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The consciousness and ability of families for children's human capital investment not only affect children's future quality of human capital, but also condition the development of human capital of rural society. The investment motivation of western rural families for children's human capital are relatively insufficient, moreover, our government and social organizations are lack of an efficient investment guarantee mechanism which is suitable to the western rural areas and can encourage the families to increase the human capital "inputs" to their children and ensure the "results" of the family’s investment behavior effectively. This research takes the behavior of investment in children’s human capital of the rural families in western areas as the object of the study, the key is to explore an efficient protection mechanism and study the proper role and function of orientation of the government and the community which can help to improve the investment ability of the western rural families basing on revealing the conditions of the children's human capital investment of rural families in western and the factors that affect their investment behavior. The study could not only enrich the theoretical system of family human capital investment in the micro-level, but also gather more attention to the problem of human capital reserve of the children in western rural china and clarify the objective and subjective factors affecting the family’s investment behavior and establish a concept of investment in women's and children's human capital growth and protect the quality of children human capital in the western rural areas in the future.
     By referencing the theory of foreign-related research about family human capital investment and the home economics, public economics, behavioral science and etc., the paper has summarized the contents and its internal logic relations of the family human capital investment for children. At the same time, the paper has explored the status and sorted and classified the main factors that maybe affect the family human capital investment for children in western rural areas. Basing on the above, the paper has built a protection mechanism of human capital investment for children of the western rural families, which include three core aspects: The main mechanism of families, the incentive mechanism from governments and the complementary mechanisms from communities. The study focused on qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, macro-expositions and micro studies, literature and cross-disciplinary research and some other methods. The key point lies in identifying accurately the factors that affect the family investment behavior, and finding out an appropriate way to optimize the protection mechanism of human capital investment for children of the western rural families in the theory.
     This research brings a new research perspective to the theory of family human capital investment, for it analyzed the economic phenomena of household investment in human capital for children in the western rural areas by using behavioral science theory. The findings from the investigation on the students and parents in Gaoling County of Xi'an showed that there were a negative correlation between the level of regional economy and the family-dependent children coefficient, but positive correlation between the level of regional economy and the family human resources development content on children, the time expenditure level, the family educational methods. In addition, based on the field survey of five counties in Shaanxi, the paper has studied the factors that impact the family’s human capital investment behavior on children and its direction and degree of these factors. The study concluded that the family income level, mother's educational level and family’s investment in education to children was positively correlated, and the quality of education has a significant positive effect to family’s education investment behavior for their children, and the government's investment on the system of education of the western rural areas has not produced an effective pulling effect to the households education investment behavior of the western rural areas, and the mother's educational level has stronger impact to her own attitudes for the education investment to boys than to girls, and parental education level, family income, status of public administration in rural areas was related to the family health investment for children significantly, and the mother's influence coefficient on children’s diet was greater than father’s, but the father has more significant impact to the children's health care investment than the mother's. Therefore, to enhance the investment power of rural households in western areas, it is required to give full play of the family’s main mechanisms, of the government's incentive mechanism and of the complementary mechanisms of social organizations. The combination and collaboration of these three branches of the mechanism is the prerequisite and basis to ensure the domestic investment capacity and promote the investment power of the family in western rural areas.
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