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     第三章在对兼语式重新界定的基础上,把兼语式划分为使役类、释因类和说明类三类,分析兼语式的语法、语义及语用三个层面的特征。通过分析,我们发现,兼语式在语法、语义、语用三个层面的典型特征均体现在其组成成分兼语上。这三个典型的特征是兼语N_2的双重句法身份、双重语义身份和双重语用身份。双重句法身份指兼语N_2兼V1的宾语和V_2的主语于一身,是两个句法成分的重合(syntactic overlapping)。双重语义身份指兼语N_2同时兼V1的一个语义成分和V_2的一个语义成分,是两个语义成分的重合(semantic overlapping)。双重语用身份指兼语N_2既是述题(确切地讲,是述题的一部分)又是话题的语用身份,是两个语用身份的重合(pragmatic overlapping)。兼语式中的两个话语(N1V1N_2)和(N_2V_2)通过兼语N_2的述题话题双重语用身份层层推进,构成一个完整的话语(N1V1N_2V_2)。兼语N_2是两个话语衔接起来的纽带。兼语在兼语式中占据着特殊的地位,发挥着特殊的作用,这也是我们以兼语为切入点重新审视兼语式的原因所在。
     第八章讨论了兼语话语衔接功能的普遍性,分析了兼语在连动式、动结式、“把”字句、“被”字句、“得”字句、连动兼语式、兼语连动式、双项兼语式、多项兼语式及英语中的兼语表达中的话语衔接功能的认知机制。通过分析,我们发现,同兼语式中的兼语N_2一样,各类兼语语言现象中的兼语都起到了衔接话语的功能,兼语是一种隐性的句内衔接手段。兼语成分的话语衔接功能是通过它凸显的两个或多个语义侧面实现的。第九章是结论,论述了本研究的主要发现:第一,语义重合(semantic overlapping)是一个构式中组成成分之间联结的必要条件。一个构式中组成成分之间的联结是通过语义重合实现的。第二,语言中包含一些潜在的隐含衔接(implicit cohesion)机制。兼语的句内话语衔接功能(intersentential cohesion)主要体现在它把一个句子内部的两个动作行为或两个事件连接为一个复杂的动作行为或事件。兼语是一种隐性的句内衔接手段,起到了衔接话语的连接词功能。第三,同依存成分一样,自主成分在一个构式组成成分的联结中发挥着同样重要的联结作用。基于语义的百科知识观,我们发现,一个自主成分可以凸显两个或多个语义侧面,对两个或多个依存成分凸显的多个次结构做出阐释,两个或多个依存成分凸显的关系或过程通过自主成分凸显的不同语义侧面联结为一个复杂的关系或过程,表达一个复杂的事件或情景。第四,一个语法构式的语义是在其组成成分的语义联结中产生的。但是,一个语法构式的语义不是其组成成分意义的加合,一个语法构式的语义凸显与语言使用者的交际目的或意图这一意向因素有关。
The study of Jianyu Construction has a long history. The putting forward of Jianyu Construction aroused hot dispute, which focuses on the keeping or abolishing of the name of Jianyu Construction, the retaining and cancelling of Jianyu Construction itself, the defining of the scope of Jianyu Construction, the dual role of Jianyu N_2 and the syntactic function of V1 and V_2. The hot dispute has proved that Jianyu Construction, as a special language phenomenon, has become a study focus for scholars. As far as the studies of Jianyu Construction are concerned, the studies from different perspectives have different findings. The studies from the traditional grammar approach point out the dual syntactic role of Jianyu Construction; the studies from the structural linguistics approach put forward the separating and merging of Jianyu in the syntactic analysis of Jianyu Construction; the studies from transformational-generative grammar approach go deeper into the logical level of Jianyu Construction, and point out that after Jianyu, there exists an empty category which has the same reference with it. These studies indicate that the distinctiveness of Jianyu Construction lies in its component Jianyu. On the basis of the former studies, this paper finds some unsolved questions existing in the former literature about Jianyu Construction. Although the studies from the traditional grammar approach have given a sufficient description of the syntactic features of Jianyu Construction, and pointed out the dual syntactic role of Jianyu N_2 in Jianyu Construction, what remains unexplained is the reason why such a component N_2 can perform two syntactic roles to put the two phrases together. Although the studies from the structural linguistics approach put forward the separating and merging of Jianyu, which can be divided into two components or can be regarded as the merging of two components, what needs to be solved is the reason why Jianyu N_2 in Jianyu Construction enjoys such a separating and merging feature. Although the studies from the transformational-generative approach point out the existence of an empty category after Jianyu N_2, what needs to be probed deeper is the reason why there exists such an empty category which shares the same reference with Jianyu N_2. The studies from the pragmatic-functional approach attach great importance to Jianyu N_2, which is the pragmatic focus, but it does not explain why it is the pragmatic focus. In view of the importance of Jianyu N_2, this paper attempts to reexamine Jianyu Construction within the framework of cognitive grammar from the perspective of Jianyu N_2, with the hope to make some new findings on the one hand and deepen the cognitive study of syntactic constructions on the other hand.
