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运用高羊茅为复播草种复播狗牙根草坪以研究不同播种量、修剪高度和播期对狗牙根草坪的影响和运用De wit实验设计研究不同混种比例和修剪高度对高羊茅和狗牙根种间竞争力的影响,以阐明高羊茅复播狗牙根草坪的技术及原理,明确了适宜的播种量、播期和修剪高度。试验结果表明:
Tall fescue was used for overseeding into bermudagrass turf. The effect of the seeding rate, seeding date and cutting height of tall fescue on bermudagrass turf, and the effect of competition between tall fescue and bermudagrass was studied by an experiment using the method of de Wit. The trial studied for the purpose of the technique and mechanism and approprate of overseeding bermudagrass with tall fescue. The main results were as follows:
     1. The resulteds showed that the 35g/m~2 of seeding rate was the most approprate while overseeding bermudagrass with tall fescue. The seeding rate of 15g/m~2 couldn't prolong the green period because the total tillers of tall fescue were lower in winter. The 50g/m~2 could restrain the growth of bermudagrass next year. The result was also showed in the trial of competetion. The competetion of Bermudagrass was significancly reduced when the number of tall fescue were more. It is disadvantage for bermudagrass to regrowth next year. As the result,the turf quality and turf colour and green cover were seriously affected in summer.
     2. Overseeding date should be in the middle or last ten days of Oct. Earlier overseeding date could not only establish overseeding turf before winter and prolong turf green period, but also make tall fescue plant stronger and improve turf quality and turf colour and turf green cover during turfgrass returning next year, overseeding on the fifth of Nov couldn't establish overseeding turf though high seeding rate,for the reason that tall fescue couldn't completely germinate and grow. And so on, high seeding rate could reduce turfgrass growth and turf visual character.
     3. The height of cutting should be low after overseeding with tall fescue. The bermudagrass's density and turf density of the treatment of cutting height of 3cm were more than that of cutting height of 4cm or 5 cm. The turf visual character of the treatment of cutting height of 3 cm were better than that of cutting height of 4cm or 5cm in summer. It was also showed in trial of competetion. The bermudagrass's competetion the treatment of cutting height of 3 cm were more than that of cutting height of 4cm or 5cm, in the condition that the number of tall fescue's planting was lower. So it was propitious for bermudagrass to regrowth.
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