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With rapid development of E-commerce and logistics, shopping online becomespopular consumption style. Manufacturer’s direct sale gets much easier by the emergenceof internet channel. Direct channel provides manufacturer with a platform for sale andmakes manufacturer confront with market demand directly. What’s more, manufacturercan regain the channel power and get out of the control by retailer in the channelrelationship. The dual marketing channel mode (i.e., direct channel and retail channel) isadopted widely in many industries. Correspondingly, the problems of dual-channel supplychain are paid much attention by scholars and practitioners.Compared to traditional supplychain, there are horizontal conflict between channels and vertical conflict betweenmanufacturer and retailer. The research on dual-channel supply chain is much morecomplicated and difficult and there are still a series of problems unsolved. Based on thesynthetical application of consumer utility analysis, game theory, optimization theory andmethod, bargaining theory and simulation, this dissertation makes a systematic and deepstudy of decision problems in dual-channel supply chain in different scenarios. The mainresearch works are as follows:
     Decision problems of pricing and serving level in dual-channel supply chain withconsumer returns risk were studied. By numerical analysis, product return rate’s impact onsupply chain decision under different conditions were compared.Then sensitivity analysisof dual-channel supply chain’s parameters to demand allocation between channels wasmade.Finally the profits under different pricing shcemes were compared when productreturn rate and demand allocation between channels were changed simultaneously.Itshows that in the dual-channel supply chain, product return rate’s impact on supply chainrelates to pricing scheme, the cost of service and etc. The manufacturer prefers unequalpricing scheme while the retailer prefers equal pricing scheme. But for high return rateproduct, the unequal pricing scheme is more likely to be accepted by chain members.
     Based on the bargaining power of retailer in the wholesale price negotiation, wederived the equilibrium pricing decision made by supply chain members. The studyreveals that the choice of wholesale price bargaining strategy rarely influences manufacturer profit while having great impact on the retailer’s profit and supply chainprofit. In most cases, the manufacturer weakly prefers wholesale price negotiationadopting retail price as benchmark, but the retailer prefers wholesale price negotiationadopting direct sale price as benchmark. Wholesale price negotiation adopting direct priceas benchmark is more benefitial to supply chain profit. And wholesale price negotiationadopting direct sale price as benchmark could probably be the equilibrium optimalbargaining mode accepted by chain members.
     Under different bargaining power owned by manufacturer or e-tailer, the pricingdecision and logistic service level decision of supply chain member were analyzed byusing game theory under three pricing schemes. It’s found that uniform pricing decided bymanufacturer is optimal when the manufacturer’s bargaining power is weak, and unequalpricing scheme with wholesale price negotiated based on direct sale price is optimal whenthe manufacturer’s bargaining power is strong. Under these optimal pricing schemes, theprofit of supply chain and manufacturer is dominant and the logistic service level ishighest. The profit of e-tailer is slightly influenced by pricing scheme, so the optimalpricing scheme may be the equilibrium strategies accepted by chain members.
     Two competing manufacturers distribute their product through the same traditionalretail channel. How the introduction of online direct channel by leading manufacturerinfluences the decisions of chain members was investigated. It shows that the leadingmanufacturer not only needs to consider the operational cost in direct channel andconsumer acceptance of online channel, but also needs to consider the situation ofcompeting manufacturer. The competing manufacturer’s profit may be enhanced due tothe introduction of online direct channel by leading manufacturer, which is mainly becauseof the alleviation of the double marginalization problem by online direct channel. And inessence, it’s so-called free-riding effect for competing manufacturer.
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