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The United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, commonly referred to as the Rotterdam Rules, was eventually adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 11 December 2008. There are four multilateral conventions regulating international carriage of goods by sea after the Rotterdam Rules' passing, which are the Hague Rules, the Hague-Visby Rules, the Hamburg Rules and the Rotterdam Rules respectively. Compared with existing maritime conventions, the Rotterdam Rules makes a lot of amendments and changes on many subjects. However, whether the Rotterdam Rules can successfully uniform rules to govern international contracts of carriage wholly or partly by sea and play a fundamental role in promoting trade and economic development, both domestically and internationally, is mostly dependent on whether this convention can successfully deal with its relations with other rules of international trade law. The aforesaid relations includes but not limited to the relation between maritime transportation conventions and other unimodal transportation conventions, the relation between maritime transportation conventions and the law regulating international sale of goods, and the relation between maritime transportation conventions and municipal law. In light of this necessity and complexity, this dissertation concentrates on the aforesaid relations from the perspective of harmonization, and the main concerns will be focused on the analysis of the Rotterdam Rules.
     The dissertation consists of five chapters. ChapterⅠis a general introduction to the external relations of the international conventions on carriage of goods by sea with other rules of international trade law. It begins with the definition, categories and foundation of the external relationship of the maritime transportation conventions; then makes an examination of existing provisions regulating the external relationship; at last, points out that the way for solving the dilemma existing in external relations is the establishment of external harmonizing mechanism. Correspondingly, the possibility and necessity of external harmonization and its relationship with uniformity of the law regulating international carriage of goods by sea are also discussed in this section.
     ChapterⅡconcerns with the conflicts between maritime transportation conventions and other unimodal transportation conventions. The causes and categories of the conflicts are represented in the first section, and the conflicting provisions of the Rotterdam Rules are analyzed in the second section within the same chapter.
     From ChapterⅢto ChapterⅣ, this dissertation raises an inspection about maritime transportation conventions how to harmonize with the law regulating international sale of goods. In fact, an introduction of the law regulating international sale of goods has been given in ChapterⅠ, including a brief explanation of its relationship with maritime transportation conventions and the harmonized norms. The emphasis of the chapterⅢlies in exploring the norms harmonizing maritime conventions with the law regulating international sale of goods during normal courses. Rights of control, delivery of goods, and transfer of rights are three important themes in this chapter. In the "right of control" part, the institutional structure, the intrinsic quality and the institutional value of the right of control are discussed detailedly; in the "delivery of goods" part, the rules regulating delivery of goods in the aforesaid four maritime transportation conventions are explored at length from the perspective of harmonization; in the "transfer of rights" part, basic issues surrounding transfer of rights are examined, and the transfer of rights chapter of the Rotterdam Rules is also analyzed.
     ChapterⅣmainly examines norms under maritime transportation conventions which aim to coordinate the law regulating international sale of goods during abnormal course, namely disputes arising. Right of suit, the distribution of burden of proof under marine cargo claims, and the identity of the subject against whom the claim is put forward are discussed in the ChapterⅣ.
     The last but not the least chapter is "the harmonization and interaction between maritime transportation conventions and municipal law". Under this chapter, first consideration was given to the general relationship between international law and municipal law, then next priority was given to interaction between maritime transportation conventions and municipal law regarding to formulation and creation of norms between maritime transportation conventions and municipal law, and the application of maritime transportation conventions in contracting states; at last, an analysis was given to the harmonization between maritime transportation conventions and municipal law on the space of application, focusing on the application of national law under maritime transportation conventions.
① Benjamin's Sale of Goods,6th ed, Sweet & Maxwell,2002.
    ② Charles Debattista,The Sale of Goods Carried by Sea,2nd ed, Butterworths,1998.
    ③[英]David M. Sasson:(CIF和FOB合同》,郭国汀主译,复旦大学出版社2001年版。
    ④ John F Wilson, Carriage of Goods by Sea,3rd ed, Finaccial Times Pitman Publishing,1998.
    ⑤ David W. Robertson, Steven F. Friedell & Michael F. Sturiey, Admiralty and Maritime Law in the United States, Carolina Academic Press,2001.
    ⑥ Thomas J. Schoenbaum, Admiralty and Maritime Law, Thomson West,2004.
