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The national economy of China demonstrates a significant growth since we followed the policy of reform and opening. Its economy already takes the second position in the world after the United States by2009. However, with the rapid development of the national economy, a series of problems and contradictions become increasingly prominent. For example, in spite of China's overall economic improvement after overcoming the world financial crisis in2008, there is still insufficient internal impetus driving economic growth. Moreover, other problems include lacking in independent innovation ability, considerable excess production capacity in some industries, unsound industrial structure, shortage in key technology and leading talents and development lag of tertiary industry as well as imperfect of national economic system mechanism. Therefore, accelerating transformation of the pattern of development and energetically promoting strategic economic restructuring are the cores of current economic development, which is also the future direction of China's economic development. The process of developed country industrialization is the one of the constant optimization of industry structure, and the combination of production capital and finance capital is indispensable. Without the finance capital, it is difficult to expand the economy of scale and update the technology, as well as optimize the industrial structure. In addition, the capital formation, capital agglomeration and capital allocation of capital market have become the important link between science and technology
     Equity financing shows an increasing trend in China, and it has become the main way for Chinese enterprises. How it impacts on industrial restructuring? And whether it is beneficial for China's industry upgrading? All these have caught the theorists and substantive industry wide concern. It not only assists academia to understand the special function of stock market, but also has important theoretical guiding significance to speed up the transformation of national economic development mode and upgrade the industrial structure. Some studies had theoretical and empirical research on connection between equity financing and industrial structure upgrading, but no further refining study. This study deeply analyzes about the relationship and the characteristics between them, and may serve as a valuable reference for the domestic industrial structure adjustment and upgrading as well as macro-economy.
     In this study, a combination of research methods is used as the methods of study. The qualitative and quantitative methods as well as normative and empirical method are the main research methods. On normative research, an introduction to the related methods of stock financing and industrial structure upgrading is given firstly. It analyses the function of stock financing and the impact of stock market on the industrial growth and the industrial structure upgrading. On empirical research, it studies the distribution characteristics and equity financing of Chinese stock market by the statistics and comparison method. Meanwhile, this study uses Capital Allocation Model to analyze the stock market financing capital allocation, and the Leaner Equation Model to give a regression analysis between China's equity financing and industrial structure upgrading.
     This article, from different perspectives, has analyzed the impact of equity financing on the upgrading the industrial structure in terms of the tasks of industrial restructuring we are faced with. First of all, by reviewing related theories and summarizing foreign and domestic documents, the article compared different financing methods and characteristics. By using the whole and the part of mathematical methodology, it identifies the affect the degree of association of the size of the equity financing of the upgrading of industrial structure. Second, due to the stock market, finance and industry structure each has different characteristics, this article, from different perspectives, has analyzed the impact of equity financing on the upgrading the industrial structure. The changes in stock issuance system will affect the financing function of the stock market, stock market financing and thus be an impact on the upgrading of the industrial structure; IPO and refinancing,as important means of finance, exhibit different characteristics of each impact mechanism; financing and industrial structure of China's stock market have regional differences, different areas of corporate fund-raising for the upgrade of regional industrial structure also showed differences; stock market is cyclical, it is necessary to examine the influence of cyclically on the effects that the stock market financing has on the upgrading of the industrial structure. Therefore, we studied the impact of the stock market financing on the upgrading of the industrial structure respectively from issuance perspective, financing perspective, regional perspective and cyclical perspective. Also, the high-tech enterprises, as the core of future industrial policy support and the important roles they are playing in the economy, have a profound impact on the upgrading of industrial structure. Thus, this article studies the impact of equity financing in high-tech companies on high-tech industry structure upgrading separately. At the end, the article summarizes the result of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, and concludes the contribution of equity financing has on the upgrading of the industrial structure of policy thinking and future research directions.
     This study is divided into ten chapters as follows:
     Chapter One is introduction. More detailed, the first part expounds the background of this study. The second part gives definition of related concept. The third part indicates the structure and methods of this dissertation. Innovation and shortage are in the last part.
