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“It is impossible that one without legal consciousness. Everyone who can feel the other being existed except himself must have the legal consciousness”. To improving the legal consciousness of the university students is not only one of the main content of ideological and political education course,but also have a great demonstration efffect to the community. Traning students establish a socialist legal consciousness ,enhance their legal concept of the rule by law is to achieve the project of vital and lasting importance. The lack of law knowledge of students and the lack of legal consciousness are serious. Therefore ,this paper make some suggestions to solve this problem by investigation,study and analysis its causes.
     The full text is divided into four part:
     The first part,overview of university students’legal consciousness. On the awareness of the law, different scholars have a different definition and expositions. Through their point of view can be drawn from the comprehensive analysis and legal consciousness is a special kind of social awareness system is the main social phenomenon of social law subjective grasp, is the law of the rational and emotional, will and faith, and other Psychological elements of organic synthesis. Students awareness of the law can be expressed as groups of law students, legal or form a reflection of the phenomenon, that is, psychological, knowledge, views and ideas, including the laws of emotional, cognitive, evaluation and belief, such as the inner experience.
     The second part, problem exists among contemporary university students legal consciousness. First, lack of legal knowledge . The university student law knowledge level is not well and they always pay more attention on their professional course while pay less attention on their elementary course, so when the examination month is coming, most students will become crammer for their elementary course. Under the control of this thought, college students always have no fixed elementary law knowledge. Second, have less or no legal sense. It’s easy to make college student have no clear law concept for they lack of law knowledge, even have part of college student beginning to doubt and unbelief the law and the main performance is on they have no clear idea about right and law relationships, definition between criminal and brake the law, ignore the law effects and other aspect. Third, value judgment standard deviation. though the thoroughly investigation that the college student takes seriously with the approval law utility function , actually neglected the legal social function moreover their law value understanding also to be in the primary level. Finally, the legal belief not yet is established. The investigation showed that the partial university students lack the firm legal belief, also on own initiative obeys and abides by the law very difficultly.
     The third part, reasons of modern university student legal consciousness flaw. first, History cultural element. The tradition that morality is important than the law make huge psychological resistance for us to enforth the rule by law today and has restricted the thought governing the country by law dissemination. The traditional rule by people idea to a certain extent has also had the negative influence to the university student legal awareness's formation. The tradition idea sues lightly, evades sues to save deeply in citizen's mental structure until now, becomes the huge resistance to raise present age university student legal awareness. The traditional duty standard idea strengthened the people the value orientation which and sues lightly to the legal dread evades sues.second,social element, The market economy condition is imperfect the assignment income disparity which causes to be disparate and the money function's enlargement easy to create the people psychology the imbalance, sometimes some university students even are willing for the money, but crime. At the same time, also lacks the good government by law environment. Sometimes like, the legislative quality not high, the law enforcement mechanism malfunctions, the Judicial organ to have the corruption and so on. The network also has some negative influences. third, Education administration factor, Mainly displays in the school edition has loses, the classroom instruction effect biased unsatisfactory, aspects and so on extracurricular practice link asthenia. The Fouth one , Home education existence flaw, The home education idea is unscientific causes the family often to take student's academic record, but has neglected the other quality integrated development. Many home education's way is inappropriate, like spoils excessively, excessively severe or indulges, no matter and so on. The fifth one, reasons of colledge student themselves. The main performance is, psychological development existence many kinds of contradictions, thinking method one-sided, value goal aspects and so on utility.
     The fourth part, the effective method of training college students on their law consciousness.Through the analysis and comprehension of the legal consciousness which exist in the college students’mind, we could take action as following: First, establish scientific training idea, raise legal awareness. Setting up the idea of self-improvement, pay more attention on the changes from focusing on the books to practice, from teaching law knowledge to improving the ability of using law. At the same time, we should implement the people-oriented,regarding the students as a vivid, complete individual, train their autonomy, initiative and creativity. Secondly, improving teaching process in classroom, improving teaching methods, extend teaching time. Thirdly, create three-dimensional train environment, strengthen college students’law awareness. Creating a nice social law environment is a systematic project for improving the law awareness of college students; it needs the supervision of all the society. For example, strengthen legislation, setting up a complete law system:do according to the law, strictly implemented the law. Creating a campus law environment, keeping manage universities according to the law. Improving the conscious and moral level of parents, improving their responsibility; improving the parents’law consciousness could accelerate the implementation of the law education. Finally, we should build a healthy network. Setting up a special network management agency, so that to make it in order and keep implementing for a long term. Fourthly, we should build a effective practicing process, improving college students’law ability. We should set up a standardize mechanism, a steady activity place and practice base and set up a effective competition incentive mechanism. Fifth, we should college students’initiative. On one hand, the college students should learn law actively and strengthen the moral self-discipline, on the other hand, we need promote the propagandizing of the rule of law, actively make the college students understand law knowledge and learn it.
     In a word, strengthen the law consciousness of university students, it not only needs their own effort, but also needs the effort from the universities, families and the society. Unless the law consciousness increased, ideological and political lesson can be really implemented, socialism law building could be moving forward quickly and effectively!
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