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From their special attributes such as nongovernmental,nonprofit-distributing, voluntary ,etc, NPO are acting as the roles that are difficult to be substituted by the governmental and profit enterprise organizations in many aspects such as mobilizing social resources,supply public goods and service,promoting social coordination and governance,developing economy,maintaining equity and justice ,building civil society,meeting pluralistic demands of citizens and so on. But NPO is also need leadership. Weather public interest activity or mutual interest activity,NPO should integrate and utility precious resource effectually,so possessing effective leadership is prerequisite,otherwise,NPO will lose the existence and development significance
     The leadership of CNPO face to organizations development problem,development scale of CNPO in developing primary stage is far away from development country; the other rigorous problem is that CNPO face special problem in the process of transforming self-governance; complex problem from basic attribute of NPO and special character of CNPO.
     The advantage and function of non-profitable organizations make NPO praised by the public,but the advantage ask the leadership develop their ability highly .NPO is different from profitable organization in these aspects such as setting target and mission,thought consciousness, financing channel,the right-responsibility match of organization,leading volunteers, staff stimulation, internal organizational structure ,performance evaluation,all these differences increase the difficulty of NPO leadership. From the point of view of leadership science ,these differences can express 3 aspects: the different relationship between leader and follower; the different basis of decision– making;innovation of organization. The above problems increase leadership of NPO uncertainty. So we think the problem of CNPO leadership is rigorous challenge and complex problem.
     The dissertation analyzed the applicability of complexity science to leadership process; analyzed the applicability of complexity thinking paradigm to leadership theory. The conclusion is a general thought on the leadership problems of CNPO and four maneuverability countermeasures.
     Science of complexity which is called as“the science of 21century”research on complexity and complex system, it supply a kind of new thinking. Science of complexity which researches uncertainty and complex problem among natural science is contrary on the traditional reductionism, it advocates complex ways to complex problems. Recently, science of complex has applied economy, sociology,history,politics,anthropology and management. Especially, on the field of enterprise management and public administration,complexity science has promoted the development of the subject ,weather used by some theory or a kind of methodology.
     Complexity management has become a emerging research direction and is increasingly getting the attention of scholars from research institution and university. But we can not find the application to the leadership science. We hope to deal with the problem of leadership of CNPO by the effective combination of complexity thinking paradigm and leadership science and to get a valuable theory and practical exploration.
     According to the analysis of the applicability of complexity science to leadership activities, we got a series of complexity character of leadership activities. Meanwhile,we got the supply to building new relation between leader and follower from complex adaptive system, the supply to the vision and mission problem from attractor,the enlightenment to development and innovation of organization from dissipative structure theory By carding the mainstream theory of leadership science and leader-member exchange theory,we got the essence of complex thinking paradigm among leadership theory ,and the conclusion of existing applicability of complex science to the study on leadership science .
     According the front point of view,we got a general thought on the leadership problems of CNPO and four maneuverability countermeasures based on complex thinking paradigm, NPO theory and leadership theory.
     The general thought means some ideas on which is from simplicity leadership thinking to complexity leadership thinking.The maneuverability countermeasures are four leadership models based on general thought. Chordic leadership is a kind of self–organizing leadership about development and innovation. Mission leadership can rectify the lack of mission in CNPO. Authentic leadership is a leadership model which express leaders grow up with their organization. Mechanism of substitutes for leadership is a series of mechanism which can ensure“organic”organization work and different from leadership mechanism.
     This dissertation is the initial exploration of the leadership of CNPO based on complexity thinking paradigm. This dissertation tries to encourage the development of leadership science by complexity science application to the leadership science research.
