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The theory of the core competence of corporations is a hot topic in the field of strategy management in recent years. Because this theory is very instructive for the enhancement of the competence capacity of corporations and is an instruction for the capital recombination, it has been widely concerned in the circle of economic management in China. But up to now the researches of core competence are limited to qualitative analyses, which lack of concrete and systemic analyses, and evidently affect the practical applications of core competence in our country. This paper has a study on the evaluation of core competence, puts forward an integrated systemic analyses method and sets up the evaluation system of the core competence of corporations.
    The main work of this paper list as following:
    1. Start with researching the core competence of corporations, which it also fit to medium-small size corporations, and this paper describe the concept of the core competence.
    2. We design the analytical clue for evaluating the core competence of corporations, based on the structure of the core competence -"markets - technology - management". The index system of core competence evaluation is also been set up.
    3. This paper proposes a group of evaluation methods and models, which includes the indication of project evaluation analyses one and one and entire capacity of the core competence evaluation analyses.
    4. Some of evaluation models are been applied to the four state-owned medium-small size construction corporations are affiliated to our office, we make some calculations and testify the feasibility of the evaluation system of core competence.
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