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In the knowledge economy time, knowledge has become the most important strategic resources. Who have more and newer knowledge, and change them to productivity as fast as possible, who can win in the competitive market. Therefore it is realistic and significant to research how the enterprises carry out knowledge management.
    This thesis firstly analyzed the current situation of knowledge management and the problem in the knowledge management of Chinese enterprises. Nowadays a lot of Chinese enterprises have realized the importance of knowledge management and have tried to carry out knowledge management, in order to enhance the innovative ability and adaptive ability. But many enterprises treat knowledge management only as a technical problem, and lack some basic understanding towards the strategy and the practical method of knowledge management. So the beginning of knowledge management is focused on the building of the infrastructure, such as the intranet building, documents management, inner data base building. Though it is executed in the whole enterprise, too much input and less output are worked out. The main reason which leads to the failure is that the critical success factors of knowledge management has been neglected. In other words, knowledge management must combine with the concrete business of enterprises.
    To implement knowledge management effectively, enterprises must melt knowledge management into the business process of enterprises. So this thesis argues about that the core business should be the breakpoint in the execution of knowledge management, and the choice of knowledge management strategy should be based on how to enhance the core business ability .How to enhance the core business ability through implementing knowledge management is the key content of this paper.
    Through the analysis of the character of core business and the core
    business ability, this paper shows the argument of the author that the core business should have great value in profit earning, customer satisfaction and enterprise strategy. Knowledge is the most important element to support core business ability. Consistent enhancement of core business ability relies on continuous knowledge caption, creation and use. The effective implement of all these activities needs knowledge management. So the implement of knowledge management is the key element of enhancing the core business ability.
    According to the analysis of the core business process, we could get a conclusion that different business classification needs different knowledge management strategy. Affairs and integrative business choose the codified strategy; cooperative and expertise business choose the personification strategy. This thesis researched the implement method in details from two aspects which are the resource of core business knowledge and the character of core business knowledge. If the core business knowledge mainly comes from inner organization of the enterprise, the suitable strategy should be defending strategy; On the contrary it should be expending strategy. If the core business knowledge is tacit knowledge, the suitable strategy should be personification strategy. On the contrary it should be the codified strategy. So there are four strategies: defending codified strategy, defending personification strategy, expending codified strategy, expending personification strategy.
    Self-development and accumulation, building knowledge alliance, acquiring the core business ability through merger are three ways of cultivating and promoting core business ability. Enterprises can choose suitable way according to their own conditions. The process of cultivation of core business ability always company with the acquiring, communicating, sharing, transferring, learning, innovating and using of knowledge. The process is also a process of consistent acquiringN flowing and learning of knowledge. This thesis studied how to cultivate and enhance the core business ability of enterprises from the two aspects which are knowledge flowing and the organization learning. A model f
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