    ⑤ Alexander von Ziegler, The right of suspension and stoppage in transit (and notification thereof), Journal of Law and Commerce, Fall,2005.
    ⑥ Caslav Pejovic. Stoppage in transit and right of control:conflict of rules?, Pace International Law Review, Spring 2008.
    ⑦ Gertjan Van Der Ziel, Chapter 10 of the Rotterdam Rules:Control of Goods in Transit, Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2008-2009.
    ⑧ David A.Glass, Meddling in the multimodal muddle?-a network of conflict in the UNCITRAL Draft Convention on the Carriage of Goods[wholly or partly] [by sea], Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 2006,3(Aug),307-334.
    11 Theodora Nikaki, Conflicting Laws in "Wet" Multimodal Carriage of Goods:the UNCITRAL Draft Convetion on the Carriage of Goods[Wholly or Partly][by Sea], Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, October, 2006.
    12 F. L. Wiswall, Uniformity in Maritime Law:the Domestic Impact of International Maritime Regulation, Tulane Law Review, June,1983.
    ①Francesco Berlingieri, Uniformity in Maritime Law and Implementation of International Conventions, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol.18, No.3, July,1987.
    ③ William Tetley, reform of carriage of goods--the UNCITRAL draft and senate COGSA'99, Tulane Maritime Law Journal, Winter 2003.
    ④ Silviu Bursanescu, Reform of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act in the United States:between COGSA1999 and UNCITRAL's Draft Convention on the Carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea], Master's Research Project, august 15,2007, McGill Faculty of Law.
    ① David Michael Collins, Admiralti-International Uniformity and the Carriage of Goods by Sea, Tulane Law Review, October,1985, p.195.
    ②Thomas J. Schoenbaum, Admiralty and Maritime Law, Thomson West,2004, p.489.
    ① See C. Satapathy, Legal Framework for E-commerce, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.33, July 18, 1998, p.1906.
    ③CIM现为《国际铁路运输公约》(Convention Concerning International Carriage by Rail) (COTIF)附件B。因而在国际文件中提及CIM时,通常根据COTIF的修订而区别为COTIF-CIM1980和COTIF-CIM1990。
    ⑤《多式联运公约》至今尚只有6个签署国,11个加入国,距该公约第36条规定的30个签字国或批 合同为租赁合同与承揽合同的混合”的观点。“海上货物运输合同为租赁合同说”所持论据为海上货物运输合同的运费支付制度,应与租赁合同的租金较似,除了“运费到付”似承揽合同制工作物完成后始支付报酬外,尚有“期间支付运费”、“比例支付运费”、与“运费先付”等制度,故其与承揽合同的性质不相符合,同时法国《商法典》第273条将其海上货物运输合同定义为“船舶租赁制合意”。“海上货物运输合同为租赁合同与承揽合同的混合说”则认为对海上货物运输合同性质的认识应区别海上货物运输合同的种类,对于租船运输应视为租赁合同与承揽合同的混合,对于件杂货运输,则应视为承揽合同。参见赖来焜:《海事国际私法学》(下),神州图书出版有限公司2002年版,第185页。
    ④ Charles Debattista, The Sale of Goods Carried by Sea, Butterworths,2nd ed,1998, p.26.
    ②[加]William Tetley:《海上货物索赔》,张永坚、胡正良、傅廷忠等译,大连海运学院出版社1993年版,第143页。
    ① Multimodal Transport:the Feasibility of an International Legal Instrument, UNCTAD/SDTE/TLB/2003/1, paras.23-24.
    ② Michael F. Sturley, Uniformity in the Law Governing the Carriage of Goods by Sea, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol.26, No.4, October,1995, p.571.
    ①United Nations, Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2000, Vol.Ⅱ, p.145.转引自廖诗评:《条约冲突基础问题研究》,法律出版社2008年版,第20页。
    ② C. Wilfred Jenks, The Conlflict of Law-making Treaties, Brit. Y. B. Int'l L, Vol.30,1953, pp.401-453.
    ③ Joost Pauwelyn教授认为C. Wilfred Jenks是第一位对条约冲突作严格或技术性定义的学者。SeeJoost Pauwelyn, Conflict of Norms in Public International Law:How WTO Law Relates to other Rules of International Law, Cambridge University,2003, p.167.
