蒙古国引种蓝果忍冬(lonicera caerulea L)生长特性和栽培技术的研究
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为了丰富蒙古国忍冬科植物种质资源,通过分析蒙古国农业中心区及蓝果忍冬在加拿大和俄罗斯分布区的气候条件,依照育种学的气候相似理论,于2007年把蓝果忍冬Gerda、 Zolushk、 Goluboyo vereteno、 Berry blue、 Cinderella等5个品种引种到蒙古国农业中心区的达尔罕乌拉省。通过对5个品种蓝果忍冬的引种栽培及繁殖研究,本人认为蓝果忍冬5个品种都能很好的适应蒙古国的达尔罕乌拉省地区气候,并且能在蒙古国地区栽培推广。蓝果忍冬在该地区能正常越冬、开花并结果,也能够收获较好的果实产量。本论文研究蓝果忍冬原产地与引种地气候条件从而确定引种种源地及品种;研究蓝果忍冬引进品种的生理和生长特性;研究蓝果忍冬的生长节律及其适应性;研究蓝果忍冬的果实产量、质量及形成特点;研究蓝果忍冬的繁殖特点及栽培技术等。研究结果表明:
Based on the theory of acclimatization of certain species to the areas with similar climate condition and with the objective to enrich honeysuckle genetic resources in Mongolia, we conducted study on the acclimatization in Darkhan-uul province of5honeysuckle varieties including Gerda, Zolushka, Goluboyo vereteno, Berry blue, Cinderella originated from Canada and Russia which have similar climate condition to our country and have rich resources of honeysuckle species.
     The study focused on mainly acclimatization and propagation technique of honeysuckle varieties. According to study honeysuckle varieties found to have strong potential for successfully acclimatize to weather condition of Darkhan-Uul province, Mongolia. The blue honeysuckle has strong winter survival capacity, good flowering, fruit setting and high yield capacity. These results ensure great opportunity of successful propagation and dissemination of this fruit species in the central cropping zone of Mongolia.
     In this thesis, we conducted studies on identification of suitable areas for cultivation and appropriate varieties and physiological and growth features and adaptability of varieties, yield and yield structure as well as cultivation and propagation technique of honeysuckle varieties based on the comparative studies between the areas of origin and areas of acclimatization. The following results have been achieved:
     (1) Comparative analysis of weather parameters of Darkhan-Uul in Mongolia, Buriatya in Russia and Saskatchewan in Canada
     The high fluctuation in air temperature observed, especially in summer and winter in Mongolia and Russia. In Darkhan-Uul, Mongolia an average winter temperature in January reaches-21.6℃, summer average temperature in July to18.3℃and in Saskatchewan, Canada winter temperature in January reaches-18.6℃, summer average temperature in July to18℃. The analysis shows that the weather conditions in these3regions are very similar and it ensures successful acclimatization of blue honeysuckle.
     In Mongolia, the plant growth duration is about110days which is less by10days than Buriatya in Russia and Saskatchewan in Canada. Also, an annual precipitation is similar in3regions about322-360mm. But distribution of annual precipitation is very different. In Darkhan-Uul province, a most of the precipitation comes in July-August, But, limited precipitation come in April-May and it causes lack of moisture in first growth stages of plant. Based on the overall weather analysis we selected suitable areas of acclimatization of honeysuckle varieties.
     (2) Study on the growth feature of honeysuckle varieties in the area of acclimatization
     The flowering and fruit setting stages of blue honeysuckle varieties have normal development in the central cropping zone of Darkhan-uul province. The bud initiation started mid of April when air temperature reaches to+3℃-+8℃and bud bursting started on24-28April when air temperature is+10℃. All varieties started flowering at4years and mass flowering at6years and flowers start on4May and after6-7days it gets identical and flowering lasts about12-15days.
     The blue honeysuckle matures very early and is considered most early matured fruit species in Mongolia. The new blue honeysuckle varieties were able to mature earlier than any other fruit species by21-90days, in Mongolia.
     (3) Evaluation on adaptation of blue honeysuckle varieties The total growth duration from bud initiation to dormant condition was about160-164days. The blue honeysuckle varieties acclimatized in central cropping zone of Mongolia have growth and development stages completed earlier, relatively earlier dormancy of apical bud in comparison to other fruit species. As consequence, a blue honeysuckle has strong winter survival.
     (4)The yield and yield structure of acclimatized blue honeysuckle
     The correlation analysis revealed that single bush yield has moderate correlation to single fruit weight (r=0.578) and strong correlation to number of stem (r=0.796). This result shows that single fruit weight and number of stem have strong impact to yield.
     (5)Study on the propagation features of honeysuckle by softwood
     The factors that affect to softwood root formation have been evaluated through t criteria relevancy index at95%significance level and identified that root total length has strong correlation to number of roots (r=0,956) and to root diameter.
     The experiment identified the most suitable time for making cut and sowing of softwood is12June.
     The experiment on the effect of different soil mixture to softwood growth identified that the soil mixture (czhernozem1+sand3parts) with humus content1.25%, pH8.53, N-N032.10mg/kg, is suitable for good root formation and survival rate.
     The survival rate for second year has strong correlation to softwood root number (r=0.829) and root total length (r=0.76.
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