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     调查了西湖水体中磷素含量的季际变化以及沉积物中不同形态磷素的时空变化特征。西湖水体全年总磷(TP)含量在0.10 mg L-1附近波动,小南湖最低而外湖和北里湖则一直保持较高水平,季节分布上冬夏季高春秋季低。在全年的大部分时间里,难以被浮游植物直接利用的颗粒态磷是水体TP的主要组成部分。采用SMT磷素分级方法分析了西湖沉积物不同形态磷素的含量,结果发现西湖七个采样点沉积物中TP含量变化范围为0.21 mg g-11到1.48 mg g-1,该水平与其他同类型湖泊相比处于中游。TP的垂向分布总体上呈现出自上而下减少的趋势,而季节性变化则体现出冬高夏低、春秋两季含量接近的特征。HCl-P是西湖沉积物中磷素的主要成分,并且与TP含量呈现极显著相关,有机磷(OP)次之,而NaOH-P所占比例最低。西湖沉积物中磷素的富集与人类活动关系密切,主要来源于其流域内的生活污水和农业径流,几条主要的入湖溪流充当了传递媒介。
     明确了西湖沉积物对于磷素的吸附特征。西湖沉积物吸附磷素的过程分为快吸和慢吸两步,吸附反应主要是在前12h内完成的。利用修正的Langmuir吸附模型能够较好地拟合西湖沉积物对于磷素的吸附过程,根据模型拟合结果,不同采样点沉积物的最大吸附量(Smax)的变化范围为0.61mg g-1至1.13mg g-1,该参数与沉积物中粒径较小的粘土和粉砂所占比例呈现正相关关系。沉积物平衡磷素浓度(EPC0)的变化范围为0.038mg L-1至0.193mg L-1,均明显高于各自上覆水中正酸盐浓度,说明西湖沉积物更倾向于扮演“源”的角色,向上覆水体中不断地释放磷素。
     分析了西湖沉积物中微生物多样性和解磷细菌分布情况,从西湖沉积物中分离筛选出12株解磷菌并测定了其解磷能力。采用DGGE分析了西湖不同样点沉积物间的微生物多样性与种群分布,结果发现差异不显著,但是与西溪湿地沉积物的微生物多样性相比则存在明显的地域差异。位于西溪湿地滩涂处沉积物的Shannon指数最低,而西湖沉积物的Shannon指数呈现出由北向南递减的趋势。西湖沉积物中解磷细菌丰度高,解有机磷菌数量比解无机磷菌大一个数量级,并且具有明显的空间差异性,具有中间层高,底层次之,表层最低的分布特征,但是解磷菌数量与相应形态的磷素组分含量之间并不存在明显的相关关系。利用纯培养的方式从西湖沉积物中分离获得8株解有机磷菌和4株解无机磷菌。解有机磷菌分属于5个不同的属,其中巴赛尔亲铜菌(Cupriavidus basilens)首次被发现具有降解有机磷的能力,而分离获得的4株解无机磷菌均属于长杆菌属(Enterobacter sp.).解磷能力测定结果表明,在孤立体系中解有机磷菌不仅生长速度较慢,而且解磷能力也大大弱于解无机磷菌。
Lake eutrophication, a global environmental problem, is harmful for the aquatic ecosystems and drinking water safety. When the external sources are gradually being controlled, the eutrophication and algal blooms were mainly caused by the release of phosphorus (P) from the sediments. However, the characteristics of internal P transformation at the water-sediment interface and the knowledge of biogeochemical effects on P transition process, especially concerning the role of chemical environment and microorganisms, are still lacking. In this thesis, a typical shallow city lake, West Lake, was chosen as the study area. The spatial and temporal variations in forms of P fractions and compositions of phosphate releasing bacteria (PSBs) were investigated, and the possible source of P was estimated by the Standards Measurements and Testing Program (SMT protocol). We also studied the significance of physic-chemical and biological effect on P transformation process at the water-sediment interface, and the variations of biological effect under different conditions of pH, light, and temperature conditions were discussed. Moreover, some PSBs strains had been isolated and identified, and laboratory tests on P release ability by these PSBs were also conducted. The purpose of this study lied in providing theoretic basis for effectively control of nutrients and clarification of the mechanisms of eutrophication. The main results were as follows:
     The seasonal variations of phosphorus contents in water and the temporal and spatial variations of different P fractions in sediments were investigated by SMT method. The concentrations of total P (TP) in water were around 0.10 mg L-1 in four seasons. The lowest value was observed in the Lake Xiaonan, while water TP in the Lake Outer and Beili had maintained relatively high levels throughout the year Moreover, TP contents were relatively high in spring and summer, but low in autumn and winter. Particulate P, which was hardly utilized by phytoplankton, was the main form of TP in lake water in most time of the year. The concentrations of TP in seven sediments ranged from 0.21 mg g-1 to 1.48 mg g-1,which was moderate compared to other lakes. In general, TP contents showed a downward variation with sediment depth within each season, and were high in winter and low in summer. HCl-P was the main component of TP in sediments and it showed significant correlation with TP. Organic P (OP) was the secondary component while NaOH-P was the smallest proportion of TP. P in sediment of the West Lake was mainly of anthropogenic origin, such as domestic effluents and agricultural runoff, and the inflow streams were the main medium of nutrients transfer.
