspective of human capital integration.
     Chapter four: constructing evaluation index system about industrial clusters competitiveness based on human capital integration. This paper uses having existed research results to define industrial clusters boundaries, using input-output analysis method in application analysis, according to need of this study, constructing industrial cluster competitiveness evaluation index system based on human capital integration, meanwhile, determine the weight of indicator system at all levels by AHP.We think chat human capital that can be used as an independent factor to enhance industrial clusters competitiveness.
     Chapter five:human capital dynamic integration within the organization based on enhancing industrial clusters competitiveness. First, this chapter defines and classifies tacit knowledge, and then discusses the relationship between the dissemination of tacit knowledge and industrial clusters competitiveness, on this basis, further discussion of the internal conversion of tacit knowledge based on human capital integration, while building differential dynamic model of knowledge dissemination based on college advisor system.
     Chapter six:human capital dynamic integration among the organization based on enhancing industrial clusters competitiveness.This chapter first discusses the dissemination of tacit knowledge between organizations, and then discusses the relationship between the dissemination of tacit knowledge industrial clusters competitiveness, and learn from others differential dynamic model, explaining the spread of tacit knowledge among organizations, on this basis, discusses the relationship between knowledge integration and industrial clusters competitiveness, proposed to enhance the industrial clusters competitiveness in organizational means.
     Chapter seven: human capital integration institutional arrangements based on enhancing the industrial clusters competitiveness.This chapter discusses four institutional arrangements to ensure the human capital integration. Analyzes from four aspects:establishing institutional strategies to break staff silence, establishing system of job security of employees, establishing human capital allocation system based on the strategic orientation, establishing the system of human capita residual claims.
     Chapter eight: conclusion and revelation. Summary, while indicate further study the problem and develop a direction for further research.
     The main research innovations of this dissertation are as follow:
     Ⅰ.This paper study industrial cluster competitiveness from human capital integration perspective. The past,there were Poter's "four elements", Padmore and Gibson's "three elements",Zeng Lu and Luo Wen-Da "social factor".This paper argues that to enhance the industrial clusters competitiveness, need to integrate the various elements within industrial clusters, the human capital integration is core elements in industry cluster.
     Ⅱ. Try to build the analysis framework human capital integration to enhance the industrial cluster competitiveness. First, the industrial clusters competitiveness and level of human capital is Canonical correlation, it is a foundation analyzing industrial clusters competitiveness from the perspective of human capital integration. secondly, built evaluation index system from the perspective of human capital integration, and at all levels with the AHP weights were compared. Third, analyzes human capital integration between the levels and methods. Fourth, proposes the "four major systems" arrangement to ensure that human capital at these levels and methods can be integrated.
     Ⅲ. Building evaluation index system on industrial clusters competitiveness from the perspective human capital integration. improve the industrial clusters competitiveness need to integrate various elements of industrial clusters, in essence, it is a integration about the businesses, governments, aid agencies, resources, market and other elements, these elements main body is human capital, integration of these elements is the essence of human capital integration. This paper regards the integration of human capital as an important element, analyzes by AHP, which it can be as a separate element, which is the integration of other elements of industrial clusters in common.
     IV.This mainly put forward human capital dynamic integration among cluster organization and within cluster organization. we construct Tacit Knowledge differential dynamic transferred model based on advisor system in order to Tacit Knowledge dissemination within industrial cluster organization. The paper analyzes the relationship about Tacit Knowledge dissemination and integration among industrial cluster organization, propose to enhance the industrial clusters competitiveness of organizational means.
     Ⅴ. Put forward to ensure the integration of human capital measures from the institutional arrangements. we must establish a system of safeguards, enhancing the industrial clusters competitiveness form human capital integration perspective. Staff silence is first the problem solved; after solving employees silence, we need to establish work security systems; after solving employees a sense of security,we need to create human capital allocation system with enterprise (organization) strategy consistent; to the right people in the right jobs, so that different positions of the staff and employees of different organizations can communicate and access the long-term process, that is the propagation process of tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge can be communication, human capital can be integrated, the organization's productivity can be improved, the power of business to grow, build human capital residual claim the system is a matter of course.
     Studying industrial clusters competitiveness is a theoretical and practical significance into account, the complex and challenging task. This article discusses the human capital integration enhance the industrial clusters competitiveness within industrial clusters, between the human capital to enhance how the competitiveness of industrial clusters, not within the scope of this article. This paper tries to build research framework upgrading industrial clusters competitiveness through'human capital integration. although the design of industrial cluster competitiveness survey based on human capital integration, however, involved the number and scope of industrial clusters is very limited, lack of representative industrial cluster sample of a large empirical research is the biggest shortcoming, from the perspective of human capital integration, designing industrial cluster competitiveness evaluation index system is appropriate or not, also require large further validation sample data. Industrial clusters competitiveness in itself is a very complex system, because of limiting my knowledge, capacity. This paper is just the beginning to study industrial clusters competitiveness from the perspective of human capital integration, have not been covered issues related to further in-depth research.
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