    ④ C. Wilfred Jenks, The Conlflict of Law-making Treaties, Brit. Y. B. Int'l L, Vol.30,1953, p.426.
    ②需指出的是,对条约冲突的此种类型化,虽然直接借鉴了国内法对法律规则逻辑结构的认识,但仍需认识国际法规则和国内法规则在逻辑结构上的差异,很多国际法规则是不完全的,往往只规定属事因素,而未规定属人因素,为此需要国内法的补充。参见Hans Kelsen, General Theory of Law & State, Transaction Publishers,2006, p.343。因而国际条约之间的冲突就具体条约而言,有时可能并不同时包涵上述三方面的冲突。此处对条约冲突的类型化,主要是从条约整体角度作的抽象论述。
    ②Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1966,Vol.Ⅱ,p.214,para.2.
    ① Black's Law Dictionary 931(8th ed.2004).
    ③CIM现为《国际铁路运输公约》(Convention Concerning International Carriage by Rail) (COTIF)附件B。因而在国际文件中提及CIM时,通常根据COTIF的修订而区别为COTIF-CIM1980和COTIF-CIM1990。
    ① See General remarks on the sphere of application of the draft instrument, paras.56, A/cn.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.29.
    ② See Intermodal Transportation and Carrier Liability, European Communities,1999, Foreword.
    ②See Implementation of Multimodal Transport Rules, Report prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat, p.18-31.
    ①[2001] 2 Lloyd's Rep.133; [2002] 2 Lloyd's Rep.25
    ① Malcolm Clarke, the line in law between land and sea, JBL,2003, Sep, p.524.
    ① See Theodora Nikaki, Conflicting Laws in "Wet" Multimodal Carriage of Goods:the UNCITRAL Draft Convetion on the Carriage of Goods [Wholly or Partly] [by Sea], Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, October, 2006. footnote 43.
    ② See Relation with other convention, at para.18, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.78, available on line at www.uncitral.org (under Working Group Ⅲ).
    ① Theodora Nikaki, Conflicting Laws in "Wet" Multimodal Carriage of Goods:the UNCITRAL Draft Convetion on the Carriage of Goods [Wholly or Partly][by Sea], Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, October, 2006, pp.529-530.
    ②Preliminary draft instrument on the carriage of goods by sea, A/cn.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.21
    ① See Anthony Diamond, Right of Control, Transfer of Rights, Obligations of Consignees and Indorsees, p.2, available at http://www.bmla.org.uk/, visited on April 30,2009.
    ② UCP600第24条b款i规定:公路运输单据必须看似为开给发货人或托运人的正本,或没有任何标记表明单据开给何人。
    ④ See Anthony Diamond, The Next Sea Carriage Convention? Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly,2008,2 (May), p.179.
    ②陈波:《控制权的概念及其法律性质》,载《中国海商法年刊》(2005年),第16卷,第194-195页;王文婷: 《海运货物控制权的法律性质及其设立的必要性——评的相关规定》,载《海商法研究》2006年第12辑,第63-65页。
    ①张俊浩主编:《民法学原理》,中国政法大学出版社 2000年修订第3版,第73页。
    ②梁慧星:《民法总论》,法律出版社 2001年第2版,第73页。
    ①严格而言,CISG第71条第2款对中途停运权的规定与英美普通法下的中途停运权是存在区别的,虽然CISG第71(2)建立在普通法停运权概念基础上,但是存在一个重要区别:它并不对承运人设定义务,其删掉了1964年《国际货物买卖统一法公约》第73条对卖方有权对承运人作出指示的规定,这使得CISG公约规定的卖方阻止向买方交货的权利不同于普通法下的停运权。See Caslav Pejovic, Stoppage in Transit and Right of Control:Conflict of Rules? Pace International Law Review, Spring 2008, pp.138-139.
    ②[加]William Tetley:《海上货物索赔》,张永坚等译,大连海运学院出版社1993年版,第778页。
    ⑤ See Benjamin's Sale of Goods, sixth edition, Sweet & Maxwell,2002, pp.739-740.
    ④ See Caslav Pejovic, Stoppage in Transit and Right of Control:Conflict of Rules? Pace International Law Review, Spring 2008, p.147.
    ① UNCITRAL, Preliminary Draft Instrument on the Carriage of Goods by Sea, Note by the Secretariat, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.21. para.185.
