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Culture is the lifeblood of the nation, and the spiritual home of people. It isimperative to build on pushing forward the socialist cultural powerfulcountry.The section “Developing a Strong Socialist Culture in China” proposedthat “We should invigorate state-owned non-profit cultural institutions, improvecorporate governance of profit-oriented cultural entities, and create a thrivingcultural market” and “We should ensure both social effect and economic benefits,with priority on the former” on report at the18th National Congress of theCommunist Party of China (CPC) in2012. Becoming a pillar industry of thenational economy, cultural industries need for cultural enterprises with sustainedgrowth force to enhance the cultural strength and competitiveness. In the rapiddevelopment of cultural industries, a large number of cultural enterprises growsturdily. Cultural enterprises, however, is still in the stage of exploratory growth.Many cultural enterprises demonstrated the weak growth with lack of innovationand personnel, short average life expectancy, and no ability to resist risks et al.Cultural enterprises also encounter growth crisis. Current studies on culturalenterprises focus on policy environment analysis, profit model, mergers andacquisitions and other policy-oriented discussion. Few articles study theevaluation on the growth of cultural enterprises according to the characteristics ofcultural enterprises. The growth of cultural enterprises is a fresh and importantfield and its evaluation and analysis has important significance.
     The growth of cultural enterprises requires the combined action of theeconomic and social benefits. It is based on the enhancement of economic andsocial benefits for the growth of cultural enterprises. This study applied thetheory of resource endowment, dynamic capabilities and creative ecologic toevaluate the growth of cultural enterprises, and constructed “resources of culturalenterprise-competence of cultural enterprise-ecological growth of culturalenterprise” trend model. Based on this theoretical model, it used methods ofexpert interviews, correlation analysis, discrimination analysis to screen keyinfluencing affect for the growth of cultural enterprise and built evaluation system on the growth of cultural enterprise, and applied Entropy-VIKOR tocomprehensively evaluate the growth of cultural enterprises, classified thegrowth of cultural enterprise and revealed growth mechanism of culturalenterprises from horizontal and vertical aspect; and then predicted the growth ofcultural enterprises in2012and2013, lastly summarized the countermeasures foron the growth of cultural enterprises in order to achieve the goal of healthy andsustainable growth of cultural enterprises.
     This paper’s findings were as follows:(1) the growth process of culturalenterprises had the characteristics of organism's life, and could take advantage ofcreative ecology perspective to absorb diversity index, innovation index andenvironmental adaptability index as a measure of ecological growth in China’scultural enterprises, and explored the growth of cultural enterprise.(2) Theinfluencing factors on the growth of cultural enterprise in China included growthresources (intangible resources, tangible resources, human resources), growthcompetence(operating competence, profitability competence, solvencycompetence, marketing competence, market expectations competence),ecological growth (innovation, diversity, and environmental adaptability). Thesefactors could not be ignored in the process of the growth of cultural enterprise.The influencing factors of external environment on the growth of culturalenterprise mainly included government support, financial ecological environment,development of cultural industries, cultural resources, regional innovationnetworks and development of related supporting industries on the exogenousstrategy part for the growth of cultural enterprise.(3) Ecological factor for thegrowth of Cultural enterprises on weighting order were ecological growth,growth competence, growth resources from high reducing to a lower rank.Derived from the weighting of evaluation index system on secondary indicators,top four of contribution rate were operating competence, innovation, diversity ofcultural enterprises and intangible resources occupied an important position.(4)There was uneven development on the growth of cultural enterprises judgingfrom the2011growth rankings. Excellent growth was media class culturalenterprises. The majority of cultural enterprises were uneven development among growth resources, growth competence and ecological growth, and at the stage ofaccumulating resources, and lack of concerning about ecological growth. Growthcompetence of excellent cultural enterprises ranked often higher than growthresources and ecological growth index.(5) There were nine cultural enterprisesmaintaining sustainable growth from2008to2011. There were19culturalenterprises maintaining a good momentum development in2011thoughfluctuated in the middle, judged from the longitudinal analysis on the growth ofcultural enterprises. The growth kept good performance overall. The growth ofcultural enterprises in China possessed the characteristics of “the strong alwayswas the winner, the weak continued to be weak, the moderate was ups anddowns” in2012and2013.
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