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In the harsh domestic and international economic situation, accelerate the growth oftotal factor productivity (TFP) is the key to achieve sustainable development in china. Inone country, Total factor productivity can’t achieve growth without financial support.Especially, along with the deepening of financial system reform in China, the importantposition of financial system in the modern economic system has become increasinglyprominent, and financial system has played a more and more important role in the evolutionroute of total factor productivity. Thus, under the double background of economic growthmode transformation and financial system reform deepens, it has important theoretical andpractical significance to study systematically the impact and its mechanisms of financialdevelopment on TFP.
     In this paper, the impact effect and its mechanism of financial development on TFP areexplored from the aspect of theoretic analysis firstly. Then, the current status quo of China'sregional financial development are described and analyzed statistically using the indicatorsof financial interrelation ratio and private credit ratio and others; China regional TFP aremeasured based on stochastic frontier function (SFA) extension methods, and therelationship between financial development and TFP is described statistically. Finally, theproductivity effect of financial developpment and its mechanisms are studied by usingempirical researches based on the China’s provincial panel data. In the theoretical study,following the main idea of the financial functional view, the financial development variableis included the Schumpeterian growth model, and the impact effect and its mechanisms offinancial development on TFP are explored in this model by mathematical induction. Themodel suggests that financial development eases the financing constraints problem of thetechnological upgrading projects, and enhances the endogenous success probability of theseprojects, at the same time, promotes capital flow to the industries which have better development prospects. In one word, financial development promotes the total factorproductivity by inspiring technical progress and optimizing the capital allocation. Based onthe China's provincial-level panel data, the derivation results of the theoretical model aretested by empirical research, and the following conclusions are achieved:
     Firstly, the financial efficiency development significantly contributed to the growth oftotal factor productivity in China, but the financial scale development’s effect is notobvious. Other variables that affect the total factor productivity growth, such asinfrastructure, human capital, urbanization will significantly promote the growth of totalfactor productivity, but international trade and FDI have negative impact on TFP, but notsignificantly.
     Secondly, financial development speeds up the growth rate of total factor productivity,but this promotion effect present significant decreasing trend. When the level of financialdevelopment exceeds a certain critical value, this promotion effect will get to zero. In theperfect credit environment, total factor productivity growth rate will be equal to theexogenous rate of technological progress, can’t be impacted by the financial developmentlevel.
     Thirdly, promoting technological progress is one of the channels which financialdevelopment promotes one country’s total factor productivity. The impact of financialdevelopment on international spillover exist significant threshold effect. When the level offinancial development below the certain threshold, the impacts of FDI and internationaltrade on the domestic total factor productivity are significant negative; when the level offinancial development exceeds the certain threshold, the FDI on domestic total factorproductivity is significantly positive, the impact of international trade is not significant. Inaddition, financial development promotes significantly regional innovation capability. Inother variables that affect the innovation capacity-building, the contribution of R&D staffis significantly positive. R&D expenditure’s coefficient is positive but not significant;international trade significantly promote regional innovation output growth, FDI significantly inhibits the regional innovation capability; the variables such as human capital,specialization have no significant effect.
     Fourthly, optimizing the capital allocation is the other channel which financialdevelopment promotes one country’s total factor productivity. The efficiency of China’sregional capital allocation is measured by the industry investment reaction coefficientmethod,which is developed by Wurgler (2000), The measure results show that theefficiency of capital allocation is very low in our real economy. The empirical results showthat the financial development will significantly contribute to the enhancement of theefficiency of capital allocation. In addition, the share of state-owned enterprises and FDIwill have negative significantly impact on the efficiency of capital allocation, the impact ofgovernment intervention is not significant, the effect of infrastructure, human capital andinternational trade are significantly positive.
     Fifthly, the financial development is divided into two dimensions: financial scaledevelopment and financial efficiency development. The estimated results in empiricalresearches show that the effects of financial efficiency development are obvious than theeffect of the financial scale development, wherever in the path of the evolution of totalfactor productivity growth rate, or in the process of promoting technology spillover effects,ability construction of innovation and capital allocation effect.
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