     Chapter Two is related theories and literature review. The first part introduces the theories, including financing theory and the upgrading of the industrial structure theory. The second part is literature review. It briefly reviews the research on the related areas. Compare to the researches on capital market and the optimization of the industrial structure upgrade, there is little studies about the impact of stock market on industrial structure upgrading, particularly Initial Public Offerings and Seasoned Equity Offering as well as the effect of the Stock Market Cycle on the industrial structure upgrading.
     Chapter Three introduces the adjustment course of the industrial structure and its existing problems in. The first part shows the history and of industrial structure upgrading and its characteristics. The process of adjusting the tertiary industrial structure is consistent with the general law of the upgrading of industrial structure. With the decrease of the proportion of primary industry output, the second and third industries are in an upward trend in the proportion. As China's industrialization accelerates, the growth of the second industries, especially the industrial growth, plays a significant role in sustaining high economic growth. Although the proportion of the first industry value in GDP has a rapid decline, it still higher than other countries that have the same GDP level. Since the reforming and opening, the tertiary industry reveals an ascendant trend in proportion, but drop after2002. The second part analyses the existing problems in the adjustment course of the industrial structure. The main problem of the rationalization of industrial structure includes the non-stationary, structural surplus and the convergence of the regional industry structure as well as unsound development. The optimization of the industrial structure exist problems of low level of agricultural industrialization, little technology content in the second industrial and low level of innovation ability in the tertiary industry. The third part expounds how the capital market promotes the upgrading of the industrial structure.
     Chapter Four analyses the function and connection between diverse financing methods and the industrial structure upgrading. Part one explains the financing methods and characteristics of national enterprises when China is financially pacing toward market. The second part studies the function of different financing methods and the industrial structure upgrading. Based on the data from1994to2010, it uses co-integration test and grey relational analysis to research the combining between the main financing methods and the industrial structure upgrading in the third part. In the empirical analysis, this study analyses how the amount financing of capital market affect the upgrading of the industrial structure by co-integration test, and then a novel incidence degree model of interval grey number is set up on the foundation of the Deng's incidence degree model. The results indicate that the stock market financing amount and the industrial structure upgrading shows the highest correlation, and bond market comes second as well as long-term and medium-term loans market has the lowest correlation. It manifests that, compare with bond market and loans market, stock market has more significant impact on the industrial structure upgrading. Being a key part in capital market, stock market plays an indispensable role in promoting the upgrading of the industrial structure. The last part of this chapter is summary.
     Based on the different issuing systems, Chapter Five analyzes the relationship between the stock financing and the industrial structure upgrading. The first part states the different types and history of stock-issuance system in China. Part two studies the influence of the stock-issuance system on stock financing. From qualitative analysis angle, the third part indicates the different issuing systems' effect on the on the upgrading of the industrial structure. The fourth part is empirical analysis. Using Pagano Model and the mixed panel data regression, this dissertation comparative analyses the distinction of the stock financing and the industrial structure upgrading under Examination and Approval System and Approval System. The results reveal the stock financing under Approval System is more significant influence than the other one. Furthermore, with the increase of market factors force, sponsor system of Approval System is better for the industrial structure upgrading. All in all, the stages of stock issue system, from Examination and Approval System to Approval System and from Channel System to Sponsor System, reduce the administrative intervention and focus on market factors. It is in favour of stock financing to upgrade the industrial structure in China. There is a summary at the end of this chapter.
     Chapter Six is Stock Financing and The Upgrading of the Industrial Structure:In the view of diverse financing methods. This chapter detailed represents the relationship between some financing ways and the industrial structure upgrading. Part one statistically analyses the situation of the stock financing. The second part firstly studies the function of Initial Public Offering, than it empirically analyses the connection between Initial Public Offering and the industrial structure upgrading. The third part introduces the interactive mechanism of refinancing and the industrial structure upgrading, and give the empirical test. Due to the results, Initial Public Offering and refinancing have a positive effect on the industrial structure upgrading. It also shows that both of them are superior to loans from financial institution. Therefore, it is effective for enterprises to promote the upgrading industrial structure by initial public offering and refinancing under the guide of the macro-economic policy of the authority. The fourth part analyses the direction change of stock refinancing and its cause. In recent years, the situation of changing invest direction appeared frequently and it has an important impact on operating performance of listed companies and the upgrading of national industrial structure. The last part is a summary of this chapter.
