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目的 观察在电针及主动运动状态下,卒中患者双侧半球脑电活动的即时变化,从电生理角度探讨针刺与主动运动对脑功能重组的意义。
     方法 在脑电地形图仪的即时监控下,对20例脑卒中患者先后行患侧拇指的主动对掌运动及电针患侧曲池、合谷两穴,观察在作用前后患者脑电地形图各功率谱的变化,同时比较在上述不同治疗措施下患者脑电活动的变化情况。
     结果 在电针患侧合谷、曲池两穴及患侧拇指的对掌运动中,患侧大脑半球δ波功率明显下降(P<0.05),而且电针组的变化更为显著(P≤0.01),但电针与主动运动二者之间治疗后对比在慢波功率改变上则无明显差异(P>0.05),同时对α波及β波功率亦无明显影响(P>0.05)。另外,电针还能使非梗死侧大脑半球β2波的平均功率有升高趋势(P<0.05),并且在项区的变化上呈现统计学上的差异(P<0.05)。
     结论 在脑卒中患者的康复治疗中,主动运动及电针刺激均能即时改善患者的脑电活动状态,改善慢波功率,二者作用在脑电地形图上无明显差别。电针还能引起非梗死侧大脑半球脑电活动的增强,推测其可能对大脑半球的系统间功能重组产生积极的作用。
Purpose To investigate the immediate change on the twin side hemisphere brain electricity activity of stroke patient in electricity acupuncture or active movement condition. At the same time, try to approach the contribution of the acupuncture and active movement in the brain function's recombination from the Electrophysiology.
    Methods Under the instant monitor of brain electrical activity mapping , let the patient's suffering thumb make a control move to his palm, or let the electricity acupuncture act on the two dens (LL4quchk LI11hegu)on the suffering limb, then we investigate and compare alternation tendency of the patient's different brain electrical activity under the two above treatment measures.
    Results When the thumb is moving back and forth to the palm, the 8 wave power of the poststroke hemisphere is dropped obviously (P<0.05) , and so does the electricity acupuncture. What's more, the signification of electricity acupuncture is more remarkable (P<0.01) . Yet there is no obviously difference between electricity acupuncture and the initiative movement (P>0.05) Furthermore, we still found that the electricity acupuncture would be able to cause the B2 wave's average power ascend obviously in non-infarction side of cerebral hemisphere. Moreover the p2 wave power ascending at the parietal district has the evident significance (P<0.05) .
    Conclusion In the stroke patient's recovery period, initiatively movement and the electricity acupuncture all be able to improve the brain electricity active state, and there
    is no obviously disparity between two actions. Meanwhile electricity acupuncture can strengthen the brain electricity activity of non-infarction side cerebral hemisphere, it shows that electricity acupuncture can have a positive effect on the function reorganization among systems of cerebral hemisphere system.
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