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With the development of new technology (such as net, database, image processing, multimedia, massive information, computer software etc.), internet has got upgrade and grandness increasingly in the hardware and information content, and become a powerful driver of the knowledge produce, transfers and consume at the end of the 20th century. These make the rapid increase of information about the quantity, acquirement and application in the internet, furthermore the people's demands idea also qualitatively change. So the topic of knowledge mining in the Web information becomes gradually a hot research object.
    Knowledge mining has been applied in many fields. My paper puts the emphases on the domain of Web information in order to increase the research depth. The research of knowledge mining in the Web information is the procession that knowledge mining's theory is applied by the way of getting Web knowledge. Through discussing its concept, theory and method of knowledge mining, I draw conclusions and methods based on the theory research, then connect the theory with the practice and proof its correctness in the practical application. My paper is composed of fine chapters:
    Part 1, analyzes the character and the traditional search method of the Web information, combines with the research actuality, then presents the necessary of knowledge mining in Web information.
    Part 2, briefly introduces the concept and development of the knowledge mining, and introduces the concept, method and tools of the Web mining.
    Part 3, particularly analyzes the technology of knowledge mining (including Neural Networks, Decision Trees, Set Theory, Genetic Algorithm, Clustering) and discusses these tools of knowledge mining.
    Part 4, firstly discusses the class of knowledge mining in Web information. Secondly it discusses the methods of knowledge mining in Web information in the three aspect (content mining, structure mining, log mining). Lastly it analyses the application of XML technology in the Web information's knowledge mining.
    Part 5, building knowledge mining applications for CRM. Firstly it introduces the concept and development of CRM. Secondly it analyses the advantage of CRM. Thirdly it applies knowledge mining technique to CRM. And lastly case analyses, it introduces the knowledge mining method of SEMMA.
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