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     在对管理控制部分的论述中,文章研究分析了目前集群系统广泛采用的消息传递机制,并论述软件系统如何使用消息机制协调软件各个功能模块的运作。在系统与主机的通讯模块的设计中,文章论述了如何使用Windows API函数实现系统的串行通讯接口和Ethernet接口。对于Ethernet接口的实现,我们利用了可有效支持Windows消息驱动机制的Winsock API的异步网络通信功能,即在C++ Builder环境下使用Winsock API,并加入了多线程技术,可以在局域网内任何一台PC机上远程访问现场分析仪,实现了实时远程命令发送、图像传送、数据存取等远程实验功能。使得仪器在局域网内可以真正做到自动管理,提高了现场分析仪的自动化程度。在该部分的最后,论文介绍了数据自动存储机制、数据库的可视化设计,并对系统自动控制功能的实现进行了叙述。
The trace heavy metal determination instrument is a kind of instrument which combines the method of using ISE and ISFET microsensors based on a sensitive chalcogenide glass with the method of the stripping voltammetry to determinate the trace metals in seawater. The software system investigated in this thesis is used to control the trace heavy metal determination instrument to run the test and analyze data ,
    The software system consists of several modules including data communication data preprocess pre-treatment respecting to real-time performance data storage, etc. The communication between the instrument and the server is based on serial port RS-232 or Ethernet Port and the communication among the modules in the software system is based on the message mechanism in Windows. According to the command that it received , the software system can control the running of our instrument, and use several methods such as digital filters curve fitting ,etc, to process the raw data and then store these results and transmit them to the server.
    The thesis mainly discussed several methods of data processing running tests parallel by using multiple threadso The details of the message mechanism used in our software system and the design of database are also discussed in this thesis.
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