     Chapter Seven is Stock Financing and The Upgrading of the Industrial Structure:In the view of diverse areas. This chapter detailed researches the relationship between stock financing and the industrial structure upgrading from different areas. The first part has a detailed analysis to the differences among all the stock financing areas in China. After study the characteristics of industrial structures from area to area in part two, the third part provides the empirical analysis. According to the regional difference, this study separates the Stock Financing by three divisive approaches, namely the industrial structure upgrading rate, regional grouping and the proportion of stock financing amount in gross domestic product from different areas. It uses Pagano Model to analyze the influence of the Stock Financing from different areas on industrial structure upgrading. Due to the result data, stock financing plays an outstanding role in the improvement of upgrading the industrial structure when the industrial structure upgrading rate is not high. Stock financing from west and middle region has positive effect on the industrial structure upgrading. It is a measure of stock financing from the groups above can promote the upgrading of industrial structure. The last part is summary.
     Chapter Eight is Stock Financing and The Upgrading of the Industrial Structure: based on the different cycle stages of the stock market. It mainly researches the relationship between the different cycle stages of the stock market and the industrial structure upgrading. The first part gives an introduction to stock market cycle method and analyses the characteristics in the different cycle stages of China's stock market. According to the Cyclical Turning Points Analysis Model by Gerhard Bry and Charlotte Boschan (Yanwu,2006), this study selects the data from January1996as sample, and divides the market into five bull markets and five bear markets. It compares the quarterly data from January2003to December2011of A-shares financing amount and the last trading day of closing index of every season to explain the relationship of the stock financing market and stock cycle. The results indicate that the number of stock financing companies is stable and no significant correlation with cycle point. Moreover, the financing amount of A-shares market is less in bear market than bull one. The third part analyses the function of different cycle stages of the stock market to the industrial structure upgrading. The results indicate that the total amount of stock financing has positive effect on the industrial structure upgrading. Moreover, stock financing in bear market plays a more significant role in the improvement of upgrading the industrial structure than that in bull market. The fourth part is summary and explains the conclusions of the empirical analysis.
     Chapter Nine is Stock Financing and The Upgrading of the Industrial Structure:In the view of choosing high and new technology industries as the upgrades mark. Part1expounds the implication and the divisions of new and high technology industries. Part2conduct an empirical test on the relationship between the stock financing and the upgrading of the industrial structure. From the results of the empirical test, when not-considering policy factors, or considering the year-on-year growth rate of the fiscal expenditure, a fiscal policy variable, and the year-on-year growth rate of M2, a monetary policy variable, both initial public offerings and refinancing have slight positive effects on the upgrading of the industrial structure; when considering the5-year-plan of China as a policy virtual variable both initial public offerings and refinancing have a significant positive effects on the upgrading of the industrial structure. It also can be told from the result of the empirical test that both initial public offerings and refinancing have more significant effects on the upgrading of high and new technology industrial structure than financial institution loans. Thus it can be seen that it is effective for enterprises to promote the upgrading of high and new technology industrial structure by initial public offerings and refinancing under the guide of the macro-economic policy of the authority. The last part is a summary of this chapter.