    ① Thomas J. Schoenbaum, Admiralty and Maritime Law, Thomson West,2004, p.489.
    ② See Caslav Pejovic, Stoppage in Transit and Right of Control:Conflict of Rules? Pace International Law Review Spring 2008, p.152.
    ③ See Caslav Pejovic, Stoppage in Transit and Right of Control:Conflict of Rules? Pace International Law Review Spring 2008, p.139.
    ④ UNCITRAL, UNCITRAL Digest of case law on the United Nations convention on the International Sale of Goods, A/CN.9/SER.C/DIGEST/CISG/71, para.9.
    ⑤[英]David M.Sassoon:《CIF和FOB合同》,郭国汀等译,复旦大学出版社2001年版,第361页。
    ① Charles Debattista, the Sale of Goods Carried by Sea,2nd ed, Butterworths,1999, p.24.
    ② Thomas J. Schoenbaum, Admiralty and Maritime Law, Thomson West,2004, p.550.
    ③ See. Anthony Diamond, Right of Control, Transfer of Rights,.Obligations of Consignees and Indorsees, p.1, available at http://www.bmla.org.uk/, visited on April 30,2009.
    ③ "NODISP"为"no disposal of goods in transit"的英文简写。
    ① See Anthony Diamond, Right of Control, Transfer of Rights, Obligations of Consignees and Indorsees, p.2, available at http://www.bmla.org.uk/, visited on April 30,2009.
    ② David Michael Collins, Admiralti-International Uniformity and the Carriage of Goods by Sea, Tulane Law Review, October,1985, p.195.
    ① See Gertjan Van Der Ziel, Chapter 10 of the Rotterdam Rules:Control of Goods in Transit, Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2008-2009, pp.384-386.
    ① See Gertjan Van Der Ziel, Chapter 10 of the Rotterdam Rules:Control of Goods in Transit, Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2008-2009, p.384.
    ① See Transport Law:Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea]-Delivery:Information presented by the delegation of the Netherlands, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.57, para.4.
    ③关于各国法院对无单放货判决的不一致性,参见Caslav Pejovic:《无单放货——亚洲案例研究》,陈南英译,李小年校,载李小年主编:《国际海商法前沿问题文萃》,中国法制出版社2008年版,第135-155页。
    ① Caslav Pejovic:《无单放货——亚洲案例研究》,陈南英译,李小年校,载李小年主编:《国际海商法前沿问题文萃》,中国法制出版社2008年版,第154页。
    ② See Transport Law:Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea]-Delivery:Information presented by the delegation of the Netherlands, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.57, para.26.
    ① See Transport Law:Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea]-Delivery:Information presented by the delegation of the Netherlands, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.57, para.32.
    ② See Transport Law:Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea]-Delivery:Information presented by the delegation of the Netherlands, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.57, para.51.
    ③对于“产权”(property rights或property)概念的认识,法学和经济学的认识角度不同。在经济学的产权理论中,产权这一概念大体上指的是因物的存在而产生的、与这些物的利用相联系的、人们之间一组被认可的行为性关系。参见张春霖:《产权概念和产权研究的方法——读哈·德姆塞茨〈关于产权的理论〉》,载《经济社会体制比较》1990年第6期,第56页。法学上通常将"property"视为“所有权”,是一个人对某项财产享有的独占性支配权,由对财产的占有、使用、和以出租、出借、设定担保、转让、转让、赠予、交换等方式予以处分的一束权利构成,是法律承认一个人对财产享有的最充分、最完整、地位最高的权利。参见薛波主编:《元照英美法词典》,法律出版社2003年版,第1107页。
    ①徐炳:《买卖法》,经济日报出版社 1991年版,第230页。
    ② Lickbarrow v. Mason (1787), [1775-1802] All ER Rep 1, also reported:2 Term Rep 63; 100 ER 35.
    ③ See Benjamin's Sale of Goods,6th ed, Sweet & Maxwell,2002, p.970.
