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With the economic increase and scientific development, the competition among agro-machinery enterprises has been becoming increasingly heated. On one hand, the production efficiency is requested higher and higher as production period becomes shorter and shorter. On the other hand, the agro-machinery enterprises have to reduce the production cost while improving the quality, and enhancing competitiveness through more frequent replacement of equipment. So, as a key role playing in different enterprises, the agro-machinery enterprises need to be not only advanced and economical, but also to be reliable, environment protective and energy saving, etc. However, many agro-machinery enterprises in our country ignored equipment replacement for a long time, and abrasion has happened on equipment in the course of using or leaving unused due to various factors, as a result, the working efficiency, processing accuracy, environmental protection performance and safe reliability of equipment can not meet the requirement of market competition, and how to solve the issues of equipment replacement duly has become an important subject for every agro-machinery enterprise. This dissertation just researched equipment replacement of agro-machinery enterprises under this background, main research work and conclusion of the dissertation can be summarized as follows:
     1. Methodological and empirical research of important degree evaluation model on equipments in agro-machinery enterprises based on extension theory. On the basis of summary of hierarchical management theory of equipment, this dissertation put forward matter-element model and evaluation method for evaluating important degree of agro-machinery enterprises’equipment based on extension theory, and divide the important degree of agro-machinery enterprises’equipment into four grades of“less important”,“general”,“focal point”and“key”,and carry on empirical study on seven equipments of one production line of an agro-machinery enterprise, finally, this dissertation put forward relevant management method separately to every grade.
     2. Methodological and empirical research on diagnoses method of agro-machinery enterprises’equipment operation state based on extension theory. This dissertation first narrated and commented the existing state diagnosis methods such as genetic algorithm, nerve network method, etc, and analyzed their pluses and minuses. Secondly designed the evaluating indicator system of operation state of agro-machinery enterprises’equipment, and set up matter element model of equipment operation state, put forward equipment running status diagnostic model and method of agro-machinery enterprises’equipment innovatively based on extension theory, and constructed the rank judgment standard of equipment state, namely judge state rank of agro-machinery enterprises’equipment according to the principle of highest relation grade. Constructed the farm machinery business equipment running status existence element model, the innovation application extension theory theory method has established the farm machinery business. Finally this dissertation carry on empirical study by diagnosing operate state of three axles numerical control grinder machine of an agro-machinery enterprise, the result showed that this grinder machine needs to renew according to current operate state.
     3. Extension analysis of incompatible issues and opposite issues on equipment replacement of agro-machinery enterprises. This dissertation analyzed and transformed incompatible issues and opposite issues on agro-machinery enterprises’equipment replacement by using the thought of Extension Strategic Tactics Planning (ESTP). At first, this dissertation put forward the incompatible issues on agro-machinery enterprises’equipment replacement, i.e. the incompatible issues between enterprises’existing resources such as fund, factory building, talent, suppliers etc and their goals, i.e. equipment replacement. That is to say it’s very difficult to achieve the target of equipment replacement with agro-machinery enterprises’existing resources.
     On the extension analysis of talent issue, this dissertation put forward the incompatible issue model of talent and agro-machinery enterprises’equipment replacement, analyzed this issue from quantity and quality by using various extension transformation methods. The result indicated that after extension analysis, the talent resources of agro-machinery enterprises can turn from original inferior resource into the superior resources and meet the need equipment replacement, and original incompatibly issues turned into compatibly issues.On the extension analysis of supply and demand issue, this dissertation put forward the extension’s model of value contradictory issues between agro-machinery enterprises and equipment suppliers at first, then put forward the implication approaches which can promote value of agro-machinery enterprises and equipment supplier at the same time based on implication analysis of their goal, and confirmed the feasible tactics of promoting the value of both sides by extension transformation. The result indicated that agro-machinery enterprises can promote both suppliers’value and their value at the same time during the process of equipment replacement and turn contradictory issues into harmonious issues by using the thought and methods of Extension Strategic Tactics Planning (ESTP).
     4. Methodological and empirical research on agro-machinery enterprises’equipment selection evaluation. This dissertation first analyzed related issues on equipment selection such as equipment allocating principle, selecting principle and message collection,etc, and designed the index system of agro-machinery enterprises’equipment selection evaluation from technology, economy, ecological environmental protection, employment security based on value engineering theory, restriction theory and system engineering theory. Then put forward fuzzy matter-element model and evaluation method for equipment selection of agro-machinery enterprises based on fuzzy mathematics and extension theory, and formulated the appraisal flow of equipment selection evaluation. Finally the dissertation carried on empirical research of equipment selection on connecting rod production line of an agro-machinery enterprise base on constructed model and method, the result indicated that the model and the method are effective and feasible.
     5. Methodological and empirical research on operation crisis early-warning and management of agro-machinery enterprises’equipment. This dissertation designed single index and multi-index early-warning models of agro-machinery enterprises’equipment operation crisis based on extension theory at first, and carried on empirical research by taking ecological environment indices of a three axle numerical control grinder machine as study object combining the constructed multi-index early-warning model. The results indicate that this grinder's ecological environment condition is in the dangerous area and needs to take measures to process promptly. Then the dissertation studied the management methods of agro-machinery enterprises’equipment operation crisis systematically by taking this grinder as resear object from goal, condition and extension analysis of condition etc, the results show that the extension methods are all feasible and effective to manage operate crisis of agro-machinery enterprises’equipment.
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