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Facing the furious global competition, no matter a country or a firm is in direneed of innovation to get competitive advantage and core competitive ability. With theadvantage of resource sharing and coordinated innovation, as a new and efficientorganization form of optimizing resources, the innovation networks sprouted anddeveloped in the world. Network based growth has been an important mode andmechanism of firm growth. Combining the theory of innovation network and firmgrowth, based on the cooperation of industry, university and research institute, thispaper investigates the building, governance, evolution and structural optimization ofthe innovation network in the cooperation of industry, university and research institutefrom a dynamic angle of firm growth. By qualitative and quantitative method, thisresearch involves the building of theoretical model, empirical analysis of cases andnumerical simulation.
     Firstly, based on the related literatures, this paper integrates the theory of thecooperation of industry-university-research institute, innovation and networkorganization, and builds the “Hourglass model” to obtain the competitiveadvantage based on Industry-University-Research Institute strategic alliance. Then,on the basis of the hourglass model, this research introduces the firm growth into themodel, and builds the model of innovation network in the cooperation of industry,university and research institute. We point that in the different growth stages, the firmsneed to choose different combination of innovation networks according to the variousstrategic intent and resource requirement in different growth stages, and analyseespecially on the selection of innovation networks of small and medium state-ownedenterprises.
     Then, this research studies the meaning of network governance and the fourdimensions’ characteristic of governance environment, and derives a governancemodel of innovation networks in the cooperation of industry-university-researchinstitute in environment, boundaries, operating mechanism, and objective. Throughanalysis the cooperative nature of industry-university-research institute and thecharacteristics of the innovation networks, we propose a model of evolution path ofthe innovation network in the cooperation of industry-university-research institute.
     Further, combining the complex network theory and innovation network research, this paper simulates the characteristic statistic parameters of innovation network in thecooperation of industry-university-research institute based on matlab platform. Weanalyze the structure characteristics of innovation network by the theory ofsmall-world network, and is trying to interpret the systemic macroscopic behavior ofinnovation network through miro-mechanism of network nodes. With the theory ofgame and small-world network, this paper studies the knowledge sharing in thecooperation of industry-university-research institute. We constructe the simulationflows of the prisoner’s dilemma game and snowdrift game, and discuss the knowledgesharing and innovative output of this innovation networks. By the combining ofnetwork modeling and cooperative game, this research approach is likely applicable tomany problems in the economic management, and can provide some referentialexperience to matters of this kind.
     Finally, this paper is mainly about empirical analysis on cases. By explaining thecase about the growth of ZTE Corporation and the different characteristics ofevolution path of Silicon Valley, Hsinchu Science Industry Park, Zhongguancun andTianjin Binhai New Area, we verify the theoretical model of innovation networks inthe cooperation of industry-university-research institute.
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