    ⑤该款的英文原文为:"Negotiable transport document" means a transport document that indicates, by wording such as "to order" or "negotiable" or other appropriate wording recognized as having the same effect by the law applicable to the document, that the goods have been consigned to the order of the shipper, to the order of the consignee, or to bearer, and is not explicitly stated as being "non-negotiable" or "not negotiable". 该款的中文译本“交运”一词语义比较模糊,其既可指货物已经装船,也可指货物仅为承运人接收。如果将之仅理解为货物已经装船,则会排除收货待运提单,而从《鹿特丹规则》第1条第14款对运输单证的定义来看,其并未排除收货待运提单。因此,在笔者看来,该款中文译本的“交运”一词,应包括货物已为承运人接收并实际装船和货物已为承运人接收但尚未装船两种情形。
    ③例如,实践中使用的某些电子运输记录就不符合《鹿特丹规则》对电子运输记录的界定。See Gertjan Van Der Ziel, Chapter 10 of the Rotterdam Rules:Control of Goods in Transit, Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2008-2009, p.380.
    ⑦参见[日]高桥宏志:《民事诉讼法:制度与理论的深层次分析》,林剑锋译,法律出版社2003年版, 第282-283页。
    ⑤ Black's Law Dictionary 1350 (8th ed.2004)
    ⑤Charles Debattista, the Sale of Goods Carried by Sea, Butterworths, Znd ed,1998, p.72.
    ① Charles Debattista, the Sale of Goods Carried by Sea, Butterworths,2nd ed,1998, p.72.
    ③[加]William Tetley:《海上货物索赔》,张永坚、胡正良、傅廷忠等译,大连海运学院出版社1993年版,第143页。
    ①参见[英]Michael Bridge《国际货物销售法律与实务》,林一飞等译,法律出版社2004年版,第476-477页。
    ② Vernon Valentine Palmer, The Paths to Privity:A History of Third Party Beneficiary Contracts at English Law (1992), p.138.转引自张家勇:《为第三人利益的合同的制度构造》,法律出版社2007年版,第117-118页。
    ① Lickbarrow v. Mason (1787), [1775-1802] All ER Rep 1, also reported:2 Term Rep 63; 100 ER 35.
    ③ See the Judgment 1 of Lickbarrow v. Mason (1787), [1775-1802] All ER Rep 1, also reported:2 Term Rep 63;100 ER 35.
    ④[英]Michael Bridge:《国际货物销售法律与实务》,林一飞等译,法律出版社2004年版,第477页。
    ⑤(1845)14M&W403,153ER 532.
    ⑥参见[英]Michael Bridge:《国际货物销售法律与实务》,林一飞等译,法律出版社2004年版,第477页。
    ⑦该条英文原文为:"Every consignee of goods named in a bill of lading, and every endorsee of a bill of lading to whom the property in the goods therein mentioned shall pass, upon or by reason of such consignment or endorsement, shall have transferred to and vested in him all rights of suit, and be subject to the same liabilities in respect of such goods as if the contract contained in the bill of lading had been made with himself."
    ②姚莹:《国际海上货物运输中的权利转让制度研究》,吉林大学 2008年博士论文,第18页。
    ③[加]William Tetley:《海上货物索赔》,张永坚、胡正良、傅廷忠等译,大连海运学院出版社1993年版,第148页。
    ④据说立法者作出如此绑定设计的目的是为了避免银行会被视为运输合同的一方,从而面临灾难性的索赔。参见杨良宜:《提单及其他付运单证》,中国政法大学出版社 2007年修订版,第216页。
    ①See John F Wilson, Carriage of Goods by Sea,3rd ed, Finaccial Times Pitman Publishing,1998, p.146.
    ②参见[英]Michael Bridge:《国际货物销售法律与实务》,林一飞等译,法律出版社2004年版,第481页。
    ③[英]Michael Bridge:《国际货物销售法律与实务》,林一飞等译,法律出版社2004年版,第481页。
    ⑤G H.Treitel,The Law of Contract,7th ed,Stevens & Sons,1987,p.454.
    ① G. H. Treitel, The Law of Contract,7th ed, Stevens & Sons,1987, p.454.
    ② Vernon Valentine Palmer, The Paths to Privity:A History of Third Party Beneficiary Contracts at English Law (1992), p.25.转引自张家勇:《为第三人利益的合同的制度构造》,法律出版社2007年版,第94页。
    ②[英]Michael Bridge:《国际货物销售法律与实务》,林一飞等译,法律出版社2004年版,第478页。
    ③ See John F Wilson, Carriage of Goods by Sea,3rd ed, Finaccial Times Pitman Publishing,1998, p.146.