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    36中华人民共和国民间组织管理局民间组织办公网页已由“中国民间组织网”改为“中国社会组织网”;中国社会组织促进会于 2008 年 1 月 13 日在北京成立。
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    72文中根据 1933 年出版的牛津英语字典注明,英语单词当中“领导者”(Leader)一词最早在 1300年才出现,而“领导”(Leadship)一字直至 1800 年尚未见到。得出领导与管理二者比较而言,要算“管理”历史更长”的论述(同样的论述也出现在肖志超:管理、领导概念异同辨析(山西财经大学学报 2006 年 10 月 p62)与约翰·科特(John Kotter,1990)的观点“领导是一种有着悠久历史的概念,而管理概念则作为工业革命后组织高度复杂化的结果,是在过去的 100 年中形成的。”观点相反,有待考证。
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    82林正全:《非营利组织的领导与决策功能》黑秀网 http://www.heyshow.com/tipsdetail.asp?id=155
    83李维安:《非营利组织管理学》北京:高等教育出版社,2005,第 102 页
     84黄秉德:《非营利组织经营管理理念:台湾经验分析》转引自李维安主编.《非营利组织管理学》北京:高等教育出版社,2005,第 93 页
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     87参见吴东民,董西明:《非营利组织管理》[M],北京:中国人民大学出版社,2003,第 97 页
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    95参见王名:《非营利组织管理概论》[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2002,第 43-48 页
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    114《复杂:诞生于秩序与混沌边缘的科学》,第 4 页.转引自郭元林:《复杂性科学知识论》[D].中国社会科学研究院,2003,第 53 页
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    116普利高津在《从混沌到有序——人与自然的新对话》认为,复杂性科学诞生于 1811 年,那年,傅里叶因热传导方程而获大奖,实际就是热力学的开端。
    117圣塔菲研究所(SFI)第一任所长,1984 年由三位诺贝尔得主 Murray Gell.Mann(物理)、Philip Anderson(物理)和 Kenneth Arrow(经济)组建的美国圣塔菲研究所(Santa Fe Institute),是一个国际性的不同领域的科学家关于复杂性问题的研究中心。
     1181948 年,威弗(Weaver)在《科学家》杂志上发表了论文《科学和复杂性》,该文回顾了科学近 350年(1948 年以前)的发展历程,指出科学已研究了简单性问题和非组织复杂性问题,将来要面临的是组织复杂性问题。威弗认为,在 1900 年之后(实际可能更早一些)物质科学开始向非组织复杂性问题进军。
    1191984 年 5 月,由三位诺贝尔奖得主 Murray Gell.Mann(物理学家)、Philip Anderson(物理学家)和 Kenneth Arrow(经济学家)组建的美国圣塔菲研究所(Santa Fe Institute),是一个国际性的不同领域的科学家关于复杂性问题的研究中心。
    120 Lissack.MR.Complexity“the science,its vocabulary and its relation to organizations” [J].Emergence,A Journal of Complexity Issues in Organizations and Management,1999,1(1):110-126.
    121Nicholas Rescher:Complexity:a philosophical overview,1998,Transaction Publisher,New Brunswick(U.S.A.)andLondon(U.K.)
    122宋学锋:《复杂性、复杂系统与复杂性科学》[J].中国科学基金 2003,5 第 262-269 页
     123信息(information)(Shannon);熵(entrop)(Gibbs,Boltzmann);算法复杂性(algorithmic complexity);算法信息量(algorithmic information content)(Chaitin,Solomonoff,Kolmogrov);费希尔信息(Fisher information);Renyi 熵(Renyientropy);自描述代码长度(self-delimiting code length)(Huffman,Shannon-Fama);矫错代码长度(error-correcting codelength)(Hamming);Chernoff 信息(Chernoff information);最小描述长度(minimum descriptionlength)(Rissanen);参量个数或自由度或维数(number of parameters,or degrees of freedom,ordimensions);Lempel-Ziv 复杂性((Lempel-Ziv complexity);共有信息或通道容量(mutualinformation,or channel capacity);演算共有信息(algorithmic mutual information);相关性(correlation);储存信息(stored information)(Shaw);条件信息(conditional information);条件演算信息量(conditional algorithmic information content);计量熵(metric entropy);分形维(actual dimension);自相似(self-similarity);随机复杂性(stochastic complexity)(Rissanen);混和(sophistication)(Koppel,Atlan);拓扑机器容量(topological machine size)(Crutchfield);有效或理想的复杂性(effective or ideal complexity)(Gell.Mann);分层复杂性(hierarchical complexity)(Simony);树形多样性(tree subgraph diversity)(Hubermann,Hogg);同源复杂性(homogeneous complexity)(Teich,Mahler);时间计算复杂性(time compatations complexity);空间计算复杂性(space compatations complexity);基于信息的复杂性(information-based comple-xity);逻辑深度(logical depth)(Bennett);热力学深度(thermodynamic depth)(Lloyd,Pagels);语法复杂性(grammatic complexity) (position in Chomsky hierarchy) Kullbach -Liebler 信息 (Kullbach-Liebler information);区别性(distinguish ability)(Wooters,Caves,Fisher);费希尔距离(Fisher distance);分辨力(discriminability)(Zee);信息距离(information distance)(Shannon);演算信息距离(algorithmic information distance)(Zurek);Hamming 距离(Hamming distance);长幅序(long--range order);自组织(self--organization);复杂适应系统(complex adaptive systems);混沌边缘(edge of chaos)。以上各种复杂性定义的名称来源于《科学的终结》第 329 页
     125李以渝:《论复杂性的基本特征:自相关性》[J].系统科学学报 2007 年 1 月
    126雷谢尔(N.Rescher),转引自吴彤:《若干复杂性著作和emergence近期文献分析研究》[J].系统科学学报 2007,7
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     130Weibler,J.(ed.):New Perspectives on Leadership Research,Rainer Hampp verlag,2004,p.313.
