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In recent years, with negative information on food safety event developing toward“abnormal” more and more frequent, consumers’ scary psychology on food safety hasalso been more and more serious. In such event, customers would exaggerate it by oraltransmission while their perception of risk has been beyond normal rising thresholdvalue. It moved the event from "normal" toward "abnormal" situation.
     The aim of this thesis is to analysis consumers’ negative information on food safetytransmission intention formation mechanism from risk perception, furthermore, todiscuss how to interfere propagating events of negative information on food safety andto prevent its "abnormal" development.
     Study was beginning to unfold train of thought as follows: first, on the premise ofexperience observation, by using theories of the risk perception and consumers’purchasing behavior, it deduced formation mechanism theory from the oral transmissionintention.Then, by defining deduced variable and giving hypothesis relationshipbetween variable, it reasoned variable relationship diagram of the mechanism; Thirdly,it used the structural equation model method to inspect variable relationship of themechanism; Fourthly, it brought out management enlightenment on the premise offoregoing research results. Research acquired valuable conclusion in three aspects:
     (1)The risk perception of oral transmission behavior. To definite concept andoperation and develop the risk perception measurement scale including fivedimensions---information risk, hazard risk, enterprise risk, government risk andindustry risk---15questions in total, and testify reliability and validity.
     (2)Consumer’s negative information oral transmission intention formationmechanism based on risk perception.1)External and internal mechanism was that: trust,risk perception, attitudes, avoidance and intention of oral transmission, each andbetween the variables formed oral intention internal mechanism which was affected bynegative information stimulus variable, the individual characteristic variables asexternal factors.2)internal mechanism was that: oral transmission intention did not takeaffect on oral transmission avoidance, trust, risk perception impacted oral transmissionavoidance appreciably, oral transmission attitudes, risk perception and trust impacted oral transmission intention appreciably.3) the external effecting the internal mechanismwas that: negative information stimulus variable(Professional degree, order of severity,Degree of attribution) influenced general risk conception and partial risk divisionsignificantly;customers individual characteristic variables (involvement degree,know-how)influenced partial risk division significantly.4)the mechanism taking riskperception and its dimension as a masterstroke. It was made up of the influence ofexternal variables to the risk perception and the influence of each dimension, and riskperception and different dimensions on oral transmission avoidance and intention.
     (3)Management enlightenment. Foregoing research results can be used to guide theaction of enterprise, government and consumers as three main bodies in the process ofnegative information on food safety dissemination. Among these theories, consumereducation and consumer guidance initial were mentioned in this thesis.
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