     The main contents of this study are to abstract the semantic construction mechanism of Jianyu Construction, to probe Jianyu N_2’s function in the semantic construction of Jianyu Construction and to explore the application of the cohesive role of Jianyu in the general Jianyu language phenomenon. The study consists of nine chapters. Chapter One is an introduction; Chapter Two is literature review; Chapter Three is concerning Jianyu Construction’s definition and its features. Chapter Four is the analysis of the constructional meaning of Jianyu Construction; Chapter Five is a cognitive framework of Jianyu Construction’s semantic construction. Chapter Six is the cognitive analysis of the semantic construction of Jianyu Construction. Chapter Seven is the symbolization between the syntactic structure and semantic structure of Jianyu Construction. Chapter Eight is the implicit alignment function of Jianyu. Chapter Nine is the conclusion.
     Chapter One is an introduction, mainly concerning the motive, aim, methodology, theoretical approach, data and the composition of this dissertation.
     Chapter Two is literature review, which surveys the previous studies of Jianyu Construction and makes some comment. On this basis, research questions are put forward.
     In the previous literature concerning the study of Jianyu Construction, a detailed description of its syntactic features is made by the studies from the traditional grammar approach. The studies from the structural linguistics approach attempt to solve the syntactic analysis of Jianyu Construction through the division and merging of Jianyu while the studies from transformational-generative grammar approach touch upon the logic level of Jianyu Construction and point out the existence of an empty category after Jianyu N_2. The pragmatic and functional studies concerning Jianyu Construction point out its special pragmatic feature--- the pragmatic focus of Jianyu. All these studies deepen our understanding of Jianyu Construction and pave the way for our study. However, although the previous studies realize that the specialty of Jianyu Construction lies in its component Jianyu N_2, the cognitive origin of this special character is seldom touched or even unsolved. For instance, why can such a component N_2 perform two roles? Why can Jianyu N_2 be divided into two or be regarded as the merging of the same two components? Why does there exist an empty category after Jianyu N_2? The existence of these questions requires us to reexamine this construction from a new approach. Therefore, this paper studies Jianyu Construction within the framework of cognitive grammar. To be exact, we attempt to abstract the semantic construction of Jianyu Construction, probe the Jianyu’s function in the semantic construction of Jianyu Construction and the discourse function of Jianyu in Jianyu language phenomenon.