     It is conclusion and prospect in Chapter Ten. The first part summarizes this study. It draws the conclusion below. Stock market has more significant impact on the industrial structure upgrading than that on the bond market and long-term and medium-term loans market. The stages of stock issue system, from Examination and Approval System to Approval System and from Channel System to Sponsor System, reduce the administrative intervention and focus on market factors, especially in upgrading the high and new technology industrial structure. It is in favour of stock financing to upgrade the industrial structure in China. Stock financing plays an outstanding role in the improvement of upgrading the industrial structure when the industrial structure upgrading rate is not high. Stock financing from west and middle region has positive effect on the industrial structure upgrading. It shows that stock financing from the groups above can promote the upgrading of industrial structure. Both in bull and bear market, the total amount of stock financing has positive effect on the industrial structure upgrading, and stock financing in bear market plays an more significant role in the improvement of upgrading the industrial structure than that in bull market. Based on these conclusions, this study puts forward the corresponding policy and suggestion in part two. Firstly, establish China's, stock market from multi-level and multi-angle, and ensure the development of the Main Board, Small Cap and Growth Enterprise Board as well as promote the establishment of the New Third Board. Secondly, reform the issuing system for new stock. It should adhere to the direction of reforming the issuing system, and paying attention to the market factors. The third suggestions are developing the refinancing methods, increasing the cost of equity financing, promoting the development of the bond market and improve the efficiency of refinancing as well as protecting all the investors. Fourthly, this dissertation suggests outstanding the high and new technology industry financing, and highly valuing the Growth Enterprise Board. Finally, balance the financing in diverse regions. Before the stocks listed on the stock market, the management should pay attention to the influence of the regional factors. For those enterprises in the east, it should increase the criteria and decrease the demands for the western companies. It is also need the preferential policy from government on resource allocation. In the final part, the future development trend is discussed.
     The main points of this dissertation are:(1) the stock market, finance and the upgrading of the industrial structure are of the highest correlation, with the bond market and medium and long-term bank loan being the least correlated.(2) the positive impact of the system of China's stock issued by the examination and approval system to the approval system made by the channel to the sponsor system development, reducing administrative intervention in the stock market, focus on market factors regulating the economy, IPO financing of the upgrading of the industrial structure in China a significant impact on the upgrade of China's high-tech industry as well.(3) Without 'macro-economic policy intervention, each increase of one percentage point in IPO financing rate will lead to an increase in industrial structure optimization rate by0.784percentage points,0.120percentage points increase for high-tech industries; every increase of one percentage point in refinancing rate will lead to an increase of1.794percentage points in industrial structure optimization rate,0.238percent increase for high-tech industries. Premise of our five-year plan "macroeconomic policy interventions (i.e., by the Ninth Five-Year Plan," the Tenth Five-Year Plan and the11th Five-Year Plan intervention), every increase of one percentage point in IPO financing can increase industry structure optimization rate by2.066percentage points, high-tech industries by0.771percent; every increase of one percentage point in refinancing rate can increase industrial structure optimization rate by2.091percentage points, and high-tech industries optimize rate by2.165percentage points. In the case of China's fiscal and monetary policy interventions, each increase of one percentage in point IPO financing rate can increase industrial structure optimization rate by1.760percentage points, and increase high-tech industries optimize rate by0.158percentage points; every increase of one point in refinancing rate for can increase industrial structure optimization rate by1.725percentage points, with high-tech industries increasing0.311percent.(3)In high industrial structure upgrade rate group, stock financing exerts an negative impact on the upgrading of the industrial structure in every region group, in medium industrial structure optimization rate group and low industrial structure optimization rate group, stock financing has a significant impact on the upgrading of the industrial structure in every region group; equity financing and the upgrading of the industrial structure are negative related in the eastern China, the equity financing of the central and western regions and the upgrading of the industrial structure are positive related, but the relation in central region is slightly stronger than that in the western region; stock financing in low financing rate group has a more obvious impact on the upgrading of the industrial structure, whereas the stock financing in high and low financing rate groups is negative related to the upgrading of the industrial structure (5) In a bear market in China, each increase of one percentage point in equity financing rate can result in an increase of7.37percentage points in industrial structure optimization; in bull market, every increase of one percentage point in equity financing rate can elevate industrial structure optimization rate by6.31percentage points.
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