    ⑤[1969]1 KB 219
    ① [1986]2 Lloyd's Rep 1.
    ② See John F Wilson, Carriage of Goods by Sea,3rd ed, Finaccial Times Pitman Publishing,1998, p.147.
    ③ See John F Wilson, Carriage of Goods by Sea,3rd ed, Finaccial Times Pitman Publishing,1998, p.148.
    ①对' burden of proof'两种意涵的界分,参见陈刚:《证明责任概念辨析》,载《现代法学》1997年第2 期,第32页。另参见薛波主编:《元照英美法词典》,法律出版社2003年版,第179页“burden of proof”词条。
    ① See Transport Law:Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by sea]-Comments from the UNCTAD Secretariat, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.41, para.11.
    ② Transport Law:Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by sea]-Comments from the UNCTAD Secretariat, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.41, para.11.
    ④ See Transport Law:Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by sea]-Comments from the UNCTAD Secretariat, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.41, para.13.
    ① See Transport Law:Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by sea]-Comments from the UNCTAD Secretariat, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.41, para.14.
    ②参见[加]William Tetley:《海上货物索赔》,张永坚、胡正良、傅廷忠等译,大连海运学院出版社1993年版,第114页。
    ①Black's Law Dictionary 598(8th ed.)
    ③(1966)2 Lloyd's Rep.53,
    ④(1966)2 Lloyd's Rep.55.
    ⑤(1966)2 Lloyd's Rep.63.
    ①参见[加]William Tetley:《海上货物索赔》,张永坚、胡正良、傅廷忠等译,大连海运学院出版社1993年版,第285页。
    ②See Antonio Cassese, International law, Oxford University Press,2001, p.162.
    ③See Antonio Cassese, International law, Oxford University Press,2001, pp.163-165.
    ① See Antonio Cassese, International law, Oxford University Press,2001, p.163.
    ② Ian Browlie, Principles of Public International Law,5th ed, Clarendon Press,1998, p.32.转引自邵沙平、余敏友主编:《国际法问题专论》,武汉大学出版社2002年版,第349页。
    ②Hans Kelsen, General Theory of Law & State, Transaction Publishers,2006, p.343.
    ①该款英文原文为:"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, and Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."
    ② See Alona E. Evans, Self-executing Treaties in the United States of America, British Yearbook of International Law, Vol.30, p.180.
    ③ See Alona E. Evans, Self-executing Treaties in the United States of America, British Yearbook of International Law, Vol.30, p.179.
    ③ Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern, Transformation or Adoption of International law into Municipal Law, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.12,1963, p.89.
    ⑤ See Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern, Transformation or Adoption of International law into Municipal Law, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol.12,1963, p.89.
    ① William Tetley, reform of carriage of goods-the UNCITRAL draft and senate COGSA'99, Tulane Maritime Law Journal, Winter,2003, p.9.
    ② See William Tetley, reform of carriage ofgoods-the UNCITRAL draft and senate COGSA'99, Tulane Maritime Law Journal, Winter,2003, p.42, Appendix D.
    ④ Silviu Bursanescu, Reform of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act in the United States:between COGSA 1999 and UNCITRAL's Draft Convention on the Carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea], p.33, Master's Research Project, august 15,2007, McGill Faculty of Law, available at http://www.mcgill.ca/maritimelaw/essays.
    ⑤ COGSA1999 SEC.2. (a) (8).
    ① "due diligence"一词后来也出现在《海牙规则》第3条,中文译本通常将其译为“恪尽职责”,但该译法值得商榷。因为《海牙规则》官方文本是法文本,在该条其用词为"diligence raisonnable",与之相对应的英文应是"reasonable diligence",《海牙规则》英译本将之译为"due diligence"并未忠实原文。故将该短语译为“合理的勤勉”更为适宜。参见魏家驹:《〈海牙规则〉制定过程的前前后后》,载吴焕宁主编:《国际海上运输三公约释义》,中国商务出版社2007年版,第28页。故笔者在此使用“合理的勤勉”这一译法。
    ② See Michael F. Sturley, The History of COGSA and the Hague Rules, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol.22, No.l,1991, p.7.
    ③ See Michael F. Sturley, The History of COGSA and the Hague Rules, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol.22, No.l,1991, pp.8-9.