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     132东阳里:《论领导活动中的“蝴蝶效应”》[J].理论导刊,1991 年第 2 期
     133Thomas Kuhn.The structure of scientific revolution[M].Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1970:38-48.
    134盖尔曼(Murry Gell.Mann,1929-)因对基本粒子的分类及其相互作用方面的卓越贡献,获得了1969 年度诺贝尔物理学奖。
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    137Eric B.Dent,Ph.D.is Dean, School of Business,University of North Carolina,Pembroke.
    138吴彤:《复杂性范式的兴起》[J].科学技术与辩证法,2001 年,第 6 期,第 20-24 页
    139彭新武:《复杂性科学:一场思维方式的变革》[J].河北学刊 2003 年 5 月
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     145Riggio R.E.,Ciulla J.B.& Sorenson G.J.:Leadership education at the undergraduate level: a liberal arts approach to leadership development, in Kravis-Deroulet Leadership Conference 2001 (Claremont McKenna College), Riggio R. E. & Murphy S. E.,2003,The Future of Leadership Development, Mahwah N.J.,Lawrence Erlbaum,2003,p224
     146Richard L.Daft,The Leadership Experience,2nd edition,Harcourt,Inc.A division of Thomson Learning P23
    147 R.M. Stogdill: “ Personal Factors Associated with Leadership : A Survey of the Literature”Journal of Psychology 25(1948),P35-71.
     148参见彭向刚:《领导科学概论》[M].高等教育出版社,2007 第 71 页
    149Fred Danereau “A Dyadic Approach to Leadership:Creating and Nurturing This approach Under Fire”,Leaership Quarterly 6,No.4(1995),P479-490
    151Gary Yukl,Leadership in Organizations.5th,Prentice Hall,北京:清华大学出版社,2001,第 115 页
    152George B.Graen,Mary UHl-Bien:“Relationship-Based Approach to Leadership:Development Of Leader Member Exchange(LMX)Theory of Leadership Over 25 Years:Applying a Multi-level Multi-Domain Approach”Leadership Quarterly 6,No.2(1995),P219-227
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    157HAN FLK American and Chinese Passage to difference[M].(3rd Ed)Honolulu University of Hawaii Press 1981
    158吴敏 1,黄旭 2,徐玖平 1,阎洪 2,时勘,交易型领导、变革型领导与家长式领导行为的比较研究(国家自然科学基金的资助,项目资助号:70471061),“变革型领导的结构及其影响机制”[J].科研管理 2007 年 5 月.