     The characteristic of P sorption by sediment was studied. The sorption process was divided into fast step and slow step, and the reaction was almost completed in the first 12 hours. Using the modified Langmuir adsorption model could fit well with the P sorption process, and according to the fitting results, the maximum P adsorption capacity (Smax) in different sediments were ranged from 0.61 mg g-1 to 1.13 mg g-1, and this capacity was positively correlated with the proportion of smaller particles size in surface sediment. The zero equilibrium P concentration values (EPC0), ranging from 0.038 mg L-1 to 0.193 mg L-1, were significantly higher than concentrations of orthophosphate in overlying water, which indicated that sediments in the West Lake tended to act as "source" and kept the release of P to the overlying water
     The microbial diversity and the distribution of PSBs in sediments were analyzed. The differences in microbial diversity and population among seven sampling sites in the West Lake were not obvious, but it showed significant spatial differences between the West Lake and Xixi Wetland. The lowest value of Shannon index was appeared in W1 site, and the index showed a decreasing trend from north to south in lake. Enumeration and molecular identification of PSB strains indicated that these bacterial groups were abundant in the lake ecosystem and various kinds of bacteria participated in P release process. Twelve PSBs, including eight organic P-solubilizing bacteria (OPBs) and four inorganic P-solubilizing bacteria (IPBs), which belonged to three different families, were isolated and identified. Cupriavidus basilensis was found for the first time to have the ability to mineralize OP. Laboratory tests on P release ability revealed that IPBs were more effective at releasing P than OPBs.
     The biological effect on P transformation process at the water-sediment interface was revealed, and the variations of biological effect under different conditions of pH, light, and temperature were discussed. A customized integrated equipment was designed and employed in study in order to maintain the samples in situ. The results showed that the decrements of TP in sediment in the non-sterilized systems were 2-6 times higher than those in the systems sterilized by Co60y-ray, which indicated that the biological activities strongly stimulated P release and its intensity could reach to over 4 times higher than that from the physico-chemical effect. The extent of biological effect did not only depend on extremely enrichment of biomass, strong bacterial activity could also play a significant role in P bio-transformation at the interface. The increasing temperature could enhance organism biomass and biological effect. Light was essential for the growth of algae and with the excessive absorption of P by algae, more P was released from the sediment. pH was detected to have no major effect on bacterial biomass and P cycling, but higher pH was propitious to the decomposition of OP and benefited algae to capture CO2.
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