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As the economic and social development of China, as well as the urbanization of this country, it makes the growth of cross—regional movement and the increasingly prominent of migrant children education issue of China. With the ensurence of the rights of migrant children receiving compulsory education and the implementation of the policy "mainly follow the administration of immigrant government, mainly go to the public full-time-run school (including primary and secondary school)",the public schools focus on a new problem-----how to deal with the diversity that made by the local students and the immigrant children. So the problem how to make the migrant children to have education will change to how to make them have better education, and the other problem how to make the opportunities of having school education and the process of education totally fair, become into a real requirement of researches and natural logic of the educational development.
     If we think that solving the problem to have education will mainly depend on the policy, which means more polices will be needed to solve this issue. But for the problem how to have better education, the answer may be more and more input for education, In public schools, the migrant children, comparing with the local students, for the difference of the base of learning, culture background, family status, etc, will have different educational needs on learning, communication, personality development, family education and overall performance, etc. So public schools should not only accept these children, but also take actions to solve the diversity issue of students, if we do these, we will make the migrant children enjoy real "equal treatment" in the opportunity to get into school and learning process. We call this education "education based on the diversity sources of students". This kind of education faces this situation:with the acception of migrant children, the difference of students in public schools gets larger and larger,and this kind of education holds on the belief that "education should take students' development as its object and find out someway to realize this object in daily life". Because this problem is more prominent in public schools which located in the outskirts of Shanghai, we will focus on this issue: the study of the influence of the issue made by the diversity sources of students in public schools in the outskirts of Shanghai and the countermeasures.
     This thesis is based on Case of Suburban counties of Shanghai's public elementary and secondary, from which there were 2,018 of students have been conducted a questionnaire survey, while some students, teachers, head teachers and school administrators were interviewed.
     The conclusions of this study is:
     There is no significant difference in the emotional experience of interpersonal relationships and emotional self-awareness between migrant children in Shanghai and local students. The same way, there is small but not essential differences in the situation of family education and student psychological aspects during them. And the most important factor which caused the difference between the students is the family education environment. In contrast of the local students, migrant children are generally studying hard, mature, independent self-discipline, good performance and so on. There is no question of adaptation for the foreign students receiving education in shanghai from childhood, while the students half-way into need to take some time to adapt. Younger and lower grades, less likely to generate the awareness of regional differences. The most obvious and strong regional awareness may be appeared before graduation. Migrant children are most concerned about learning problems which is always the most problematic issues. The migrant children often exhibit the psychological problems of avoiding evaluation and social intercourse in the process of learning and communication. The teachers or school leaders are all treating the students from different areas equally.It is still under consideration that how to arrange class in order to solve the liquidity problems. Government departments should consider resolving the household registration restrictions as soon as possible to reduce the loss of the outstanding graduates studying in Shanghai. Mechanism of audition should be set for students who want to enter the public schools to study.
     Schools should take measures to strengthen education planning and implementation of migrant children. Schools also should conduct parent education, strengthen home-school links and carry out home-school interaction, and grasp the information and answer the doubt about school of parents on time, to bring parents into the school education and management. It is meaningful to discuss issues on education of migrant children which is a new topic of research in the field of education to promote the practice of theory.
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    147 两个故事由王亚敏老师提供,引用时略有删节。
    148 故事由原朱桥学校的八(1)班学生张欢提供。
    149 本部分调查得到了嘉定区教育局基础教育科钱晓强先生的大力协助,特此致谢!
    150 目前上海市有关政策文件中多采用“农民工同住子女”表述流动人口子女概念,为保持调查的“原汁原味”,故从之。
    152 张春兴.教育心理学.杭州:浙江大学出版社,1998.5.
    153 秦元东.美国《家庭与学校合作的国家标准》及其启示.幼儿教育(教育科学),2009(11):52-55.
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    158 同上。
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