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Because of increasing economic globalization and rapid development of information network technology, the world has entered a new era, human activities of information management entered the era of knowledge management. Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) is a new topic of management that emerges along with continuous development of the information technology, Knowledge Management (KM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).CKM is the strategic reflection of the numerous opportunities and challenge that the enterprises are facing. It studies on how to gain, share, innovate and optimize the enterprise's value chain using customer knowledge effectively and meet customer demand for personalization customization, and then to display the leverage function of customer knowledge and the maximize efficiency of other resources of enterprise fully. According to existing research, whether customer management is effective or not depends on Customer Knowledge Management Capability (CKMC). Therefore, CKMC studies have great theoretical significance and practical value.
     Nevertheless, until now CKMC is a new research subject, and the studies on it is few, and it still has not formed a quite unified understanding, and lacking systemic and thorough research. In the view of this phenomenon, according to the overall structure "clarify the basic concept—construct analysis model—identify elements of capability—evaluate capability size—give the promotion strategy", this article has conducted a systematic study on CKMC. The main innovative work of this article is as follows:
     (1) Firstly, the concept of knowledge management capability is elicited and defined. CKMC means that the enterprise "pull" the knowledge to give management decision-making and innovation from the customer, and "push" knowledge to assiste customers to purchase the level of decision-making. In the concept it has defined customer knowledge management is a bilateral interactive process between the enterprise and the customer, the primary purpose of it is to support the decision-making and implement products, services and process innovation. The concept proposed by this article laid the foundation for reltaed theoretical research, and could provide clear instructions to enterprise CKM practices.
     (2) Secondly, the key factors of CKMC are identified. Based on the literature review, first determined the factors of knowledge management capability, and then selected a key factor of the capacity through expert investigation. The conclusion of the study has important theoretical value for analyzing and identifying of CKMC, and it has provided the index system and strategic direction to evaluate and promote CKMC.
     (3) Thirdly, a matrix model for analyzing CKMC is presented. Based on the key factor analysis, CKMC of enterprise depends on two dimensions that are technical capability and non-technical capability. The technical dimension belongs to "hard" capability, it is that the enterprise uses information technology to acquire, store, transfer and apply customer knowledge. Non-technical capability contains institutional arrangements, incentive mechanisms and cultural aspect of enterprise CKM, it belongs to "soft" capability. The matrix analysis model of CKMC based on the technical capability and the non-technical capability dimension has constructed, and the model provided an important basis for the evaluation of CKMC.
     (4) Fourthly, a method for measuring CKMC is proposed. A fuzzy linguistic evaluation method meets the requirement and characteristic of the problem is given based on the evaluation index system of CKMC. The fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic representation model that developed recently is used, so that the results of evaluation can be corresponded to the initial language sets, and convenient for the recognition and analysis of it.
     (5) Finally, strategies for promoting CKMC are presented. Based on the evaluation result of CKMC, the improvement strategies with regard to the relsults located in different quadrant of the matrix model are proposed. That provided systemic plan for promoting and evolving the enterprise CKMC.
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