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After reform and opening up, industrialization and urbanization has developmentrapidly. Through advanced transportation network, gradually improved urbanizationsystem and steadily economic development relativity, cities in certain regional havebegun becoming into economic integration and the degree of relationship among withthem has gotten stronger and stronger. With the deepening of division of labor ofregional economy and specialization and the rapid regional economic growth, economicfactors agglomeration phenomenon on space has been more and more clearly and therange widely. Integration economy with agglomeration effects has replaced the originalindependent economic entity and become the regional core of economic growth anddevelopment momentum. City group as the typical representative for the integrationeconomy plays an important role on regional economic formation and development.Therefore, development of urban agglomeration in China has become important researchtopics for regional economic development, and many economists have conductedin-depth research from more than one perspective. The thesis selects the perspective ofassociation development between industrial clusters and urban agglomeration as key tothe development of the urban agglomeration in China. In certain areas, industry clusterand urban agglomeration exists closely relativity, and the degree of association haspositive relationship with industrial regional economic development, that is, the degreeof relativity is strong when the level of regional economic development is high. Thearticle shows the characteristics and rules of industrial cluster and urban agglomeration,and at the same time reveals the relationship between them of interaction development,mutual promotion and reciprocal influence, which produces relatively original point forthe future development of urban agglomerations in China.
     This article uses comparative analysis as the research method, and selects four urbanagglomerations as objects of research. They are respectively the Yangtze River Delta thatis the highest level of economic development of urban agglomeration, Shenyangeconomic region located in the Old Industrial Base of Northeast of China, Wuhan CityGroup located in central of China and the Chengyu city group located in the West.Through comparative analysis, the paper has summarized the development characteristics and problems of urban agglomerations in China. The method of Coupling, whichmeasures two variables connection degree, has been introduced from physics intocomparative analysis, and applied for survey the relationship of industrial cluster and citygroup. This article has constructed the index system of industrial cluster and urbanagglomerations and computed the value of coupling between them for clarifying theconnection degree. In addition, from the point of relationship development betweenindustrial clusters and city groups, the paper has made a new definition of developmentmode of urban agglomerations. It can be classified three kinds, which are the industrialcluster leading mode, urban agglomeration mode and mutual development mode. At theend, on the basis of above analysis, the research has proposed meaningful policies forurban agglomerations development in China.
     The paper has divided into eight chapters, and the structure is as follows: firstchapter is introduction, which has explained the background and research significance ofthe topic, and method and article insufficient about research; second chapter is relatedliterature review of related theory on urban agglomeration development both at home andabroad; third chapter analysis the meanings of industry cluster and urban agglomerationand relativity between them, and it defined the new meanings of industrial cluster andurban agglomeration with proposal the new mode of urban agglomeration developmentbetween them; fourth chapter measures the degree of association between industrygathering and urban agglomeration and analysis the mechanism, and has explainedcoupling method and industry cluster and urban agglomeration coupled mechanism; fifthchapter is quantitative analysis of industry cluster and urban agglomeration coupleddegree and construct coupled index system, which has been used to account for foururban agglomeration; sixth chapter is regional comparison analysis of effects of industrygathering on urban agglomeration development for four urban agglomeration, usingcoupling results in fifth chapter and introducing coupled bonus concept; seventh chapteris explorations and practices of urban agglomerations in China, which explores theinfluence of industry gathering and urban agglomerations coupling on development ofurban agglomeration and problems existing in the development of the urbanagglomeration in China; the eighth chapter has been policy recommendations.
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