     Chapter Three redefines the scope of Jianyu Construction and classifies it into three categories: causative Jianyu Construction, reason-explaining Jianyu Construction and illustration Jianyu Construction. This chapter also analyzes the grammatical, semantic and pragmatic features of Jianyu Construction. Through analysis, this study finds that the typical grammatical, semantic and pragmatic features all consist in the component Jianyu N_2. The three typical features of Jianyu Construction are N_2’dual syntactic role, dual semantic role and dual pragmatic role. Dual syntactic role refers to the fact that N_2 is both the object of V1 and the subject of V_2, namely, N_2 is the syntactic overlapping of the same two syntactic components. Dual semantic role refers to the fact that N_2 is both a semantic component of V1 and a semantic component of V_2, namely, N_2 is the semantic overlapping of the same two semantic components. Dual pragmatic role refers to the fact that N_2 is both a comment (exactly part of comment) and a topic, namely, N_2 is the pragmatic overlapping of the same two pragmatic components. The component Jianyu N_2 is the bond between the two topics. It is obvious that Jianyu N_2 occupies a special position and plays a special role in Jianyu Construction. This explains the reason why this paper reexamines and explores Jianyu Construction from the perspective of Jianyu N_2.
     Chapter Four puts forward the constructional meaning of Jianyu Construction through the analysis of a large number of Jianyu Construction examples in use. Through the analysis of the semantics of Jianyu Construction, this study finds that its constructional meaning is the cause-effect relationship between two events. The cause-and-effect relationship displays its diversity. There are mainly there types of cause-and-effect relationship in Jianyu Construction, which are causative cause-and-effect relationship, reason-explaining cause-and-effect relationship and illustration cause-and-effect relationship. The semantic logic formula indicates that the shared component of the two events is N_2. In other words, N_2 is the bond between the two events. However, N_2’s bond function is an implicit logical alignment; it is not an overt alignment in the syntactic level.
     Chapter Five establishes a cognitive framework of Jianyu Construction’s semantic construction mechanism, exploring its semantic construction. Jianyu Construction expresses a complex cause-and-effect event, including the cause event and the effect event. The cause-and-effect relationship between the two events is realized through the two substructures profiled by Jianyu N_2. The autonomous structure N_2 profiles two substructures, one of which semantically corresponds to the schematic substructure profiled by the dependent structure in the cause event; the other of which semantically corresponds to the schematic substructure profiled by the dependent structure in the effect event. The alignment of the two events into one complex event is sunctioned by the double semantic overlappings between the two substructures profiled by N_2 and the two schematic substructures profiled by the two dependent structures in cause event and effect event.
     Chapter Six explores the alignment function of N_2 in causative Jianyu Construction, reason-explaining Jianyu Construction and illustration Jianyu Construction. In causative Jianyu Construction, the cause event [N1+V1+N_2] means that N1“causes”N_2. The effect event[N_2+V_2] means that N_2 performs an certain action or remains in a certain state. The autonomous structure N_2 profiles two semantic substructures, one of which semantically corresponds to the schematic landmark“causee”profiled by the dependent structure V1 in the cause event; the other of whcih semantically overlaps with the schematic trajector“a certain action performer or an entity in a certain state”profiled by the dependent structure V_2 in the effect event. The two events are aligned into a coherent event which means that“because N1‘causes’N_2, N_2 performs a certain action or remains in a certain state”. In the reason-explaining Jianyu Construction, the effect event [N1+V1+N_2] means that N1 displays a certain feeling toward N_2. The cause event [N_2+V_2] means that N_2 performs a certain action or possesses a certain character. The autonomous structure N_2 profiles two semantic substructures, one of which semantically corresponds to the schematic landmark“feeling-receiver”profiled by the dependent structure V1 in the effect event; the other of whcih semantically overlaps with the schematic trajector“a certain action performer or a certain character possessor”profiled by the dependent structure V_2 in the cause event. The two events are aligned into a coherent event, which means that“N1 displays a certain feeling toward N_2,because N_2 performs a certain action or possesses a certain character”. In illustration Jianyu Construction, the cause event [N1+V1+N_2] means that N1 introduces a topic N_2. The effect event[N_2+V_2] means that N_2 performs an certain action or displays a certain feature. The autonomous structure N_2 profiles two semantic substructures, one of which semantically correponds to the schematic landmark“a topic introduced”profiled by the dependent structure V1 in the cause event; the other of whcih semantically overlaps with the schematic trajector“a certain action performer or an entity displaying a certain feature”profiled by the dependent structure V_2 in the effect event. The two events are aligned into a coherent event, which means that“N1 introduces a topic N_2, the topic N_2 performs a certain action or displays a certain feature”. The cause event and the effect event in the three categories of Jianyu Construction are aligned into a coherent cause-and-effect event through Jianyu N_2. The alignment function of Jianyu N_2 in the semantic construction of Jianyu Construction reveals the cognitive mechanism of N_2 discourse function.
