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We are now in Information age. Information technology develops rapidly with powerful function which does more and more influence on enterprises. Many enterprises invest heavily on IT development, but the phenomenon of the "IT productivity paradox"often happens. In order to explore the deep-seated reasons for this phenomenon, there have been researchers introduced many new theories and views, such as process reengineering, organizational learning, Resource Based View and Dynamic Capacity View to interpret. While each view has the limitation of focusing on its own specific research perspective, it is difficult for them to supply the integrated, overall strategy to cope with uncertainty. Meanwhile, whether large enterprises or small and medium enterprises, they don't really get the desired returns from their large amount of IT investments. In order to better resolve this phenomenon, this thesis puts forward a HeXie informationizing system based on the HeXie management theory, and forms a more complete analytical framework including concept defining, basic concept modeling, hypothesis raising, hypothesis testing, and model application, which can give a better explanation to this phenomenon.
     In accordance with the above logic principle line, the main contents of this paper can be summarized as the following three aspects:
     Firstly, the paper proposes and defines the concept of "HeXie" informationizing, and elaborates on the content and pathway of HeXie theme, He Principle mechanism, Xie Principle mechanism and the "Hexie Coupling Principle" mechanism.
     Secondly, the paper builds the basic model of HeXie informationizing, proposes several hypotheses and does hypothesis testing. On the basis of the definition, content and pathway analysis of "HeXie" theme,"He Principle","Xie Principle" and the "Hexie Coupling Principle" mechanism, the paper builds a basic conceptual model, and puts forward several hypotheses about the "Dual Principles" mechanism, the relationship between consistency of each variable of basic conceptual model and informationizing performance, and the relationship between high-level leadership and performance. Then the variables description, questionnaire design, data collection, data collation and the choice of research methods is done strictly. At last, the paper does data analysis and hypothesis testing by use of valid questionnaires, and gets the test results and appropriate conclusions.
     Thirdly, the paper does model specific application of HeXie informationizing. Specific application process is analyzed in different informationizing development stages. The paper gives the application pathway first, then the development of enterprise informationizing is divided into four different stages, at each stage, the paper provides the thinking and measures of construction, which has great practical significance.
     Based on the above analysis, four main conclusions obtained are as follows:
     (1) During the information system construction process, the measures adopted can be broadly divided into "He Principle"and "Xie Principle". Taking the "Dual Principles" ways to solve problems is universal and feasible in the enterprise informationizing practice.
     (2) There are seven key variables in the "HeXie" informationizing system, which is environment(E), Organization(O), business strategy(B), leadership (L), Information Systems Strategy (ISS), Hexie theme (HT), Hexie mechanism (HX). The empirical results of testing the relationship between seven key variables and information technology performance (P) show that the more consistency among seven variables, the higher the information technology performance, And vice versa, the poorer consistency among seven variables, the lower the information technology performance. At the same time, the significant correlation of seven variables is more obvious in organizations that get higher information technology performance, in organizations of lower information technology performance, the consistency among seven variables is lower too.
     The results support the hypothesis about the consistency among key variables, which enhance the persuasiveness of "HeXie" informationizing concept, and also validate the applicability and feasibility of the HeXie management theory in the field of enterprise information construction.
     (3) The test results of the relationship between the senior leaders and information technology performance, taking the "Dual Principles" mechanism as mediating variables show that the senior leaders overall have positive significant impact on information technology performance, also does the two characteristics dimensions co-operation and innovation. The "Dual Principles" mechanism-"He Principle" and "Xie Principle" play fully mediated effect not only between co-operation characteristics and performance, but also between innovation characteristics and performance.
     With the premise of owning the cooperative and innovative characteristics, and in order to get higher performance of information technology, the senior leaders should not only focus on the "Xie Principle" measures, for example, doing the standardization of data, optimizing business processes and organizational structure, and implementing explicit rewards and penalties mechanism, but also should pay attention to "He Principle" measures, for example, establishing the dominant position of the employees, having respect for the views from the staff, encouraging employees to share knowledge and providing the employees equal opportunity for promotion and so on. Both "He Principle" and "Xie Principle" measures play significant role in the improvement of information technology performance.
     (4) Enterprises at different stages of information technology development are facing different internal environment, external environment, business strategy and senior leaders having different level of ability. Accordingly, information systems strategy planning and positioning is dissimilar, which will determines different "HeXie theme","He Principle" and "Xie Principle" measures, the last performance obtained will also be different.
     In general, the higher stage that enterprises situated at, the resulting information technology performance will be also higher, because at higher stage, enterprises own richer resources, senior leaders tend to give more support and attention to information technology, information systems strategy will be made by a more scientific and standardized way; Hexie theme will be more clear, and will be finished by taking more powerful He principle and Xie principle measures. The contents of key variables in different stage are also different, while enterprises should try to make each variable to be consistent, and can be mutually supported and matched, in order to get better performance of current stage.
     Accordingly, there have been three innovation aspects about the paper:
     (1) The paper puts forward the concept of HeXie informationizing and form a system architecture including Hexie theme, He principle mechanism, Xie principle mechanism, and Hexie coupling mechanism. Bypass the research perspective that many researchers exploring information issues on the base of emerging theories such as resource-based view, dynamic capabilities view, the paper comes up with the concept of HeXie informationizing based on the problem-solving pathway of Hexie management theory which generated under the Chinese context. Furthermore, the paper defines the concept of HeXie informationizing and detailedly stated the contents and paths of Hexie theme, He principle, Xie Principle, and Hexie coupling principle. Then the paper builds conceptual model, proposes hypotheses and verifies them by survey data. At last, the paper applies the ideas and measures of the model specificly. In a word, the research is not only the innovation of the enterprise informationizing studies, but also the development and application of Hexie management theory in the field of enterprise information technology construction.
     (2) More comprehensive and in-depth exposition of the process and measures from IT investments to performance is done. The "HeXie informationizing" gives a detailed construction process of enterprise informatization, and also provides a new construction idea. That is, senior leaders do comprehensive and integrated analysis of external environment, internal resources and business strategy, make information systems strategy, and then identify the core issues that needed to be solved quickly, taking it as Hexie themes. In order to finish Hexie themes, enterprises should take He, Xie and Coupling measures to ensure the completion of themes, ultimately achieving good information technology performance. The paper also does specific analysis of the idea's application in different stages of enterprise information development, providing a good reference for the practice.
     (3) The paper gives the mechanism on IT investments producing performance from a new perspective. The empirical tests show that IT investments generate good performance under the condition of "environment, organizations, business strategy, leadership, information systems strategy, Hexie theme, He principle, Xie principle" eight variables coordinating and matching each other, rather than that there is IT only affecting the business process improvement, or just IT achieving accordance with business strategy, there is information technology performance. The paper analyzes and verifies the mechanism of IT investment producing higher performance in-depth, and more comprehensively reveals how IT investment generating performance, which extending and enriching current studies about the mechanism research.
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