    ⑤ See Michael F. Sturley, The History of COGSA and the Hague Rules, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol.22, No.l,1991, p.10.
    ① See David W. Robertson, Steven F. Friedell & Michael F. Sturley, Admiralty and Maritime Law in the United States, Carolina Academic Press,2001, p.321.
    ③ See Michael F. Sturley, The History of COGSA and the Hague Rules, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol.22, No.1,1991, p.4.
    ④ Jay Lawrence Westbrook, Extraterritoriality, Conflict of Laws, and the Regulation of Transnational Business, Texas International Law Journal, Vol.25,1990, p.85.
    ③强烈支持《海牙-维斯比规则》是有其现实经济原因的。据统计,美国有大约64%的对外贸易是与《海牙-维斯比规则》的缔约国进行的。See Michael F. Sturley, Uniformity in the Law Governing the Carriage of Goods by Sea, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol.26, No.4, October,1995, p.567, footnote 113.
    ① See Michael F. Sturley, Uniformity in the Law Governing the Carriage of Goods by Sea. Journal of Committee on Carriage of Goods on the Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol.26, No.4, October,1995, p.554; Report of the Working Group to the MLA or Partly by Sea, p.2.
    ② See Report of the Working Group to the MLA Committee on Carriage of Goods on the Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, p.2.
    ③ Hans Kelsen, General Theory of Law & State, Transaction Publishers,2006, p.325.
    ① See Nick Francis, Transferring Rights of Suit under Bills of Lading:the Conflict of Laws Implications, (2006) 20 A& NZ Mar LJ, p.27.
    ② See Francesco Berlingieri, Uniformity in Maritime Law and Implementation of International Conventions, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol.18, No.3, July,1987, pp.336-337.
    ① Francesco Berlingieri, Uniformity in Maritime Law and Implementation of International Conventions, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol.18, No.3, July,1987, p.337.
    ②参见Ulrich H. Wittkopp, Thomas Wambach:《德国海商法下的承运人责任制度》,魏双娟译,载《海商法研究》2001年第2辑,第227-228页。
    ③ Ulrich H. Wittkopp, Thomas Wambach:《德国海商法下的承运人责任制度》,魏双娟译,载《海商法研究》2001年第2辑,第228页。
    ④ Ulrich H. Wittkopp, Thomas Wambach:《德国海商法下的承运人责任制度》,魏双娟译,载《海商法研究》2001年第2辑,第229-230页。
    ① Transport Law-Preliminary draft instrument on the carriage of goods by sea, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.21, para.50.
    ② Preliminary draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by sea]-Proposal by Canada, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.23.
    ④ Preliminary draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by sea]-Proposal by Canada, A/CN.9/WG.Ⅲ/WP.23, para.9.
    ⑤ Report of Working Group Ⅲ (Transport Law) on the work of its eleventh session, A/CN.9/526, para.249.
    ①Report of Working Group Ⅲ (Transport Law) on the work of its nineteenth session, A/CN.9/621, para.187.
    ②Report of Working Group Ⅲ (Transport Law) on the work of its eighteenth session, A/CN.9/616, para.226.
    ③Report of Working Group Ⅲ (Transport Law) on the work of its nineteenth session, A/CN.9/621, para.188.
    ① COGSA1999 SEC.3. (a).
    ② See William Tetley, reform of carriage of goods-the UNCITRAL draft and senate COGSA'99, Tulane Maritime Law Journal, Winter,2003, pp.18-19.
    ①See Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its fifteenth session, A/CN.9/576, paras.154-155.
    ② See D. E. Murray, The Hamburg Rules:A Comparative Analysis, Lawyer of the Americas, Vol.12, p.65.
    ② See Gertjan Van Der Ziel, Chapter 10 of the Rotterdam Rules:Control of Goods in Transit, Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2008-2009, p.380.
    ① See Gertjan Van Der Ziel, Chapter 10 of the Rotterdam Rules:Control of Goods in Transit, Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2008-2009, p.381.
    ② See Manuel Alba, Electronic Commerce Provisions in the UNCITRAL Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea, Texas International Law Journal, Vol.44,2008-2009, p. 402.
    ① Francesco Berlingieri, Uniformity in Maritime Law and Implementation of International Conventions, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Vol.18, No.3, July,1987, pp.321-322.
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