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For quite a long time, China has always used the teaching mode of Sending-Receiving at large. The teaching mode has lots of disadvantages, mainly among which are teacher-centeredness, ignorance of the students’individualism, and passiveness of the students. Under that mode, the teacher governs the class without the student’s active participation; Under that mode, the conveying of the knowledge is exaggerated without development of the capacity of the student’s self-studying, especially without development of personality; under that mode, the in taking of knowledge is passively conducted without the initiative of the students. This teaching mode doesn’t meet the demands of the requirements of Quality Education as well as the new curricula. What’more, it doesn’t meet the demand of the rapid development of modern society. Therefore the paper put forward the teaching mode for training students openness personality-oriented, which is directed against the traditional teaching ignored the cultivation of student’s personality, and meeting the demand of social development to personnel training.
     The teaching mode for training students openness personality-oriented is on the basis of the teaching modes of relating to cultivate openness personality at home and abroad, used the education research techniques such as literature law, class observation method, trying to build a new class teaching mode after a series of researching and summing-up. In this paper, in addition to the introduction and conclusion, the context includes three parts.
     Part One, summarizing the teaching mode for training students openness personality-oriented. First of all, defining the teaching mode for training students openness personality-oriented, and expatiating the teaching model, personality, traits, the five personality traits, openness personality and other related concepts. At the same time, character of the teaching mode is unique, main body and openness. And specifically on the teaching mode would help changing teacher’s teaching, students to master knowledge and skills, cultivating students openness personality, and other values.
     Part Two, building the procedure of the teaching mode for training students openness personality-oriented. This part is the focus of the paper. This is the teaching mode for training students openness personality, fully reflecting the students and students, students and teachers interaction, embodying the characteristics of openness. The main procedure as below: Creating situation, raising questions- Independent exploring, put forward proposals- Organizing discussion, exchanges problems- Teachers guiding, draw conclusions - Extending problems, expanding thinking.
     Part Three, focusing on the implementation strategies of the teaching mode for training students openness personality-oriented. Including: Through the construction of democratic and equal teacher-student relations, cultivating students’main body-consciousness, developing students’personality, promoting the team for the organizational forms of teaching for creating the democratic, equal and cooperated teaching environment; Through designing the problem of small and specific, innovative and interesting, level, openness to stimulate students’learning desire; Using modern information technology to support teaching to stimulate students’interest in learning, training students innovative thinking ,improving students learning autonomy and independence; Use the combining teacher evaluation and student evaluation , combining the assessment of learning results and process to achieve the diversification of assessable body and fashion.
     The innovation of the paper is based on the theory of modern teaching and personality psychology , and adapt the needs of the new curriculum reform as the starting point, proposed and constructed the teaching mode for training students openness personality-oriented. In the paper, from define the concept of the teaching mode for training students openness personality-oriented, expatiating the characteristic and value, fixing on the teaching objective, constructing the teaching basic procedures, established the relatively complete theoretical system of the teaching mode for training students openness personality-oriented. And through the implementation of the teaching mode, and achieve the object for cultivating the openness personality. The teaching mode has great theoretical significance and value. It will enrich further our teaching mode theory, and provide some theoretical guidance for our national basic education and teaching, and the new curriculum reform, adapting to the needs of the development for students themselves and society.
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