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Autonomy is one essential characteristics of human being and also the pursuit of the fundamental goal of education. From the essential requirements of training, regardless of culture which social roles, eventually going down based on itself. If education makes "not what it is" or "is it not", that it lost its independence; Of course, the function of education is more, the one hand it is the liberation of the students, so that free and comprehensive development, on the other hand is necessary to regulate the students, and the resulting is predicament of student autonomy and education control. There are many ways to break this impasse, it may be more important to know the dialectical nature of student autonomy and Education control, and use it to deal with the problem. If so, provided that the autonomy meaning, structure, characteristics of the students, to find a reasonable space between student autonomy and educational interventions to promote the development of students' self.
     Investigating students' autonomy is bound to the various disciplines, and absorbing and learning valuable ideas as theoretical sources of student autonomy, so student autonomy is defined as:in educational activities, the students for their own true preferences, use the integrated variety of mental factors, deal with their own affairs and external relation, which of true self-authenticity, self-independence and self-identity, Students' autonomy becoming realization need to have certain conditions: certain cognitive skill, will quality and authentic preferences; to be free from excessive Statute and to provide students with the freedom to choose space from the external conditions. The value of autonomy for the students, from the intrinsic value, autonomy means the right, happiness, freedom and dignity, in terms of tool value, autonomous individuals will use their autonomy quality to guidance and test their own lives.
     As the full life of the individual students, their autonomy quality covers a variety of factors. Reference to other disciplines autonomous structure analysis, the student's autonomy Three divided into feelings, knowledge and behavior, and moral one-dimensional. Logically, moral throw into confusion including these three, is a broader concept, but it is a comprehensive reflection of the three, it is retained as a comprehensive index. So it generates student autonomy pedigree feelings of autonomy, recognizing the autonomy, behavior and moral autonomy. Customizing different nature, are independent of the specific aspects of performance. Behavior are as up feelings of autonomy of students based on the true preferences, cognitive judgments on the basis of the formation of the character of the rationalization of experience; recognize their own understanding of the process and the results of critical reflection and take the initiative to build a unique understanding of character; autonomy refers to the use of self-determined motivation to reduce compliance, improve the behavior of the independence of character; moral autonomy from their own moral needs of the formation of moral awareness, through self-moral choice, then put the moral practice and the courage to take moral responsibility of the character. Students' autonomy implies a unique educational value. To sum up, the autonomy of the students to create the premise of autonomy is the basis of the students' personality, autonomy or liberation of the students.
     From theory demonstrating to the reality of their" how "is necessary to inspect. Research is based on self-questionnaire, including more than40middle schools in eleven regions of our country. The results show that, in general, the level of autonomy of students in the middle level, significant differences on four dimensions. Junior high school in four dimensions and generally is higher than high school; according age, there are significant differences in the overall and four dimensions, the12-year-old is the highest level of autonomy, the16-year-old minimum. The12-15age groups was significantly higher than the16-19age group; according to grade, there are significant differences in the level of autonomy of the students in grade. First grade in four dimensions and generally higher than other all grade levels, overall higher than high school; according to gender, there are significant differences in the gender. Four dimensions and autonomy on the overall level of the girls were higher than boys in the autonomous two dimensions of moral autonomy and behavior which girls significantly higher than boys, the other two dimensions slightly higher.; according class classification, good classes are highest intermediate Secondly, the difference between classes minimum; Han and minority students from the national point of view, the Han students are higher than minorities, but the difference is not obvious.
     Attributed perspective, the autonomous development of the students by the wide range of effects, but this is mainly students and school education for two reasons. Compare all grades, students who started high level of autonomy reason is probably that they are at the stage of the transition from adolescence to early youth, increasingly strong self-awareness, independence requirements of the increasing prevalence of psychological "psychological weaning period". They are to get rid of dependence on parents, strong rebellious spirit and behavior. On the understanding that they are formed independence and awareness of critical reflection; behavior they want to get rid of the control of others can act autonomously; morally they are mostly by obedience to the self-discipline mostly emotionally they show a strong impulse and surface; excessive. By this time, they are to receive compulsory education, the relatively relaxed learning environment and yet to feel the pressure in the test, open a door for their autonomy. From the first two days of the autonomy of the students gradually dropped to three days and a trough. This is to some extent from the first two days of the test pressure gradually infiltrated the student consciousness. Visible, into the secondary level, and the longstanding pursuit of standardization, standardization, consistency, Statute and control over the autonomy of the students played a very significant inhibition. Especially in high school, just a trough out of the autonomy of the sophomore, junior year when a slight decrease, in order to meet the college entrance examination pattern and mechanization training may be the culprit.
     According to attribution, it presents strategy:feelings as the main power of education of the students, playing a great educational value, the "surge" in the mood and emotion "rational emotion" student feelings two typical aspects of autonomy, for the care and motivation are two basic feelings of education strategy; students understanding of autonomy to the knowledge of the non-deterministic ensure authenticity problems generated, based on this, foster reflective understanding, develop critical thinking awareness of three basic strategies; behavior that focuses on training the autonomous motives of the students, stimulate autonomous behavior motivation to form a reasonable expectations of value, expand the behavior of autonomous space of three basic strategies; students moral autonomy of culture based on the "purpose" moral education premise, respectively, to discuss justice groups, game play method, psychological understanding of gymnastics.
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