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In promoting development of China's new industrialization, speeding up economic restructuring and transformation of the mode of economic growth, and training a large contingent of skilled personnel, Vocational education have an irreplaceable role. But , in fact, the development of China's vocational education status , the quality of education in vocational schools have serious deficiencies, which commitment to the development of vocational education of the main tasks.
     Based on previous research, using different variables, the article study the differences situation of Vocational School Students in the study of motivation, learning strategy, learning style and learning, and select a certain level of 479 students in Shanghai as subjects. The results show that: there are different degrees of difference in grade and gender differences in Vocational School Students motivation to learn, learning strategy, learning style and learning, there is also not very satisfactory state of the differences. In many different variables, the intelligence factor is one of them. However, vocational education is for everyone and is to cultivate all kinds of practical talent at all levels education which the community really needs. Compared with the students who accept general education, for vocational school students, the lack of language and mathematical logic should not be obstacles to their development, nor is the focus of this research. Of course, this is not to say that we can ignore the development of the vocational students in these areas. On the contrary, it is hoped that, through the study of learning motivation, learning strategy, learning style and learning attitude in vocational school students, we can provide the kind of teaching which adapts to their individual needs, and to promote their language and mathematical logic intellectual development, thus realizing everyone becomes talents.
     On the basis of previous study in promoting the development of vocational school students, and with the actual survey results, in this paper,: In addition to the macro aspects of the system, the development of philosophy and teaching model, the teachers in vocational schools should also provide students with regard to their special needs teachings by establishing the concept of the differences in development, improving the status of classroom organization ,implementing tiered teaching and guiding strategies in skill master. Thus in the entire process of teaching, we can all-round, multi-angle pay attention to the differences in the students, to meet and realize their individual and special development needs.
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