     The alignment of the three categories of Jianyu Construction indicates that in some sense, the semantics of Jianyu Construction is determined by the semantics of its components. However, the semantics of Jianyu Construction is not equal to the composition of the components’semantics. Jianyu Construction expresses a complex event,which part of it is profiled is related to the language users’intention. Language users may profile the cause event or the effect event, depending on their intention.
     Chapter Seven analyzes the symbolic relationship between the syntactic structure and the semantic structure in Jianyu Construction. In this construction, the syntactic structure symbolizes the semantic structure, including the symbolic relationship between every syntactic structure and every semantic structure, the symbolic relationship between the grouping of syntactic structures and the grouping of the semantic structures and the symbolic relationship between the whole syntactic structure and the whole semantic structure. From the analysis of the symbolic relationship of Jianyu Construction, this study finds that Jianyu N_2 plays an alignment role not only in the semantic pole, but also in the syntactic pole. N_2’s semantic alignment is symbolized by its syntactic alignment. N_2 displays the typical features of Jianyu Construction both in the syntactic pole and the semantic pole. Therefore, N_2 really deserves the name of Jianyu.
     Chapter Eight explores the universal discourse function of Jianyu and analyzes the cognitive mechanism of the realization of Jianyu’s discourse function in Liandong Construction, Dongjie Construction, Ba Construction, Bei Construction, De Construction, Liandong-jianyu Construction, Jianyu-liandong Construction, double Jianyu Construction, Mutiple Jianyu Construction and the Jianyu expressions in English. Through analysis, it is found that Jianyu, just like N_2, is an implicit intersential cohesive method, playing a discourse function just like a conjunction. The discourse function of the component Jianyu is realized by the different semantic substructures it profiles.
     Chapter Nine is the conclusion, pointing out the main findings in this study. The findings are reported in four aspects. First, semantic overlapping is the necessary condition for the alignment of components in a construction. The components in a construction align to form a composite structure on the basis of semantic overlapping. Second, there exists the implicit cohesion mechanism in language. The intersentential cohesion of the component Jianyu is embodied by aligning the two actions or events in a construction into a complex action or event. Jianyu is an implicit intersentential cohesive method, playing a discourse function just like a cohesive conjunction. Third, just like the dependent structure, the autonomous structure also plays an important role in the alignment of components in a construction. Based on the encyclopaedic view of semantics, an autonomous structure may profile two or more semantic substructures, which elaborate the semantic substructures profiled by the different dependent structures. In the process of elaborating the semantic substructures profiled by the dependent structures, the autonomous structure aligns the processes or relations profiled by the dependent structures to form a composite process or relation. Fourth, the constructional meaning comes from the alignment of its components; however, the constructional meaning of Jianyu Construction is not the composition of the meaning of its components and the profile of a construction is related to the language user’s intention.
     The theoretical significance of the study is reported as follows. First, the exploration of Jianyu’s cohesive function enriches the study of discourse cohesion. Jianyu is an implicit intersentential cohesive method. Jianyu is an intersentential cohesive method why plays an important role in the intersentential cohesion. The exploration of Jianyu’s discourse function deepens people’s understanding of the discourse cohesion and widens the study concerning discourse cohesion in Chinese. Second, this study reveals the cognitive mechanism of Jianyu as a cohesive method. As an intersentential cohesive method, Jianyu aligns two actions or events into a complex action or event by the semantic overlappings between the substructures it profiles and the schemantic substructures profiled by the dependent elements.
     The study still has some limitations. The data coverage needs expanding. The pragmatic function of Jianyu in Jianyu Construction still needs a deeper exploration.
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