    159年龄范围为 25 岁以下占 8.8%,25-35 岁占 45.1%,36-45 岁占 31%,45 岁以上占 15.1%;教育程度为大专以下 12.4%,大专 46.9%,大学 31.9%,研究生 8.9%;工作年限为年以下 24.8%,5-10 年35.4%,10 年以上 39.8%。
    160年龄范围为 25 岁以下占 17.3%,25-35 岁占 51.5%,36-45 岁占 19.6%,45 岁以上占 7.6%,空缺5%;教育程度为大专以下 15.2%,大专 11.3%,大学 37.5%,研究生 30.8%,空缺 5.2%;工作年限为 5 年以下 32.8%,5-10 年 40.2%,10 年以上 26.6%,空缺 0.4%。
     161参见[美]理查德 L.达夫特著:《领导学原理与实践》[M].杨斌译,北京:机械工业出版社,2005 第 250 页-251 页
     162参见彭向刚:《领导科学概论》[M].高等教育出版社,2007,第 126-156 页
     163潘旭明:《复杂性科学研究述评》[J].自然辩证法研究 2007,6 第 37-39 页
     164Egri C.P.,Herman S. “Leadership in the north American environmental sector:Values, leadership styles,and contexts of environmental leaders and their organizations” Academy of Management Journal, 2000, 43(4): 571-604
     169 金吾伦:《浑序组织—一种建立在复杂性基础上的新型组织》[J].自然辩证法通讯,2002,(4)
     170 [美]迪伊·哈克:《混序中领导》[J].人力资源开发与管理,2003,(6),第 23 页
     171王泽华:《社会组织建设与管理的几点思考》[J].《社团管理研究》2008 年第一期
    1721954 年 德鲁克在《管理实践》一书中首次系统地探讨了企业使命的重要性、企业使命的制定等重要问题,他在随后的多部著作中重申了“使命”对企业发展的重要性,并且将之延伸到所有组织的管理中。凭借着德鲁克的名望,“使命”成为 60 年代风靡企业界的热门话题。
    173赫塞尔本是美国德鲁克非营利组织基金会的创始人并从 1990-2000 年担任该组织的首席执行官,她还在很多非盈利组织和私人组织任职.由于她 1976-1990 年担任美国最大的女子非营利组织—女童子军的首席执行官和德鲁克非盈利组织基金会的创始人而带来的巨大贡献,1998 年她被授予美国总统自由勋章?赫塞尔本是使美国非营利性组织经营衰败的状况发生转变的重要人物,正是由于她成功地用使命经营非营利组织。她获得了包括 9 个荣誉博士头衔和优秀领导等多项荣誉。
    174 (美)彼得·德鲁克著:《管理实践》[M].毛忠明,程韵文,孙康琦译上海:上海译文出版社.1999:第 87-91 页
    175陈雪根:《21 世纪:使命管理——访美国德鲁克基金会主席弗朗西斯·赫塞尔本》[N].中华工商时报 2000,11,7 第 002 版
     176弗朗西斯·赫塞尔本:《在这个世界上,管理本应是园形的》金美宁译[J].中外企业文化,2001年总第 85 期.
     179Luthans F.,Avolio B.J.“Authentic leadership:A positive developmental approach”In Cameron K.S.,Dutton J.E,Quinn R.E.“Positive organizational scholarship”San Francisco:Barrett- Koehler,2003.
    180 Avolio B.J.,Gardner W.L. “Authentic leadership development:Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership”Leadership Quarterly,2005,16(3):P315-340.
    181詹延遵、凌文辁、方俐洛:《领导学研究的新发展:诚信领导理论》[J].心理科学进展 2006,14(5):第 710-715 页.
    182Luthans F.,Avolio B.J.“Authentic leadership:A positive developmental approach”In Cameron K.S.,Dutton J.E,Quinn R.E.“Positive organizational scholarship”San Francisco:Barrett- Koehler,2003.
    183 Gardner W L,Avolio B J,Luthans F,et al.WalumbwaF."Can you see the real me?"A self-based model of authenticleader and follower development.Leadership Quarterly,2005,16(3):p343-372.
    184转引自詹延遵,凌文辁,方俐洛:《领导学研究的新发展:诚信领导理论》[J].心理科学进展 2006,14(5)第 713 页.
     185谢衡晓:《诚信领导的内容结构及其相关研究》[D].暨南大学 2007
    187Gardner W.L.,Avolio B.J.,Luthans F.etal.Walumbwa F."Can you see the real me?"A self-based model of authenticleader and follower development.Leadership Quarterly,2005,16(3):343~372
     188Kerr S.:“Substitutes for Leadership:Some Implications for Organizational Design”[J].Organization and Administrative Science,1977,8(1)p135-146.
    189Jermier J M: “Substitutes for Leadership:Their Meaning and Measurement” [J]. Organiza -tional Behavior and Human Performance.1978,22(3);Kerr S,Slocum J W.:Controlling The Performances of People in Organizations [K].Nystrom P C,Star-buck. W H.Handbook of Organizational Design.New York:Oxford University Press,1981(2):116-134.375-40 转引自耿晓伟,郑全全:《领导替代理论》[J].人类工效学 2007 年 9 月第 13 卷第 3 期
     191刘峰:《领导替代与领导创新》[J].理论探讨 2003 年第 4 期
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