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This paper studies the NPD behavior from an innovative way-NETWORK. Basing on the traditional NPD theory and Innovation Network theory, it forms the NPD Network theory, which includes the definition of NPD Network, the models of NPD Network, the construct of NPD Network, the actors of NPD Network and their interaction, the performance of Network , and the information and termination of NPD Network.
    NETWORK in this paper means the relationship of all kinds of actors interacting during the integrating resources of NPD course. There are three types of NPD network models: the inner network, the outside network and the combining network or intermediate network. Then it analysis the actors of China NPD Network.
    The pharmaceutical industry of Zhejiang province is studied as a case of NPD Network, the conclusions as follows: the main model of Zhejiang province pharmaceutical industry is intermediate network. NPD is carried out within an integrating resource network; the firm's key capacity and the orientation of new product determine the model of NPD network; the forming course of NPD network is integrating the network resources based on the NPD activities; The NPD network is market-oriented and is an open and dynamic organization, the base of which is trusting with each other and seeking for mutual resources; the performance of NPD is determined by the capacity of integrating, instead of the side of firm.
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